Eisenhower.s death camps in Germany

Europe faced a famine after the war; limited resources were prioritized for Nazi victims over German soldiers, as they should have been. They weren't 'death camps', and in any case German civilians were fine with prisoners being starved to death while working in their factories, no protests from German workers, so no problem.
When the death camps were liberated, Ike forced local Germans to tour the camps and smell the death that that they ignored for years.

Sorry its going to be a long one, but I watch documentaries on the Second World War often. Never stopping the learning process.

I used to believe that most knew as well but I've come to believe its far more complicated than that unfortunately, some far more guilty than others. We'd like to have an easy explanation and lay collective blame but it's very fuzzy in many cases. Also, there was little poor farming families could do regardless. I'm not excusing, I'd like to think I would join the Resistance if I could. Much easier to say than do, especially if one is a 60 year old. It was the role of Western militaries to fight and win.

The camps were primarily hidden from the local population unless they lived nearby and then they would only really know about the atrocities when they saw men, women and children marched out to their deaths in a field or something. In other cases they could smell the strong, unusual smell from the chimney soot. Still in other cases, the local population helped round up Jewish people. Did they know they were sending them to their deaths? I would think they would suspect that.

Those who did know and didn't find a way to spread the word will have to pay for their sins. G-d will decide who was on which side of the ledger, there were plenty who fell on either side.

These camps were situated hundreds of miles from civilization. Guarded from peering eyes even if you did wander nearby. When those who lived close by knew and/or suspected, far more didn't. Even those who did suspect were living in the boonies. Places that didn't even have telephones or running This isn't to excuse it, but not unlike people today who live in big cities and don't understand the poisoning of some former manufacturing and industrial communities in rural towns, or don't see a problem with illegal immigration (until they were sent by bus up north).

There were multiple instances in which even Jews themselves, the prime objective of the Final Solution who didn't believe the stories they were being told, as confirmed when two men escaped Auschwitz I believe and made their way to Hungary. The Hungarian Jewish community at first thought the stories couldn't be true, they were skeptical at first. The head of the Jewish congress there was murdered in Israel in the 50s for not believing and doing enough to save the Jews. People were enraged.

This man foolishly tried to make a backroom deal with the Germans to try and save some, but he was slow to publish the whistleblower escapees accounts of what happened there. Finally BBC read the report and ran the story and the U.S expressed condemnation .

People also shouldnt forget that the U.S, Canada and others rejected boats of Jews, many eventually captured again and sent to their deaths, that is highly offensive to me and does make my blood boil. This man saved I think 1500 people while 10s of thousands were murdered due to his delays and negotiating when he should have encouraged people to leave before the nazis starting sending them on trains He was a controversial figure and despised by many, still praised in other corners for those 1500 who lived.

We look back and take for granted that we know the depths of their evil. At that time no one could expect these radical, industrialized murder, it was incomprehensible. Who would do this to human beings?

This war and its evils have been an interest of mine since High School. We should educate ourselves as much as possible. Including finding some glimmers of hope in humanity to those who risked their lives or even lost it by not collaborating.

Courage is in short supply today, which does worry me greatly.
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have you heard of them?

if not, google for Rheinwiesenlager


If you’re trying to drum up sympathy for defeated Nazis … that’s gonna be a tough sell.

If you’re trying to drum up sympathy for defeated Nazis … that’s gonna be a tough sell.

View attachment 1017090
What about the Jews who murdered many more prior to that. You guys never and I mean never mention that. You never mention all of the communist revolutions your team started in multiple Euro countries why? Why can't you at least mention it. Shit when I post factual evidence of it I get banned here for 2 weeks. About 6 times this year alone. Jews want to rule the world and they genocide anything that stands in their way.
Detlev Peukert documents many cases of German workers seeing first hand prison laborers being deliberately worked and starved to death, especially Russian and Jewish workers, so, while many of the camps themselves were mostly outside of Germany and the direct view of Germans they certainly knew how prisoners were treated and German troops certainly knew of the massacres and round ups, and of course this news would have been spread around the population.

His book on The Wiemar Republic is also worth a read.
It should be noted that the Rheinwiesen were not the general way German POWs were treated.
Those who were brought to the US were allowed to live normally even during war time. Also, the initial treatment of the surrendering forces was respectful. The Germans managed themselves under the Brits. Wehrmacht soldiers kept their arms and guided the other Wehrmacht soldiers. The Germans repeatedly hinted at the lack of food and it was the Brits who had a sympathetic ear.
Detlev Peukert documents many cases of German workers seeing first hand prison laborers being deliberately worked and starved to death, especially Russian and Jewish workers, so, while many of the camps themselves were mostly outside of Germany and the direct view of Germans they certainly knew how prisoners were treated and German troops certainly knew of the massacres and round ups, and of course this news would have been spread around the population.

His book on The Wiemar Republic is also worth a read.
The problem with a state that runs death camps is that you are dead when you criticize this.
Those allied pilots from the bombers were also shown the vast destruction they caused, by the way.
People also shouldnt forget that the U.S, Canada and others rejected boats of Jews, many eventually captured again and sent to their deaths,

Most countries restricted immigration; there was this thing called The Great Depression going on. We also still took in tens of thousands of Jews anyway. There is no requirement that the U.S. is always obligated to take in everybody on the planet who wants to move here. We already took in over half the Jews on the planet by WW I, so what is the rest of the world's excuse?
The problem with a state that runs death camps is that you are dead when you criticize this.
Those allied pilots from the bombers were also shown the vast destruction they caused, by the way.

Sucks to start wars, commit terrorist acts against civilian populations and then get payback, eh?
If you’re trying to drum up sympathy for defeated Nazis … that’s gonna be a tough sell.

View attachment 1017090

My Dad was a paratrooper with the US Army 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment. He didn't see any combat but was stationed in Germany right after the war ended.

He robbed a German couple at gunpoint for a bottle of wine while here was there. But after getting drunk from drinking it, he felt bad and went back and paid them for it.

True story.
And that never lasted long. They were thugs, pure and simple.

The Eastern Europeans were the worst offenders. Many police officers in these countries volunteering to round up Jews and they were very quick to take on the new attitude of abusing Jews, breaking store windows and assaulting them in public long before they helped to round them up. They didn't require much encouragement, they were more than willing in many cases.

What kind of animals natural impulse is to bully the harmless at their first opportunity. Many women and children too. I bite my tongue because I hate bullies more than the average purveyors of evil.

At least French citizens built a resistance. The Dutch also showed courage among their population. Other countries had underground resistance groups, while srill in others, they had citizens who were far too willing to become just like their invaders. Those in France who collaborated were sharply punished when the war ended, many even murdered by the now freed French. Women who dated German officers were shunned, their heads shaved and ostracized. Another touchy, complicated subject.

There is also a reason in my opinion from all that I have read that Stalin was so willing to be neutral, fuel the German war and didn't believe he would be double crossed. It was a relationship by desperate convenience only, the Russians despised capitalism and carried too much antisemitism. He was clearly a passive supporter of Germans war just waiting for his turn.
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Most countries restricted immigration; there was this thing called The Great Depression going on. We also still took in tens of thousands of Jews anyway. There is no requirement that the U.S. is always obligated to take in everybody on the planet who wants to move here. We already took in over half the Jews on the planet by WW I, so what is the rest of the world's excuse?

Well, the rest of the worlds excuse is that there were being invaded and/or occupied. Canada and the U.S were the second option for those fleeing from Europe. This is why so many ended up dead, we turned our backs.

At the very least, we could have housed them in refugee camps with no assurances for citizenship. Hell, I guarantee you that they would have gladly worked for the war effort, even in hard labour roles.

This isn't like the illegal immigration we see today. These were people who often once had means and a home and then had it taken. Their lives and family members placed on a train FFS.

Yes, it was a different time, but the world knew enough. They could have created an iron-clad agreement with people fleeing for their lives, literally. Of course I am simplifying and hindsight is 20/20, but there were ways I'm sure.
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