Eisenhower.s death camps in Germany

You wouldn't know, you just have an obsession with bashing the U.S. same as your Putin boot licker buddies. Jews have been fleeing Russians for two centuries, and still are.
But i do know, Cuba turned that ship away that is just a fact, well Jews didn't flee Russia in WW2 many were in the Red army or Soviet partisans, you are talking bollocks again with your Russia bashing obsession.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews were saved in the USSR as the nazis moved deep into the USSR in the early months of the war. The jewish population was given priority in the evacuation. This is a fact that is confirmed by jewish historians and that I know of from contemporaries of those events.
The problem was that the nazi offensive was too fast, and in addition, a large part of the jews, who remembered the previous occupation of the germans in World War I, considered the stories about the atrocities of the “cultural europian nation” to be soviet propaganda. During the first days of the occupation they were convinced of its truthfulness.
Indeed people should check what happened behind that Blitzkrieg, the Einsatzgruppen moved in to murder any Jew they could get their hands on and other groups like gypsies also Soviet prisoners.
What about the Jews who murdered many more prior to that. You guys never and I mean never mention that. You never mention all of the communist revolutions your team started in multiple Euro countries why? Why can't you at least mention it. Shit when I post factual evidence of it I get banned here for 2 weeks. About 6 times this year alone. Jews want to rule the world and they genocide anything that stands in their way.
Six times? Wow. I was banned four times for merely voicing my dislike and opposition of Israel’s genocide in Gaza late last year. I had never been banned before in all my years here.

I never once used the word Jew. The power Israel holds over the US is unbelievable.
dont confuse normal conscripted soldiers with nazis
Yes. Many German soldiers had nothing to do with oppressing and murdering Jews. They were fighting to protect their homeland. Many knew nothing of the concentration camps and the heinous acts by the Nazi SS.
What about the Jews who murdered many more prior to that. You guys never and I mean never mention that. You never mention all of the communist revolutions your team started in multiple Euro countries why? Why can't you at least mention it. Shit when I post factual evidence of it I get banned here for 2 weeks. About 6 times this year alone. Jews want to rule the world and they genocide anything that stands in their way.
Many Americans don’t know the actual history. They only know the issue as a two sided one. Black and white. Good and bad. Nothing in between.
Sucks to start wars, commit terrorist acts against civilian populations and then get payback, eh?
So, doing the same thing you condemn your enemy for doing is perfectly acceptable in your small mind.

Try thinking for once.
From April until September 1945. The USSR released the few survivors of its prison camps in 1955.
Yes. Many German soldiers had nothing to do with oppressing and murdering Jews. They were fighting to protect their homeland. Many knew nothing of the concentration camps and the heinous acts by the Nazi SS.
Not sure i buy that Gripper many German would have had an idea what was going on even if they didn't know the full details, people talk to friends and neighbours about what they have heard and in some cases seen, my Dads Army unit entered Bergen Belsen in 45 he told me you could smell the place before they even got there, they made the local Nazi officials walk through the camp, people in the area knew about it.
Not sure i buy that Gripper many German would have had an idea what was going on even if they didn't know the full details, people talk to friends and neighbours about what they have heard and in some cases seen, my Dads Army unit entered Bergen Belsen in 45 he told me you could smell the place before they even got there, they made the local Nazi officials walk through the camp, people in the area knew about it.
I’m speaking of the German soldiers fighting at the front. Read The Forgotten Soldier. He fought on the eastern front. No knowledge of concentration camps killing Jews. He didn’t even know the US had invaded, liberated France and was in Germany in 1945. He hadn’t received any mail from home for over a year. He was fighting for his life with little support, as Germany was losing ground.
I’m speaking of the German soldiers fighting at the front. Read The Forgotten Soldier. He fought on the eastern front. No knowledge of concentration camps killing Jews. He didn’t even know the US had invaded, liberated France and was in Germany in 1945. He hadn’t received any mail from home for over a year. He was fighting for his life with little support, as Germany was losing ground.
Problem is the population had knowledge of the Concentration camps even before the War, to be honest most who were not Nazis would have been terrified to speak out of turn or they could have been on a one way trip to Dachau.
have you heard of them?

if not, google for Rheinwiesenlager

Yes, in some cases--too many cases--the Allied treatment of German soldiers, and even German civilians, after the war was cruel and immoral. I've read Giles MacDonogh's After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation and Keith Lowe's Savage Continent.

However, it's hard to feel sorry for former SS troopers and their Army and civilian collaborators and supporters. The mistreated former German fighters and civilians got a taste of the misery the German military had inflicted on tens of millions of people. I'm not saying it was right, and I agree it should not have happened, but some of the victims deserved every bit of suffering and mistreatment they received.

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