Eisenhower.s death camps in Germany

Sucks to start wars, commit terrorist acts against civilian populations and then get payback, eh?

Well, the rest of the worlds excuse is that there were being invaded and/or occupied. Canada and the U.S were the second option for those fleeing from Europe. This is why so many ended up dead, we turned our backs.

Rubbish. Most of the world wasn't invaded or occupied. And we didn't turn our backs, either; we took in many during the Depression, despite our own problems at the time. The got dead because Germans killed them, period.

We sent our men over to risk their lives to stop the monsters; they wouldn't do the same for us these days, in fact they would mostly cheer our demise, so don't shed any tears over the past.

The commies needed slaves to replace the massive numbers of them they killed in human wave attacks during the war. Stalin also needed to kill most of the veterans who survived as well, so he was happy to 'help'. My uncles were helping them flee the Soviet Zones for a year or so after the war was over. Apparently they were ungrateful to Uncle Joe and his plans for them.

The U.S. took in more Jewish refugees between 1933 and 1945 than any other country in the world. Like I said, what is the rest of the world's excuses? We weren't obligated to take any at all, but for some reason we're supposed to be the world's dumping ground for its failures. We know why the finger wagging is in our direction; it deflects and points away from everybody else's asshole behaviors and failures.

Europe was still unsafe for Jews, especially Poland and the east, which is why so many were still living in camps two years later, and not being treated well in the British zones, of course, hence the 'Exodus' to Israel and Brazil.

Long Odds

Though estimates vary, somewhere between 180,000 and 220,000 European refugees immigrated to the United States between 1933 and 1945. The United States accepted more refugees fleeing Nazi persecution than any other country in the world. Most of these refugees were Jewish and from central and western Europe.

During World War II, Nazi Germany invaded and occupied Eastern Europe, including Poland and the Soviet Union, which was home to millions of Jews. The US quotas for these countries were very small, and Eastern European Jews had almost no hope of immigrating. The vast majority were murdered by Nazi Germany and its collaborators.

Poles lined up and cheered when the local Mayors helped the Nazis round up Jews to send them to the Operation Reinhardt camps; so did many in the Soviet territories occupied by Germany. They also murdered those who left the camps and tried to return home after the camps were 'liberated', which is why I'm glad we didn't lose soldiers liberating them from the Soviets. They deserved worse.
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The U.S. took in more Jewish refugees between 1933 and 1945 than any other country in the world.
What was the name of the ship that brought jewish refugees from the nazis to Cuba in the 1930s, who were not allowed to land by the U.S. government and sent back to Europe, where they murdered?
What was the name of the ship that brought jewish refugees from the nazis to Cuba in the 1930s, who were not allowed to land by the U.S. government and sent back to Europe, where they murdered?

And where were the other 300 or so countries that took in far less than we did? Again you're just an idiot spreading nonsense.
I recommend Erik Larsons “In the Garden of Beasts” for a tale of how the non Political Ambassador to Germany was ignored by FDR Administration who tried his best to warn about Hitler and the Nazis

Also the “Why we Fight” episode in Band of Brothers
lol more rightwing FDR mythology. He was both a Nazi and a Commie, depending on what day it is and what narrative is to be peddled.

It's been that way for several years what disgusting people they are, wouldn't surprise me if they invited the families of the SS camp guards some of them Ukrainian and the Azov Battalion it's nauseating, also over 200 Red army soldiers died liberating the camp and local area, i believe they are buried in the area, wouldn't surprise me if they desecrated the graves like they have many other Red army graves and liberation monuments.
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And where were the other 300 or so countries that took in far less than we did? Again you're just an idiot spreading nonsense.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews were saved in the USSR as the nazis moved deep into the USSR in the early months of the war. The jewish population was given priority in the evacuation. This is a fact that is confirmed by jewish historians and that I know of from contemporaries of those events.
The problem was that the nazi offensive was too fast, and in addition, a large part of the jews, who remembered the previous occupation of the germans in World War I, considered the stories about the atrocities of the “cultural europian nation” to be soviet propaganda. During the first days of the occupation they were convinced of its truthfulness.
Even most Germans dont know about them


In English this word is also used,

Please google for the word

Did you seriously just reply to your OWN quote?

That helps explains the truly bizarre moral equivalencies squirming around in your head.
It isn't nonsense it's an historical fact you can't rewrite history to fit your own opinion.

You wouldn't know, you just have an obsession with bashing the U.S. same as your Putin boot licker buddies. Jews have been fleeing Russians for two centuries, and still are.

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