Eisenhower.s death camps in Germany

I'm not 'scared' of anything. Why are you? Do you think Jews are super intelligent and rule the world? Everything I've seen says they're generally stupid and their problems largely self-inflicted, pretty much the same problems most of the planet suffers from.
You are going to hell.
Jews claim the master race as admission to Israel. It's hilarious. Why do Jews get this claim and then flood white countries with non whites? Your judgement is foretold.

Any society that can be dominated and destroyed by such a small demographic has other more serious problems. It probably deserves to die off.
Has one Nazi ever apologized?
They should not ever. If a satanic group is plotting to destroy you and literally doing it you need to deport them.
Are you ok with the jew plan to genocide the European race? The jew plan came first.

Romans and then Muslims planned that first, and before them the Carthaginians, Greeks, etc. The 'Jew plan' sounds like a lot of bullshit, and like I said if such a small demographic can topple your society then it has a more serious problems elsewhere and is just reaping what it has sown, is all. Happens all the time. I don't look for a bunch of yahoo meth heads with swastika tatooes as saving us from anything. Most of those can't even figure out how to avoid prison without turning into informants and ratting each other out all day.
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Romans and then Muslims planned that first, and before them the Carthaginians, Greeks, etc. The 'Jew plan' sounds like a lot of bullshit, and like I said if such a small demographic can topple your society then it has a more serious problems elsewhere and is just reaping what it has sown, is all. Happens all the time. I don't look for a bunch of yahoo meth heads with swastika tatooes as saving us from anything.
Weak lie loser. It's funny we have gone from conspiracy theory to it really exists.
Why doesn't the biggest champion of refugees take any? Israel? Why do you think you are special? Is it based on race you fucking racists.
Yes, in some cases--too many cases--the Allied treatment of German soldiers, and even German civilians, after the war was cruel and immoral. I've read Giles MacDonogh's After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation and Keith Lowe's Savage Continent.

However, it's hard to feel sorry for former SS troopers and their Army and civilian collaborators and supporters. The mistreated former German fighters and civilians got a taste of the misery the German military had inflicted on tens of millions of people. I'm not saying it was right, and I agree it should not have happened, but some of the victims deserved every bit of suffering and mistreatment they received.
One reason why discipline broke down when Dachau was liberated the US army were so outraged at what they found they executed some SS guards on the spot, i could understand the outrage but it still was not the right thing to do, they should have faced trials and then executed if found guilty, of course we can't speak for any prisoners who wanted revenge, as for the military if we don't have discipline we have nothing.
One reason why discipline broke down when Dachau was liberated the US army were so outraged at what they found they executed some SS guards on the spot
For the same reason, traitors (serving as members of the occupier's police and fighting as part of the Wehrmacht) captured by the front line soldiers were usually killed on the spot, but had an almost 100% chance of survival, when surrendered to NKVD units following the front line and tasked to deal with such contingents on the basis of the law.
One reason why discipline broke down when Dachau was liberated the US army were so outraged at what they found they executed some SS guards on the spot, i could understand the outrage but it still was not the right thing to do, they should have faced trials and then executed if found guilty, of course we can't speak for any prisoners who wanted revenge, as for the military if we don't have discipline we have nothing.
I agree. Another sad part of that story is that in some cases the German guards who were summarily executed were Wehrmacht soldiers who had only been stationed at the camps at the last minute and who had had nothing to do with what had been going on inside the camps.

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