Economic jitters compete with Obama agenda


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
XFINITY - Economic jitters compete with Obama agenda

Just as President Barack Obama is pushing new initiatives on gun control and immigration, the gloomy old problem of a sluggish economy is elbowing its way back into prominence. Consumer confidence is falling, the economy is contracting and large automatic spending cuts are threatening to hit the Pentagon and other programs, with uncertain consequences.

But the Commerce Department announcement Wednesday that the economy shrank at an annual rate of 0.1 percent came a day after the Conference Board reported a sharp decline in consumer confidence in January. That drop, together with one in December, erased consumer confidence that had built up in 2012.

What's more, the new data comes just two days before the government releases the January unemployment report, which economists believe will stay at the still-high rate of 7.8 percent, where it has held for two months.

The Country is crumbling around this fool of a President ,and his only answer is to raise the debt limit - Clueless:cuckoo::cuckoo:$16,438,548,392,285
With all of the free money that has been pumped in over the past four years, the economy should be ROARING AHEAD right now. Instead, we are seeing Japanese-style stagflation with no end in sight. Just wait until Obamacare hits the economy in 2014.
Obama doesn't give a shit about the economy. He has to worry more about his Socialist agenda. He's got only 4 years to cause irreperrable damage to the once great United States of America.
The worst thing holding back the economy is self-inflicted and idiotic- the debt limit "crisis" and its fiscal cliff, something brand new for foolish mega rich Pubs and their silly dupes. Thanks for nothing, morons. Party above country forever...AND political suicide.
I see congress quietly put off the "debt crisis" until May today. Shhh- don't tell the one track mind hater dupes.

Why don't the Pubs propose some actual spending cut bills? Because they're too unpopular when you say which ones? That is correct, chumps.

Get out of the way of the recovery. The worst systemic costs, our ridiculous Pub health system, have been addressed. Masscare and every other modern country prove it.

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