Dutch Architecture looks like Exploding World Trade Centers of 9/11

Nov 15, 2009
Makes you wonder what the architects true thoughts are with the specific choice of words the Dutch architectual firm uses...

Quote: "we never intended to design a project looking like an exploding building"

Note: the specific use of the term "exploding" building!


World News - Some see Twin Towers blast in architect's design
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Reminds me of another Dutch who went on National Television in Denmark about 9/11...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56KFHIq6KZM]Scientist Niels H. Harrit presents evidence of nano-thermite found in WTC dust on Danish television - YouTube[/ame]

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Makes you wonder what the architects true thoughts are with the specific choice of words the Dutch architectual firm uses...

Quote: "we never intended to design a project looking like an exploding building"

Fucking liars.
What a hideous concept. Even without the 9/11 reference that design is obnoxiously offensive. My aesthetic sense runs to large, updated log homes and small brick buildings. So those monstrosities make me nervous.
Dutch not takin' any chances, burqas an' wooden shoes don't mix...
Dutch govt approves burqa ban
Jan 28, 2012: The Dutch government Friday approved a ban on face-covering clothing, such as a burqa, a niqab, a forage cap, or a full face helmet, reported Xinhua.
People going on the streets with one of these now risk being fined for up to 380 euros ($499). "It is very important that people in an open society meet each other in an open way," Minister of Interior Affairs Liesbeth Spies said after the cabinet meeting.

The burqa ban was already part of the government coalition agreement. In September 2011, the proposal was sent for advice to the council of state, which issued a negative opinion. The council considered the proposal contrary to the prohibition of freedom of religion and contrary to the standards of non-discrimination. The government's main advisory body also wondered whether a burqa ban was too heavy a measure.

However, the cabinet neglected the advice and claimed the European Convention on Human Rights offers the opportunity to limit religious freedom when it is in the interest of the public order. "We think we have to make a legitimate exception to the freedom of religion," Spies said. In April last year, France introduced a burqa ban and became the first European country to ban people from concealing their faces in public in many manner.

Makes you wonder what the architects true thoughts are with the specific choice of words the Dutch architectual firm uses...

Quote: "we never intended to design a project looking like an exploding building"

Note: the specific use of the term "exploding" building!


World News - Some see Twin Towers blast in architect's design

I wonder if these buildings top floors could hit the ground almost as fast as a bowling ball would if dropped right next to them?...

Even though the top floors had to crush many vertical support columns all the way down...which were welded and fastened and even tapered to be thicker and stronger as they go down.....

Yet the top floors in both buildings still hit the ground almost as fast as a bowling ball would if dropped right beside them....LMAO
For the many people who rely on "there would be many involved' or "where are all the whistle blowers?" ...

This is how government investigations can be controlled and quieted in America...

Below is a small quote from an article in Asia Times:

the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper reported that the SEC took the unprecedented step to deputize hundreds, if not even thousands of key stakeholders in the private sector for their investigation. In a statement that was sent to almost all listed companies in the US, the SEC asked the addressed companies to assign senior staff for the investigation, who would be aware of "the sensitive nature" of the case and could be relied on to "exercise appropriate discretion".

In essence, it was about controlling information, not about provision and disclosure of facts. Such a course of action involves compromising consequences.

Ruppert: What happens when you deputize someone in a national security or criminal investigation is that you make it illegal for them to disclose publicly what they know. Smart move. In effect, they become government agents and are controlled by government regulations rather than their own conscience. In fact, they can be thrown into jail without a hearing if they talk publicly. I have seen this implied threat time after time with federal investigators, intelligence agents, and even members of United States Congress who are bound so tightly by secrecy oaths and agreements that they are not even able to disclose criminal activities inside the government for fear of incarceration.

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs
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CD your back.I thought you died or something.

Glad to see your still posting in an uphill battle...

Due to the fact that the internet is full of disinformation surrounding core indisputable facts....

and the proven propaganda posters Israel and U.S. have on many sites...likely like this one...
CD your back.I thought you died or something.

Glad to see your still posting in an uphill battle...

Due to the fact that the internet is full of disinformation surrounding core indisputable facts....

and the proven propaganda posters Israel and U.S. have on many sites...likely like this one...

yeah we got so many Israeli paid agents here at this site and others i can see why you got away from it for a while.
CD your back.I thought you died or something.

Glad to see your still posting in an uphill battle...

Due to the fact that the internet is full of disinformation surrounding core indisputable facts....

and the proven propaganda posters Israel and U.S. have on many sites...likely like this one...

yeah we got so many Israeli paid agents here at this site and others i can see why you got away from it for a while.

It is all over the internet....
CD your back.I thought you died or something.

Glad to see your still posting in an uphill battle...

Due to the fact that the internet is full of disinformation surrounding core indisputable facts....

and the proven propaganda posters Israel and U.S. have on many sites...likely like this one...

yeah we got so many Israeli paid agents here at this site and others i can see why you got away from it for a while.

The internet ss storm troopers likely have too low of an I.Q. to realize they are just a sort of "O.J. Simpson defense attorneys"....

Just like the dumb troopers in Germany who had a low enough I.Q. to follow commands years ago against another so called anti-patriot of sorts....

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