England's immigration crisis

If you hate the migrants in Calais you hate yourself Nick Cohen Comment is free The Guardian

"From the 1990s through to the early 2000s, all politicians except rightwing extremists made that crucial distinction. Britain will root out “abuse of the asylum system, but give a place to genuine refugees”, said Tony Blair when he was prime minister in 2005."

From this quote in the article, it seems as if Britain has brought this upon themselves. They advertize one thing but give something else entirely.

And from this from the article helps explain why England is such a target for these people

"There are many reasons why refugees want to reach Britain. They can already speak English because it is the world’s second language. They want to join friends and members of extended families who are already there. They can find work in our low-wage, under-regulated economy. On one point refugees and aid workers agree – it is easier to live under the radar in Britain because we do not have ID cards. In France and every other European country with a Napoleonic code, you cannot access public services or find work without a card. In common-law England, you can just about muddle along."
So what should be done here?

The big problem is that some people seem to have this idea that there's a right to simply up sticks and go to another country.

One guy from Algeria made this claim as he was trying to get into the UK, talking about how British people had the right to go anywhere. However Algeria isn't an easy country to get into, you need a visa, the Algerian govt can say no. There is no right for British people to even go to Algeria, clearly.

Simply said Europe needs to stop making Europe so appetizing for people to leave. Asylum seekers who have a genuine claim for not going back to their country should be happy just to get out of their country. The country they go to should not necessarily be of their choice. They don't want persecution, they can get that almost anywhere.
Those who are economic migrants should simply be restricted. They should be helping their own country to get better, not moving to Europe.

Europe needs to impose visa regulations on non-EU workers, bringing in those they need and stopping those they don't need. The UK is doing this more now. But the attitude of some Swedish guy who criticised Cameron was ridiculous. The Swedes let in ANY person from Syria without even asking questions.
So what should be done here?
I will not be surprised if those dedicated wing nuts blame Obama.

Blame him for what?

Obama welcomes illegals with open arms. He defies illegal immigration laws and moves them from city to city while giving them full entitlements

In comparison, Europe says they want to embrace illegals but then turn them away.

Hypocritical bigots.
The channel tunnel could have been built a century sooner but Britain resisted for fear of an invasion - by The French. Right fear - wrong ethnicity.
So what should be done here?
I will not be surprised if those dedicated wing nuts blame Obama.

Blame him for what?

Obama welcomes illegals with open arms. He defies illegal immigration laws and moves them from city to city while giving them full entitlements

In comparison, Europe says they want to embrace illegals but then turn them away.

Hypocritical bigots.

All your telling me is your anecdotal wrong headed opinion.
1. Show me a proof or something that Obama welcome illegals with open arm.
2. Prove that Obama is moving them city to city.
If you don't you are nothing but pure bogus and bullshit.

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