Elizabeth Cheney is a Wacko

Tell that to the criminals that pled GUILTY and are now serving TIME.

And "Witch Hunt" is just a lame attempt to protect the life long criminal name trump.
They are serving time only because the FBI is a criminal operation.

A witch hunt is what Dims are running in Congress. These prosecutions are all political.
They are serving time only because the FBI is a criminal operation.

A witch hunt is what Dims are running in Congress. These prosecutions are all political.
Nope..... You've been fed the LIE.

trump good.......FBI bad.
The contard belief system ^^^^^. LOLOLLOOLL
She is on Fox News telling the journalists that she wants to punish Donald Trump for not stopping the Jan 6 riot. The problem is there is no such law on the books now and the Constitution does not allow ex post facto laws.
She should lose her license to practice law.
She is as corrupt as her war mongering father.
You can't believe a single thing scum like that has to say.
She should be disbarred. She will be removed from office as she got the boot in her primary.
Worse than that should happen to the little lying insurrectionist traitor.
glad u mentioned the human condition, which is the cause of all the insanity (except that people do have free will and can o/come human nature. The problem is no one seems to want to do that)

But really, if you look @ the 2 parties you see that one of them acknowledges "the human condition" and makes laws accordingly, and one does not. We don't need anyone to tell us which is which.

Human nature is prone to listen to Satan and ignore Jesus. Throw out morals and the Law of God and this is what you get: chaos, rioting, murder, lies galore.
You have done your homework. Many people appear to believe that the human condition(human nature) resides within the physical human body. In all reality it appears that our human bodies are nothing more than two channel 'receivers/transmitters', something like a two channel C/B radio. Depending what channel one is listening to & the content of the message sent to that person is what is processed in our CPU(brain). It's up to the individual to determine which channel is the more beneficial to listen too. As far as morals(instructions) go it once again appears that each channel has a different set of morals to broadcast that vary in content from one another dramatically. From mankind's past & also the current state of humanity it is obvious that a LOT of folks are either listening to the least beneficial channel of the two or just attempting to create their own morals(instructions) with obvious poor results @ best.

Excellent post on your part nmf2020!

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