Edwards (D) wins Louisiana Governor Race


Gold Member
Sep 23, 2013
The Democrats once again have a governor in the South!

Dem candidate John Bel Edwards has won the governor race in Louisiana tonight, with AoS calling the race at 9:26pm.

Currently Edwards leads Vitter 57.05% to 42.95%. 0% of Orleans Parish are in, which will overwhelmingly favor Edwards, so the race is pretty much done.

Louisiana Governor | AoSHQ Decision Desk
People are sick of small government do nothings!
They want roads
they want science
they want education
What's the chances of Hillary getting Louisiana? It would be nice to kick the loserterian fags right in the nuts.
What's the chances of Hillary getting Louisiana? It would be nice to kick the loserterian fags right in the nuts.

Well, put it this way -- when I lived there I voted for Nader in the 2000 election. I knew the state was going completely into the Bushes regardless what I did.

But Hillary's not the nominee yet. I'd guess she's got the best shot in the primaries, easily.
Now if she did get the nomination and picked Mary Landrieu for a running mate, maybe. I doubt that will happen though, I'm sure she'd want to sway some state with a higher EV count.
Louisiana politics is as colorful as any in the nation. I'm not surprised by this. More surprised by the war chest he was able to accumulate. It's one thing to win an election. Its quite another to do it with style points. Could be a blueprint for others.
People are sick of small government do nothings!
They want roads
they want science
they want education

People are sick of small government do nothings!
They want roads
they want science
they want education

Actually JBE's science advisor wrote the Creationism law for our schools.

JBE is really only different from Vitter on three key points
1) Wants to expand Medicaid
2) Has a 'D' by his name
3) Doesn't sleep with hookers.

What's amazing is that ~45% of voters still went with Vitter. They really, really hate poor people having health care.
The Democrats once again have a governor in the South!

Dem candidate John Bel Edwards has won the governor race in Louisiana tonight, with AoS calling the race at 9:26pm.

Currently Edwards leads Vitter 57.05% to 42.95%. 0% of Orleans Parish are in, which will overwhelmingly favor Edwards, so the race is pretty much done.

Louisiana Governor | AoSHQ Decision Desk

I just posted this live update map in the existing thread... didn't hear it had been called but that's the expected result.

Louisiana politics is as colorful as any in the nation. I'm not surprised by this. More surprised by the war chest he was able to accumulate. It's one thing to win an election. Its quite another to do it with style points. Could be a blueprint for others.

Ummm, my good lefties of this site, I am not surprised Vitter lost at all, and in all honesty, kinda happy he did. He was one of those people we should NOT elect to office, and I now hear he will not run for his senate seat this cycle, so that is good too.

But seriously now, did any of you check this Democrat who won? Yes/no?

Well let me tell you, he ran on supporting the 2nd amendment, and being PRO-LIFE! Did you know that?

So here is the reality of the situation, take your pick..........

A. You elected a moderate Republican at worst, or a Blue Dog Democrat at best.

B. He had to lie to get elected, which means he will be removed in the next cycle.

C. The Southern Democrats have gotten smart and decided to throw the far left under the bus.

D. All of the above.

So, if it is either A or C, I like Democrats like that, they remind me of JFK. Good man he was, smart on taxes, communism, socialism. You lefties could use someone like JFK to wake you up. I am going to watch this Edwards, because he might be the person to get the rest of you BACK on the reservation!
A. You elected a moderate Republican at worst, or a Blue Dog Democrat at best.

I'm sorry....are you calling Vitter a moderate?? Really? Are you on drugs?

Vitter is to the right of Akin on being Pro-Life.

He says evidence of climate change is "ridiculous pseudo-science garbage"

And he's one of the most Pro-Israel senators out there.

Vitter is one of eight Senators with the MOST conservative score on "That's My Congress"

What could possibly lead you to believe he's in any way at all moderate???
A. You elected a moderate Republican at worst, or a Blue Dog Democrat at best.

I'm sorry....are you calling Vitter a moderate?? Really? Are you on drugs?

Vitter lost.

Big time. Even lost his own parish (Jefferson).

Its not his Parish. It's Sheriff Normand's Parish. Vitter shouldn't have fucked with Normand. Dumb ass move on his part.

Doesn't he live in Metairie?

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