Editorial: Power To The People By Power Of The Purse -


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
call your Representatives folks, demand this piece of fascist ( OcrapCare) of Government intrusion on YOUR RIGHTS be DEFUNDED

BY: Publius The Constitution in Article 1, section 1 states clearly “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,” What could be so confusing about that? It does not say a “Supreme Executive with plenipotentiary powers shall….” Or an “Overbearing Judiciary may from time to time…..

” A legislative body one house of which is directly elected by the citizenry every two years (sounds like term limits to me!) and the other which originally was elected by state legislatures (see progressive assault on freedom 17th amendment) but is now subject to popular vote every six years, has the responsibility to levy taxes, provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare.

The list of enumerated powers is defined and LIMITED. So, what’s the big deal? The libbies want you to believe we live in “Plato’s Republic” where direct democracy is the order of the day. But other than the fact that some are frolicking in “Plato’s Closet”, we live in a constitutional republic with elected representation.

And better yet, those representatives who are elected every two years by the citizens of the district in which they reside, hold the real power….”The Power of the Purse!” The branch most closely in tune with the wishes and desires of the populace is, by design. The House of Representatives.

That is the body solely responsible for originating taxation legislation. When Chief Justice Roberts in his ruling last year called the ObummerCare mandate a “tax”, I think he knew what he was doing…….Congress created this obamination legislatively, they can eliminate it the same way. Congress can repeal the tax increases imposed and refuse to fund the rest…..they can exercise “The Power of the Purse!”

all of it here
- See more at: Editorial: Power To The People By Power Of The Purse | The Gateway Pundit
No thanks. I have better things to do than messing with closed ears of my Congress person. My voice will never be heard over the din of corporate lobbyist and their money. Get those two elements out of Congress and things will be better. But this is what you get when you support corporations to be free to do as they wish and when Harrison of the GOP let corporations have the same identity as an individual, then the flood gates were opened for our government to taken over by monied interests, something the Founding Fathers were dead set against.
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