Dynasty Party Politics in Cali. This is how far it has gone..

Were You Aware of the "Top 2 Primary Rule" in California?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 57.1%

  • Total voters
Not even close. It ensures that everyone votes a straight democratic ticket. Not that many people vote in state elections and even fewer in city elections. In the 2014 election for state and city offices the turnout was only 16%. I don't vote for city or state offices at all. I vote against all the initiatives.

So you just complained against something that you don't even vote for. That makes no sense whatsoever. You just gave more energy and initiative to reply to my post than you do in your own state and city elections.
I won't vote for a Democrat and only Democrats are on the ballot. You think that somehow this system allows for other than democrats to run. Nope, other than democrats are all knocked out early.

Yep, if someone runs a candidate with a good enough platform, then they'll do fine. This is about representing the will of the people right?

Couple of problems. Let's go back to your fast food analogy. Which I took a pass on the 1st time you used it.
Once you've decided on burgers, you look at the menu and there are 2 IDENTICAL LOOKING burgers on it with a slight price difference. You have to ask what's the diff? And they tell you that one has sesame seeds on the TOP bun and the other has sesame seeds on the BOTTOM bun. Are we done with the trivial snacking now??

The other problem is --- NOBODY pays attention to the primaries. The media is not wound up to cover a "cattle call". And the POLL attendance is at best 30% of what they are on election day.

And it's EXTREMELY undemocratic to allow ONE party to control the entire General Election Campaign. Where is the DEBATE? Where is the critical challenge? Where is the TRUE competition? Because punches are pulled and the ENTIRE General campaign becomes a party advertising campaign.

Now in terms of "disenfranching voters" -- BOTH the brand name parties do this all the time. They refuse to RUN or endorse or fund their candidates in losing races. Up to 12 or 15% of US Congress races are so "locked up" that the parties just abandon that 40% minority without a viable candidate. Which is GREAT for the LParty and the Greens in FREE states (not Cali) -- because in those ABANDONED races the LP can pull up 25 or 30% and qualify for ballot access in future races. With this horrific law in Cali --- 3rd parties NEVER get the chance to pre-qualify for ballot access from a General Election..

I wasn't just talking about THE burgers. First you have to choose the burger joint you go to... and that can mean a whole lot of other things.

If your party isn't getting enough attention in the general election where the two candidates are already selected, then maybe your party needs to change its campaign strategy and start bringing more attention to the primaries. Problem solved.

Good.. Hope this happens to YOUR preferred party -- and often.:dev3: And NO -- I'm not gonna explain your own lame analogy between fast dinner and the future of your Representative Democracy.. :mad-61:
So you just complained against something that you don't even vote for. That makes no sense whatsoever. You just gave more energy and initiative to reply to my post than you do in your own state and city elections.
I won't vote for a Democrat and only Democrats are on the ballot. You think that somehow this system allows for other than democrats to run. Nope, other than democrats are all knocked out early.

Yep, if someone runs a candidate with a good enough platform, then they'll do fine. This is about representing the will of the people right?

Couple of problems. Let's go back to your fast food analogy. Which I took a pass on the 1st time you used it.
Once you've decided on burgers, you look at the menu and there are 2 IDENTICAL LOOKING burgers on it with a slight price difference. You have to ask what's the diff? And they tell you that one has sesame seeds on the TOP bun and the other has sesame seeds on the BOTTOM bun. Are we done with the trivial snacking now??

The other problem is --- NOBODY pays attention to the primaries. The media is not wound up to cover a "cattle call". And the POLL attendance is at best 30% of what they are on election day.

And it's EXTREMELY undemocratic to allow ONE party to control the entire General Election Campaign. Where is the DEBATE? Where is the critical challenge? Where is the TRUE competition? Because punches are pulled and the ENTIRE General campaign becomes a party advertising campaign.

Now in terms of "disenfranching voters" -- BOTH the brand name parties do this all the time. They refuse to RUN or endorse or fund their candidates in losing races. Up to 12 or 15% of US Congress races are so "locked up" that the parties just abandon that 40% minority without a viable candidate. Which is GREAT for the LParty and the Greens in FREE states (not Cali) -- because in those ABANDONED races the LP can pull up 25 or 30% and qualify for ballot access in future races. With this horrific law in Cali --- 3rd parties NEVER get the chance to pre-qualify for ballot access from a General Election..

I wasn't just talking about THE burgers. First you have to choose the burger joint you go to... and that can mean a whole lot of other things.

If your party isn't getting enough attention in the general election where the two candidates are already selected, then maybe your party needs to change its campaign strategy and start bringing more attention to the primaries. Problem solved.

Good.. Hope this happens to YOUR preferred party -- and often.:dev3: And NO -- I'm not gonna explain your own lame analogy between fast dinner and the future of your Representative Democracy.. :mad-61:

I'm an independent. My representative already got fucked by Hillary. It happens, and there isn't shit we can do about it.
I won't vote for a Democrat and only Democrats are on the ballot. You think that somehow this system allows for other than democrats to run. Nope, other than democrats are all knocked out early.

Yep, if someone runs a candidate with a good enough platform, then they'll do fine. This is about representing the will of the people right?

Couple of problems. Let's go back to your fast food analogy. Which I took a pass on the 1st time you used it.
Once you've decided on burgers, you look at the menu and there are 2 IDENTICAL LOOKING burgers on it with a slight price difference. You have to ask what's the diff? And they tell you that one has sesame seeds on the TOP bun and the other has sesame seeds on the BOTTOM bun. Are we done with the trivial snacking now??

The other problem is --- NOBODY pays attention to the primaries. The media is not wound up to cover a "cattle call". And the POLL attendance is at best 30% of what they are on election day.

And it's EXTREMELY undemocratic to allow ONE party to control the entire General Election Campaign. Where is the DEBATE? Where is the critical challenge? Where is the TRUE competition? Because punches are pulled and the ENTIRE General campaign becomes a party advertising campaign.

Now in terms of "disenfranching voters" -- BOTH the brand name parties do this all the time. They refuse to RUN or endorse or fund their candidates in losing races. Up to 12 or 15% of US Congress races are so "locked up" that the parties just abandon that 40% minority without a viable candidate. Which is GREAT for the LParty and the Greens in FREE states (not Cali) -- because in those ABANDONED races the LP can pull up 25 or 30% and qualify for ballot access in future races. With this horrific law in Cali --- 3rd parties NEVER get the chance to pre-qualify for ballot access from a General Election..

I wasn't just talking about THE burgers. First you have to choose the burger joint you go to... and that can mean a whole lot of other things.

If your party isn't getting enough attention in the general election where the two candidates are already selected, then maybe your party needs to change its campaign strategy and start bringing more attention to the primaries. Problem solved.

Good.. Hope this happens to YOUR preferred party -- and often.:dev3: And NO -- I'm not gonna explain your own lame analogy between fast dinner and the future of your Representative Democracy.. :mad-61:

I'm an independent. My representative already got fucked by Hillary. It happens, and there isn't shit we can do about it.

Well then. .Let's throw up our hands and allow the partisan zealots to make things even worse !!! Good plan.. You might want to move to Cali.. Pretty soon, they'll all be voting on ballot initiatives concerning what to have for lunch.. Or allowable house colors..
Yep, if someone runs a candidate with a good enough platform, then they'll do fine. This is about representing the will of the people right?

Couple of problems. Let's go back to your fast food analogy. Which I took a pass on the 1st time you used it.
Once you've decided on burgers, you look at the menu and there are 2 IDENTICAL LOOKING burgers on it with a slight price difference. You have to ask what's the diff? And they tell you that one has sesame seeds on the TOP bun and the other has sesame seeds on the BOTTOM bun. Are we done with the trivial snacking now??

The other problem is --- NOBODY pays attention to the primaries. The media is not wound up to cover a "cattle call". And the POLL attendance is at best 30% of what they are on election day.

And it's EXTREMELY undemocratic to allow ONE party to control the entire General Election Campaign. Where is the DEBATE? Where is the critical challenge? Where is the TRUE competition? Because punches are pulled and the ENTIRE General campaign becomes a party advertising campaign.

Now in terms of "disenfranching voters" -- BOTH the brand name parties do this all the time. They refuse to RUN or endorse or fund their candidates in losing races. Up to 12 or 15% of US Congress races are so "locked up" that the parties just abandon that 40% minority without a viable candidate. Which is GREAT for the LParty and the Greens in FREE states (not Cali) -- because in those ABANDONED races the LP can pull up 25 or 30% and qualify for ballot access in future races. With this horrific law in Cali --- 3rd parties NEVER get the chance to pre-qualify for ballot access from a General Election..

I wasn't just talking about THE burgers. First you have to choose the burger joint you go to... and that can mean a whole lot of other things.

If your party isn't getting enough attention in the general election where the two candidates are already selected, then maybe your party needs to change its campaign strategy and start bringing more attention to the primaries. Problem solved.

Good.. Hope this happens to YOUR preferred party -- and often.:dev3: And NO -- I'm not gonna explain your own lame analogy between fast dinner and the future of your Representative Democracy.. :mad-61:

I'm an independent. My representative already got fucked by Hillary. It happens, and there isn't shit we can do about it.

Well then. .Let's throw up our hands and allow the partisan zealots to make things even worse !!! Good plan.. You might want to move to Cali.. Pretty soon, they'll all be voting on ballot initiatives concerning what to have for lunch.. Or allowable house colors..

Sure, but in Cali they also aren't going to let the government tell them to cut the rights of gay people and minorities and such. See how that works?

Why am I throwing up my hands? Because people are too blinded by their hate for other political parties to see that their own party is destroying the fabric of America... and therefor no one is doing anything to stop it.

I was watching a tv show talking about Trump and how he does some of the dumbest stuff like his Twitter rants... and they all have a purpose. They are nothing but a diversion from the truth and what's really going on. As long as people pay attention to trying to fact check all his lies, and his own supporters are stuck chanting his slogans, he can do and get away with doing whatever he wants behind the scenes. It's all one huge ruse...
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?

Huh? I don't care about North Carolina I live in Kentucky. But I'd rather see the two best candidates going against each no matter what party they are from, rather than have a crappy candidate from one party win just because the majority of voters from that candidates political party showed up at the voting stations.

There is just too many zombie straight ticket voters out there that vote just for their party without even knowing the candidates or their stances on the issues.

Hey dude -- wake up. The result of this insanity IS a straight party ticket. They've ELIMINATED ALL competition. Or voices, or choices, or debate.

So you're saying that because in an area that is mostly one political party, they will always vote two of their people to be at the top of the ticket and thus shutting out the other party?

You know what I say? Fuck political parties, I'm tired of them. Vote for the best people to do the job and have the best believes that represent you on the issues.

So would it change anything for you if everyone just ran as Independents instead of Republicans and Democrats and two Independents were the top 2 people to run on the ticket?

You're stuck on this us vs. them mentality of the two party system... and you are missing my point. I don't give care what party someone is from.
well it does when money is involved. you know this right?
Did you know that Senator Barb Boxer was replaced in the last election? Found that out yesterday. The election media coverage was that bad. Are you aware that the race for that US Senate seat was TWO DEMOCRATS?? No Repub, Libertarian or Green even qualified for General election. They were not allowed to even challenge the 2 candidates.

Because the mindless ones in Cali apparently approved the "consolidated primary" idea that I helped oppose for YEARS out there. The STATE decides that all primary candidates are on ONE ballot. And that only the top TWO make it to the General Election.. How many people in the US realize that the STATE of Cali has stepped in to interfere with the party nominating process to that degree? The "Top TWO rule" applies to most State offices and the US CONGRESS races. (not the Prez, probably because they couldn't get away with that)

Voting in the Primary Election

Can you imagine restricting ballot access to that degree? Especially if it's LIKELY that important races will have 2 candidates from the Dem party and no other choices !!! If folks who care wait TOO LONG -- it will too late to fix things peacefully within the process. I found out that Cali passed this POS idea since I left -- just yesterday. Never thought they would actually get away with it. Put too much trust into the general fairness and inclusiveness of the electorate in a place like Cali. That's partly why I left.

When this "consolidated primary" goes on the ballot now in Cali -- the Party affiliations are NOT EVEN ALLOWED to appear. It usurps the right of the parties to nominate their candidates and place them into the race. Time is short. Have had lots of people laugh at me and other 3rd party folks about calling the 2 brand name parties "dynasties". But they are getting their hooks in the roots of the process and consolidating their monopoly power and influence. And time is getting VERY short to oppose this and preserve ballot access and choice.

WAKE dafuq up people. The 2 parties are now all about WINNING. And not about respect of the American political heritage or serving the people with humility.

Whose ballot access has been restricted?

I voted in California- I voted in the primary and in the general election. I wasn't restricted at all.

What I find amusing about your ranting is that this is old news.
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?

If Republicans were prohibited from the General election you would have a point- but they aren't.

The top two candidates from the primary go on the general ballot. If they are both Republicans- then we get to vote between two Republicans.
I lived in California for more than thirty years. I was aware.

On the upside, Boxer is gone. Now, if only they could do something about Pelosi & Feinstein...
Their former governor is about to take over the show that made Trump a star. There's a new path to the White House I think.

Who? My buddy Jerry Brown? He's had his shot at the WHouse. The guy is not the interesting problem solver he used to be.
he's a whack-a-doodle

Jerry Brown has been a great governor for California this time around. He has been solving problems in California. The only thing I actually disagree with him on is the high speed rail system
Sounds a bit like LA, they're having a runoff next month for the top two for the senate.

Which senate? You mean state senate right?
Because the US Senate seat now belongs to Kamala Harris. Never had any party opposition in getting it. Total Democrat show.. They ELIMINATED the competition.. .

Kamala Harris had to fight a tough campaign against Democrat Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.

LOS ANGELES — Two Democrats will battle each other to become California’s next United States senator, after winning the top two spots in an open primary on Tuesday.

The intraparty fight between Kamala Harris, the state’s attorney general, and Loretta Sanchez, a congresswoman from Orange County, will be the first to shut out Republicans since California approved nonpartisan primaries in 2010.

Ms. Harris and Ms. Sanchez defeated a crowded field that included two former chairmen of the State Republican Party. Ms. Harris, who has received the official backing of the State Democratic Party, captured 40 percent of the vote, and Ms. Sanchez 17 percent, with 55 percent of the precincts reporting.
What amazes me is how persistent and stealthy this whole change has been. Never heard ANYTHING about the "top 2 " for US Senate in Cali being Dems during this election. The media doesn't freaking care that you know. I was VERY active in defeating the 1st "ballot initiative" to pass this turd in 2004.. Our LParty chapter even wrote the "dissenting" view to the proposition in the Cali Voter Handbook.. In there -- You are stacked against all the big name Dems writing for the "approve" side. We asked folks to consider the arbitrary nature of the "top 2".. Why not the "top 4"? And a lot of good questions. We BARELY won that time. So -- I guess, the nature of Cali politics has gotten more extreme since I left.

Top-two primary - Ballotpedia


In 2000, the United States Supreme Court struck down California's blanket primary system in California Democratic Party v. Jones. Voters narrowly defeated Proposition 62, the "Modified Blanket Primaries Act," in November 2004. In June 2010, voters approved Proposition 14, a measure known as the "Top Two Primaries Act."

Proposition 14 requires that candidates run in a single primary open to all registered voters, with the top two vote-getters meeting in a runoff. The new system took effect in the April 19, 2011, special election for California State Senate District 28.[5]

As a result of the top-two primary, same-party candidates faced off in nine of California's 53 congressional districts in the November 6, 2012, general election. In seven districts, two Democrats opposed one another; in the remaining two, two Republicans faced off.[6]

SupCt refused to take the case for appeal. The whole thing disgusts me and makes me glad I left..

So you are suddenly outraged about a system the voters approved of, and went into effect 5 years ago.

I think California is glad you left too.
Did you know that Senator Barb Boxer was replaced in the last election? Found that out yesterday. The election media coverage was that bad. Are you aware that the race for that US Senate seat was TWO DEMOCRATS?? No Repub, Libertarian or Green even qualified for General election. They were not allowed to even challenge the 2 candidates.

Because the mindless ones in Cali apparently approved the "consolidated primary" idea that I helped oppose for YEARS out there. The STATE decides that all primary candidates are on ONE ballot. And that only the top TWO make it to the General Election.. How many people in the US realize that the STATE of Cali has stepped in to interfere with the party nominating process to that degree? The "Top TWO rule" applies to most State offices and the US CONGRESS races. (not the Prez, probably because they couldn't get away with that)

Voting in the Primary Election

Can you imagine restricting ballot access to that degree? Especially if it's LIKELY that important races will have 2 candidates from the Dem party and no other choices !!! If folks who care wait TOO LONG -- it will too late to fix things peacefully within the process. I found out that Cali passed this POS idea since I left -- just yesterday. Never thought they would actually get away with it. Put too much trust into the general fairness and inclusiveness of the electorate in a place like Cali. That's partly why I left.

When this "consolidated primary" goes on the ballot now in Cali -- the Party affiliations are NOT EVEN ALLOWED to appear. It usurps the right of the parties to nominate their candidates and place them into the race. Time is short. Have had lots of people laugh at me and other 3rd party folks about calling the 2 brand name parties "dynasties". But they are getting their hooks in the roots of the process and consolidating their monopoly power and influence. And time is getting VERY short to oppose this and preserve ballot access and choice.

WAKE dafuq up people. The 2 parties are now all about WINNING. And not about respect of the American political heritage or serving the people with humility.

Whose ballot access has been restricted?

I voted in California- I voted in the primary and in the general election. I wasn't restricted at all.

What I find amusing about your ranting is that this is old news.

You're really amused?? How amused would you be if the 2 choices Cali gives you to run in a General is a Repub and a Libertarian? I think your amusement is situational and you're not seeing the serious dicking around that's built into this arbitrary law..
Did you know that Senator Barb Boxer was replaced in the last election? Found that out yesterday. The election media coverage was that bad. Are you aware that the race for that US Senate seat was TWO DEMOCRATS?? No Repub, Libertarian or Green even qualified for General election. They were not allowed to even challenge the 2 candidates.

Because the mindless ones in Cali apparently approved the "consolidated primary" idea that I helped oppose for YEARS out there. The STATE decides that all primary candidates are on ONE ballot. And that only the top TWO make it to the General Election.. How many people in the US realize that the STATE of Cali has stepped in to interfere with the party nominating process to that degree? The "Top TWO rule" applies to most State offices and the US CONGRESS races. (not the Prez, probably because they couldn't get away with that)

Voting in the Primary Election

Can you imagine restricting ballot access to that degree? Especially if it's LIKELY that important races will have 2 candidates from the Dem party and no other choices !!! If folks who care wait TOO LONG -- it will too late to fix things peacefully within the process. I found out that Cali passed this POS idea since I left -- just yesterday. Never thought they would actually get away with it. Put too much trust into the general fairness and inclusiveness of the electorate in a place like Cali. That's partly why I left.

When this "consolidated primary" goes on the ballot now in Cali -- the Party affiliations are NOT EVEN ALLOWED to appear. It usurps the right of the parties to nominate their candidates and place them into the race. Time is short. Have had lots of people laugh at me and other 3rd party folks about calling the 2 brand name parties "dynasties". But they are getting their hooks in the roots of the process and consolidating their monopoly power and influence. And time is getting VERY short to oppose this and preserve ballot access and choice.

WAKE dafuq up people. The 2 parties are now all about WINNING. And not about respect of the American political heritage or serving the people with humility.

Whose ballot access has been restricted?

I voted in California- I voted in the primary and in the general election. I wasn't restricted at all.

What I find amusing about your ranting is that this is old news.

You're really amused?? How amused would you be if the 2 choices Cali gives you to run in a General is a Repub and a Libertarian? I think your amusement is situational and you're not seeing the serious dicking around that's built into this arbitrary law..

I would be fine with that- if the voters decide that the two best candidates are a Republican and a Libertarian then I would vote for whichever candidate I thought was the best of the two.
When I lived in California I paid $4,500/year property tax on a relatively modest house.
Where I live now I pay no property tax.
When I lived in California I paid 12% of my income in state income tax.
Where I live now I pay no state income tax.
When I lived in California I paid about 6% in state and local sales tax.
Where I live now I pay no sales taxes.
When I lived in California I paid over $200/year for auto registration.
Where I live now I have permanent auto registration (1 vehicle only when over 65) at $0.
When I lived in California I paid full price for groceries.
Where I live now I (and everyone over 55) gets 10% off all groceries one day a week.
California is a great place!
To be from.
Who? My buddy Jerry Brown? He's had his shot at the WHouse. The guy is not the interesting problem solver he used to be.
he's a whack-a-doodle

Jerry Brown has been a great governor for California this time around. He has been solving problems in California. The only thing I actually disagree with him on is the high speed rail system
what about electricity and water? those two things don't count? he's a whack-a-doodle through and through

What about electricity and water? I don't remember Brown saying we shouldn't have any electricity or water.
well you don't have enough of both. And so?

I don't expect Governor Brown to summon rain or snow. If you have a particular policy issue regrading Governor Brown feel free to specify it.
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?

If Republicans were prohibited from the General election you would have a point- but they aren't.

The top two candidates from the primary go on the general ballot. If they are both Republicans- then we get to vote between two Republicans.

So excluding dissident parties from the General election is fine with you. Muzzle them. Gate them out. Before the election even starts? Who even ASKED California to choose their party candidates for them anyway? Isn't that a function of political party? To represent their constituency? How is that Cali gets to BAR them from a General Election? And WHY the top TWO? Why not the top 4? Are Californians too stupid or lazy to deal with FOUR choices?

Anyone not outraged by this insertion of the state into party candidate selection isn't right in the head..
Sounds a bit like LA, they're having a runoff next month for the top two for the senate.

Which senate? You mean state senate right?
Because the US Senate seat now belongs to Kamala Harris. Never had any party opposition in getting it. Total Democrat show.. They ELIMINATED the competition.. .

Kamala Harris had to fight a tough campaign against Democrat Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.

LOS ANGELES — Two Democrats will battle each other to become California’s next United States senator, after winning the top two spots in an open primary on Tuesday.

The intraparty fight between Kamala Harris, the state’s attorney general, and Loretta Sanchez, a congresswoman from Orange County, will be the first to shut out Republicans since California approved nonpartisan primaries in 2010.

Ms. Harris and Ms. Sanchez defeated a crowded field that included two former chairmen of the State Republican Party. Ms. Harris, who has received the official backing of the State Democratic Party, captured 40 percent of the vote, and Ms. Sanchez 17 percent, with 55 percent of the precincts reporting.

Oh SURE IT WAS.. A "tough" fight. Like the Hilliary - Bernie fight that was over before it began?? With superdelegates? When the DEM party ENDORSES Harris --- it was all over before the bell rung. .

Would really be a CRIME to ruin such a "tough" battle by including TOP 3 or 4 -- wouldn't it?? Betcha that's how the Commie apparatchik in the Soviet Union looked at it also... .
I lived in California for more than thirty years. I was aware.

On the upside, Boxer is gone. Now, if only they could do something about Pelosi & Feinstein...
Boxer was replaced by the odious Kamala Harris. It is hardly an improvement.
Good for them! Now maybe people won't just vote straight ticket... and it allows for a system where no matter the party the best person can run and win.

What the hell you talking about? They toss EVERY party candidate into ONE list and you CHOOSE ONE. How does that prevent "straight ticket voting".. It ends up in a General Election with NO party choice even RUNNING or eligible to run. I'm sure you're cool with only 2 choices on the ballot BOTH being Dems. But if this happened in North Carolina and they PROHIBITED Dems from the General election -- you'd be up in arms. Wouldn't you?

If Republicans were prohibited from the General election you would have a point- but they aren't.

The top two candidates from the primary go on the general ballot. If they are both Republicans- then we get to vote between two Republicans.

They WERE EXCLUDED from the General election in this case. So were ALL THE OTHER political voices like Greens and Libertarians. The process is something the state should not even be involved in. PRIMARIES were always intended to NOMINATE PARTY candidates. Not to "prune the field" and exclude all voices in the General..

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