Elizabeth Cheney is a Wacko

all government officials swear an oath, "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
No one attacked the Constitution on Jan 6

"The violent riot in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021 was a direct assault on the U.S. Congress, the Capitol building, and our Constitutional process", as stated by the join chiefs.
You mean the guys who all report to Biden?
She is on Fox News telling the journalists that she wants to punish Donald Trump for not stopping the Jan 6 riot. The problem is there is no such law on the books now and the Constitution does not allow ex post facto laws.
She should lose her license to practice law.
I know how normal people might look "off" to trump cultists.
It documents your idiocy.
I have to pretend that you are joking so save some hope for the human race.
It's hard more me to fathom that there are more people out there that think these idiotic thoughts like you can.

Clearly this was an attack on the Capitol.
You don't want people using the word insurrection, fine, but to say the Capitol wasn't attacked on J6, wow, just wow.
She is on Fox News telling the journalists that she wants to punish Donald Trump for not stopping the Jan 6 riot. The problem is there is no such law on the books now and the Constitution does not allow ex post facto laws.
She should lose her license to practice law.

She was born in a CROSSFIRE
She's just too stupid to realize it!!
The ONLY reason you RWI's despise her today is because she turned on trump.
If she was doing the exact same thing to biden, pelosi, etc, you would adore her.

Can't turn on the CULT leader.
liz is dumb as a rock and ugly...maybe with fake tits she might do ok in porn for a little while
The trump thugs sure did. And they FAILED, thank the gods.
No, they
I have to pretend that you are joking so save some hope for the human race.
It's hard more me to fathom that there are more people out there that think these idiotic thoughts like you can.

Clearly this was an attack on the Capitol.
You don't want people using the word insurrection, fine, but to say the Capitol wasn't attacked on J6, wow, just wow.
It was a riot, nothin more, you dumb fucking hysterical turd.
I have to pretend that you are joking so save some hope for the human race.
It's hard more me to fathom that there are more people out there that think these idiotic thoughts like you can.

Clearly this was an attack on the Capitol.
You don't want people using the word insurrection, fine, but to say the Capitol wasn't attacked on J6, wow, just wow.
Prog turds repeat the "insurrection" word like a mantra. They do it because there is no other way to justify this witch hunt.
No, they

It was a riot, nothin more, you dumb fucking hysterical turd.
Not even much of a "riot", at least by bed wetter "standards". There wasn't even a dumpster fire. No one shit anywhere they should not have, except possibly some democrook political whore might've shit their pants. No one spray painted anything, no statues or monuments were destroyed, no flags were burned, no cars set on fire or rolled over, no businesses destroyed or looted, no police were assaulted by vollies of frozen water bottles, fireworks or Molotov cocktails and it dispersed without platoons of police in riot gear congesting the streets with tear gas and less lethal ammunition.

Maybe next time we should be more aggressive about getting our way.

She is on Fox News telling the journalists that she wants to punish Donald Trump for not stopping the Jan 6 riot. The problem is there is no such law on the books now and the Constitution does not allow ex post facto laws.
She should lose her license to practice law.
I didn't even know she had one

Who gave it to her? Oh... another wacko college
Her fixation on a FORMER potus shows that she has taken or started to take the lefty bait. Don't be surprised to see her standing for office on the left wing ticket in the near future. Once they start going gullible they get fully gulliblized in short order. Just the Human Condition.
glad u mentioned the human condition, which is the cause of all the insanity (except that people do have free will and can o/come human nature. The problem is no one seems to want to do that)

But really, if you look @ the 2 parties you see that one of them acknowledges "the human condition" and makes laws accordingly, and one does not. We don't need anyone to tell us which is which.

Human nature is prone to listen to Satan and ignore Jesus. Throw out morals and the Law of God and this is what you get: chaos, rioting, murder, lies galore.
Prog turds repeat the "insurrection" word like a mantra. They do it because there is no other way to justify this witch hunt.
according to Jefferson, a little "insurrection" is healthy sometimes but the j6 committee knows its viewers are like

Who is Jefferson?

Was he .. like a recent president or something?

(seroiusly, some people interviewed on the street have said this kind of thing!)

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