Eisenhower.s death camps in Germany

There were four occupation zones then.

The Russian was the worst
The French was not much better ….

Then the British
The American zone was seen as the best.

the Anericans would give chocolate to the children

The French would rather rob the people of the little they had

And the Russians would rape and kill whenever they felt so ….
Encouraged even to do so.
Those many camps along the Rhine were horrific
Prisoners just standing en masse in the open fields
No protection against rain and snow
No shelters
And hardly any food
Well at least they aren't like the current Russian camps for Ukrainian POWs.
I cant believe that there was no other way to,deal with the POW as just to make them stand en masse in the fields …. Without shelter and hardly any food
this thread sure outed some who dont know about history and think and feel like Nazis.

where are Russians here?
Lol, it's more fun to figure it out yourself. Read back in here then compare on litwins threads. It will become apparent. You can tell the blatant nazi though right?
Why do you feel for them? They supported one of the great murder regimes of history.
This entire thread is weird.

Actually the most murderous regime in the entire history of the world is abortion. Over 63 million of them have occurred in the U.S alone, since Roe v. Wade in 1973.

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