Equality and Israeli Citizenship

8 million people will vote 'yes' on said question.

Do they? Or, is it only the Jewish citizens?
...most Arabs would like to see a State policy that fits the inclusive citizenship..

Does divided citizenship foster equality or inequality? And how?

I don't know what you mean by "divided citizenship". Arabs with blue ID have the exact same rights I, as a Jew, have, in Israel.

It seems to me like you're trying to make a groundless statement true.
Remember when the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu appealed to his base to go vote by saying the dirty Arabs were getting bused to election sites? Now that's equality.

Wow. Talk about twisting the facts, eh?

First, nowhere did he use "dirty" to describe the Arabs, that is just your mean add-on. But never mind that.

And yes, he did say to go voting because the Arabs vote. For the simple reason that Israeli Arabs are naturally on the left wing, and Netanyahu is a rightist leader. It's like a Republican telling Republicans to go and vote since the democratic votes are sky high.

Nothing racist about it.

And I'm not a Likud supporter, btw.
It just confirms that Netanyahu does not consider himself a leader for Israel. Just a leader for Jews in Israel. If a President here said "go to the polls because the blacks are voting" or "go to the polls because Southern Baptists" are voting" it would reflect very poorly on them.
  • There is no such thing as “Israeli nationality.” In fact, the Israeli Supreme Court has ruled that recognizing “Israeli nationality” would create a schism between the Jewish people, making them choose between their Jewish identity and their Israeli identity.[13] “[T]he principle of self-determination should, in its view, apply to peoples and not to ‘shreds of peoples’ …”[14] The Israeli Supreme Court quoted a lower court’s reasoning: “One cannot belong to two nationalities. If an Israeli nationality is recognized, members of the Jewish nationality in Israel will have to choose between the two: Are they Israelis, in which case they would not be Jewish; or are they Jewish, in which case they would not be Israeli; the same would apply to members of minority groups [in Israel]. Recognition of such nationality may bring about the national and social disintegration of the entire nation … A separatist trend of splitting the Jewish nations must not be accepted.”[15]
Source: CitizenshipNationalityIsrael/Palestine

If this is true, and there is no such thing as an "Israeli nationality" - what is there?

Are the rights and responsibilities the same?

Oh, I remember this case. Those were a group of delusionists who called the Israeli court to change their ethnic belonging from "Jew" to "Israeli". The court decided that they would deny them since there's no "Israeli" ethnic belonging.

For the record, the state used to, until the early years of the previous century, write at the ID the nationality/ethnic belonging of the civilian. If Jew Or Arab. Since people, just fully so, claimed that it may point at discrimination, the clause was removed. For years there is no such writings on IDs. So the appeal to the court itself is baseless, which is one of the reasons why they gave them the boot.
Let's pick the most important 8,000 square miles of Alabama, kick out everyone who lives there, and put all the black people there. All black people can come and go and live there no questions asked. If you're not black, you may never set foot there without jumping through a ton of hoops. Then let's give them tons of money, and hold their priorities above our own. Then let's prop them up militarily against the former Alabamans who were kicked out and all of their supporters who want to get in. We will help slaughter and blockade the formerly Alabaman terrorists.
Funny drivel, indeed.
It is right? Could you imagine people being stupid enough to try something like that out? I bet it would result in like, decades worth of violence and madness. Probably centuries if the new state survived that long.
...I think it creates a subconscious belief that some citizens are better than others and this is reinforced in a system of citizenship that gives different rights and obligations to each group. It strives for a "different but equal" system, but I don't think that can truly work.

What would you propose as a solution?

Should we give the southern US to the blacks and the whites can keep the north?

For one, I think there should be only one citizenship - Israeli, that covers all citizens. I think that would be more of a uniting factor, whereas a divided system, divides citizens.

It would be as if the US had two categories of American citizenship: Black Americans and White Americans. That doesn't mean social/ethnic/racial divisions would cease to exist, but it would be easier to be Americans first.
8 million people will vote 'yes' on said question.

Do they? Or, is it only the Jewish citizens?
...most Arabs would like to see a State policy that fits the inclusive citizenship..

Does divided citizenship foster equality or inequality? And how?

I don't know what you mean by "divided citizenship". Arabs with blue ID have the exact same rights I, as a Jew, have, in Israel.

It seems to me like you're trying to make a groundless statement true.
Remember when the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu appealed to his base to go vote by saying the dirty Arabs were getting bused to election sites? Now that's equality.

Wow. Talk about twisting the facts, eh?

First, nowhere did he use "dirty" to describe the Arabs, that is just your mean add-on. But never mind that.

And yes, he did say to go voting because the Arabs vote. For the simple reason that Israeli Arabs are naturally on the left wing, and Netanyahu is a rightist leader. It's like a Republican telling Republicans to go and vote since the democratic votes are sky high.

Nothing racist about it.

And I'm not a Likud supporter, btw.

Remember when Obama sent his political operatives to get out the Arab vote

Team Obama, which pulled as many strings as it could to defeat Netanyahu, was embarrassed.

It had dispatched Jeremy Bird, the architect of the grass-roots and online organizing efforts behind both of Obama’s presidential campaign, to Israel to work the same magic there with a group called Victory 15.

Victory 15 was in turn a close ally of the One Voice Movement — a U.S. tax-exempt organization with a subsidiary in Israel that actively worked against Netanyahu. One Voice apparently used $350,000 in State Department grants to to fund its anti-Netanyahu efforts in direct contravention with U.S. law.
Expect a congressional investigation of the “dark money” the U.S. government may have indirectly spent in Israel.

Reps. Mike Bost and Randy Hultgren, two GOP House members from Illinois, have joined 18 of their colleagues in sending a letter calling on Bird and other Obama operatives to give a full accounting of their activities: “As Members of Congress, we are greatly concerned to hear allegations of our own State Department spending American tax dollars that were then used to influence foreign elections.

"Israeli elections should be left to the citizens of Israel and not the influence of U.S. taxpayer-funded grant

Breaking News at Newsmax.com Obama Operatives Try to Sway Israel's Election
...I think it creates a subconscious belief that some citizens are better than others and this is reinforced in a system of citizenship that gives different rights and obligations to each group. It strives for a "different but equal" system, but I don't think that can truly work.

What would you propose as a solution?

Should we give the southern US to the blacks and the whites can keep the north?

For one, I think there should be only one citizenship - Israeli, that covers all citizens. I think that would be more of a uniting factor, whereas a divided system, divides citizens.

It would be as if the US had two categories of American citizenship: Black Americans and White Americans. That doesn't mean social/ethnic/racial divisions would cease to exist, but it would be easier to be Americans first.
8 million people will vote 'yes' on said question.

Do they? Or, is it only the Jewish citizens?
...most Arabs would like to see a State policy that fits the inclusive citizenship..

Does divided citizenship foster equality or inequality? And how?

I don't know what you mean by "divided citizenship". Arabs with blue ID have the exact same rights I, as a Jew, have, in Israel.

It seems to me like you're trying to make a groundless statement true.
Remember when the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu appealed to his base to go vote by saying the dirty Arabs were getting bused to election sites? Now that's equality.

Wow. Talk about twisting the facts, eh?

First, nowhere did he use "dirty" to describe the Arabs, that is just your mean add-on. But never mind that.

And yes, he did say to go voting because the Arabs vote. For the simple reason that Israeli Arabs are naturally on the left wing, and Netanyahu is a rightist leader. It's like a Republican telling Republicans to go and vote since the democratic votes are sky high.

Nothing racist about it.

And I'm not a Likud supporter, btw.

Remember when Obama sent his political operatives to get out the Arab vote

Team Obama, which pulled as many strings as it could to defeat Netanyahu, was embarrassed.

It had dispatched Jeremy Bird, the architect of the grass-roots and online organizing efforts behind both of Obama’s presidential campaign, to Israel to work the same magic there with a group called Victory 15.

Victory 15 was in turn a close ally of the One Voice Movement — a U.S. tax-exempt organization with a subsidiary in Israel that actively worked against Netanyahu. One Voice apparently used $350,000 in State Department grants to to fund its anti-Netanyahu efforts in direct contravention with U.S. law.
Expect a congressional investigation of the “dark money” the U.S. government may have indirectly spent in Israel.

Reps. Mike Bost and Randy Hultgren, two GOP House members from Illinois, have joined 18 of their colleagues in sending a letter calling on Bird and other Obama operatives to give a full accounting of their activities: “As Members of Congress, we are greatly concerned to hear allegations of our own State Department spending American tax dollars that were then used to influence foreign elections.

"Israeli elections should be left to the citizens of Israel and not the influence of U.S. taxpayer-funded grant

Breaking News at Newsmax.com Obama Operatives Try to Sway Israel's Election
Remember when Israel sent it's most powerful political leader to America to sway the 2014 elections?
Remember when the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu appealed to his base to go vote by saying the dirty Arabs were getting bused to election sites? Now that's equality.
Bused?! Oh, that's interesting! So, they see themselves as citizens of Israel only as far as the Social Security payments go, and identify as "palistanians" for the rest. Indeed, interesting.
Remember when the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu appealed to his base to go vote by saying the dirty Arabs were getting bused to election sites? Now that's equality.
Bused?! Oh, that's interesting! So, they see themselves as citizens of Israel only as far as the Social Security payments go, and identify as "palistanians" for the rest. Indeed, interesting.
It just confirms that Netanyahu does not consider himself a leader for Israel. Just a leader for Jews in Israel. If a President here said "go to the polls because the blacks are voting" or "go to the polls because Southern Baptists" are voting" it would reflect very poorly on them.
El presidente sez an even more outrageous crap, so, forget it.
...I think it creates a subconscious belief that some citizens are better than others and this is reinforced in a system of citizenship that gives different rights and obligations to each group. It strives for a "different but equal" system, but I don't think that can truly work.

What would you propose as a solution?

Should we give the southern US to the blacks and the whites can keep the north?

For one, I think there should be only one citizenship - Israeli, that covers all citizens. I think that would be more of a uniting factor, whereas a divided system, divides citizens.

It would be as if the US had two categories of American citizenship: Black Americans and White Americans. That doesn't mean social/ethnic/racial divisions would cease to exist, but it would be easier to be Americans first.
Do they? Or, is it only the Jewish citizens?
...most Arabs would like to see a State policy that fits the inclusive citizenship..

Does divided citizenship foster equality or inequality? And how?

I don't know what you mean by "divided citizenship". Arabs with blue ID have the exact same rights I, as a Jew, have, in Israel.

It seems to me like you're trying to make a groundless statement true.
Remember when the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu appealed to his base to go vote by saying the dirty Arabs were getting bused to election sites? Now that's equality.

Wow. Talk about twisting the facts, eh?

First, nowhere did he use "dirty" to describe the Arabs, that is just your mean add-on. But never mind that.

And yes, he did say to go voting because the Arabs vote. For the simple reason that Israeli Arabs are naturally on the left wing, and Netanyahu is a rightist leader. It's like a Republican telling Republicans to go and vote since the democratic votes are sky high.

Nothing racist about it.

And I'm not a Likud supporter, btw.

Remember when Obama sent his political operatives to get out the Arab vote

Team Obama, which pulled as many strings as it could to defeat Netanyahu, was embarrassed.

It had dispatched Jeremy Bird, the architect of the grass-roots and online organizing efforts behind both of Obama’s presidential campaign, to Israel to work the same magic there with a group called Victory 15.

Victory 15 was in turn a close ally of the One Voice Movement — a U.S. tax-exempt organization with a subsidiary in Israel that actively worked against Netanyahu. One Voice apparently used $350,000 in State Department grants to to fund its anti-Netanyahu efforts in direct contravention with U.S. law.
Expect a congressional investigation of the “dark money” the U.S. government may have indirectly spent in Israel.

Reps. Mike Bost and Randy Hultgren, two GOP House members from Illinois, have joined 18 of their colleagues in sending a letter calling on Bird and other Obama operatives to give a full accounting of their activities: “As Members of Congress, we are greatly concerned to hear allegations of our own State Department spending American tax dollars that were then used to influence foreign elections.

"Israeli elections should be left to the citizens of Israel and not the influence of U.S. taxpayer-funded grant

Breaking News at Newsmax.com Obama Operatives Try to Sway Israel's Election
Remember when Israel sent it's most powerful political leader to America to sway the 2014 elections?

Not quit the same as shipping part of your political Machine to Israel to work the street get out the vote effort is it?
...I think it creates a subconscious belief that some citizens are better than others and this is reinforced in a system of citizenship that gives different rights and obligations to each group. It strives for a "different but equal" system, but I don't think that can truly work.

What would you propose as a solution?

Should we give the southern US to the blacks and the whites can keep the north?

For one, I think there should be only one citizenship - Israeli, that covers all citizens. I think that would be more of a uniting factor, whereas a divided system, divides citizens.

It would be as if the US had two categories of American citizenship: Black Americans and White Americans. That doesn't mean social/ethnic/racial divisions would cease to exist, but it would be easier to be Americans first.
I don't know what you mean by "divided citizenship". Arabs with blue ID have the exact same rights I, as a Jew, have, in Israel.

It seems to me like you're trying to make a groundless statement true.
Remember when the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu appealed to his base to go vote by saying the dirty Arabs were getting bused to election sites? Now that's equality.

Wow. Talk about twisting the facts, eh?

First, nowhere did he use "dirty" to describe the Arabs, that is just your mean add-on. But never mind that.

And yes, he did say to go voting because the Arabs vote. For the simple reason that Israeli Arabs are naturally on the left wing, and Netanyahu is a rightist leader. It's like a Republican telling Republicans to go and vote since the democratic votes are sky high.

Nothing racist about it.

And I'm not a Likud supporter, btw.

Remember when Obama sent his political operatives to get out the Arab vote

Team Obama, which pulled as many strings as it could to defeat Netanyahu, was embarrassed.

It had dispatched Jeremy Bird, the architect of the grass-roots and online organizing efforts behind both of Obama’s presidential campaign, to Israel to work the same magic there with a group called Victory 15.

Victory 15 was in turn a close ally of the One Voice Movement — a U.S. tax-exempt organization with a subsidiary in Israel that actively worked against Netanyahu. One Voice apparently used $350,000 in State Department grants to to fund its anti-Netanyahu efforts in direct contravention with U.S. law.
Expect a congressional investigation of the “dark money” the U.S. government may have indirectly spent in Israel.

Reps. Mike Bost and Randy Hultgren, two GOP House members from Illinois, have joined 18 of their colleagues in sending a letter calling on Bird and other Obama operatives to give a full accounting of their activities: “As Members of Congress, we are greatly concerned to hear allegations of our own State Department spending American tax dollars that were then used to influence foreign elections.

"Israeli elections should be left to the citizens of Israel and not the influence of U.S. taxpayer-funded grant

Breaking News at Newsmax.com Obama Operatives Try to Sway Israel's Election
Remember when Israel sent it's most powerful political leader to America to sway the 2014 elections?

Not quit the same as shipping part of your political Machine to Israel to work the street get out the vote effort is it?
Did Obama send them? Or were they hired to do a job? Nvm you don't care.
Let's pick the most important 8,000 square miles of Alabama, kick out everyone who lives there, and put all the black people there. All black people can come and go and live there no questions asked. If you're not black, you may never set foot there without jumping through a ton of hoops. Then let's give them tons of money, and hold their priorities above our own. Then let's prop them up militarily against the former Alabamans who were kicked out and all of their supporters who want to get in. We will help slaughter and blockade the formerly Alabaman terrorists.
Funny drivel, indeed.
It is right? Could you imagine people being stupid enough to try something like that out? I bet it would result in like, decades worth of violence and madness. Probably centuries if the new state survived that long.
Oh, and then there's palistan, of course. The Soviet Union legacy. hehe
Let's pick the most important 8,000 square miles of Alabama, kick out everyone who lives there, and put all the black people there. All black people can come and go and live there no questions asked. If you're not black, you may never set foot there without jumping through a ton of hoops. Then let's give them tons of money, and hold their priorities above our own. Then let's prop them up militarily against the former Alabamans who were kicked out and all of their supporters who want to get in. We will help slaughter and blockade the formerly Alabaman terrorists.
Funny drivel, indeed.
It is right? Could you imagine people being stupid enough to try something like that out? I bet it would result in like, decades worth of violence and madness. Probably centuries if the new state survived that long.
Oh, and then there's palistan, of course. The Soviet Union legacy. hehe
Every post is dumber than the last. Impressive.
What would you propose as a solution?

Should we give the southern US to the blacks and the whites can keep the north?

For one, I think there should be only one citizenship - Israeli, that covers all citizens. I think that would be more of a uniting factor, whereas a divided system, divides citizens.

It would be as if the US had two categories of American citizenship: Black Americans and White Americans. That doesn't mean social/ethnic/racial divisions would cease to exist, but it would be easier to be Americans first.
Remember when the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu appealed to his base to go vote by saying the dirty Arabs were getting bused to election sites? Now that's equality.

Wow. Talk about twisting the facts, eh?

First, nowhere did he use "dirty" to describe the Arabs, that is just your mean add-on. But never mind that.

And yes, he did say to go voting because the Arabs vote. For the simple reason that Israeli Arabs are naturally on the left wing, and Netanyahu is a rightist leader. It's like a Republican telling Republicans to go and vote since the democratic votes are sky high.

Nothing racist about it.

And I'm not a Likud supporter, btw.

Remember when Obama sent his political operatives to get out the Arab vote

Team Obama, which pulled as many strings as it could to defeat Netanyahu, was embarrassed.

It had dispatched Jeremy Bird, the architect of the grass-roots and online organizing efforts behind both of Obama’s presidential campaign, to Israel to work the same magic there with a group called Victory 15.

Victory 15 was in turn a close ally of the One Voice Movement — a U.S. tax-exempt organization with a subsidiary in Israel that actively worked against Netanyahu. One Voice apparently used $350,000 in State Department grants to to fund its anti-Netanyahu efforts in direct contravention with U.S. law.
Expect a congressional investigation of the “dark money” the U.S. government may have indirectly spent in Israel.

Reps. Mike Bost and Randy Hultgren, two GOP House members from Illinois, have joined 18 of their colleagues in sending a letter calling on Bird and other Obama operatives to give a full accounting of their activities: “As Members of Congress, we are greatly concerned to hear allegations of our own State Department spending American tax dollars that were then used to influence foreign elections.

"Israeli elections should be left to the citizens of Israel and not the influence of U.S. taxpayer-funded grant

Breaking News at Newsmax.com Obama Operatives Try to Sway Israel's Election
Remember when Israel sent it's most powerful political leader to America to sway the 2014 elections?

Not quit the same as shipping part of your political Machine to Israel to work the street get out the vote effort is it?
Did Obama send them? Or were they hired to do a job? Nvm you don't care.

I'm sure Obama didn't advertise it..who hired them? If Obama didn't want them there, they wouldn't have been there.
Is there any such thing as an Israeli Citizen?

Citizenship is divided - there are Arab Israeli citizens and Jewish Israeli citizens.

Do any other countries have a divided citizenship based on ethnic groups? (I don't know of any)

Can a society have true equality if it has different categories of citizenship? Does that not in and of itself foster an atmosphere of inequality?

I think yes, and I think it creates a subconscious belief that some citizens are better than others and this is reinforced in a system of citizenship that gives different rights and obligations to each group. It strives for a "different but equal" system, but I don't think that can truly work.

What about your own American divided citizenship then. You have the following divided citizen groups

Afro American
Caribbean American
Irish American
Indian American
Arab American
Pakistani American
Scots American
Japanese American
Asian American

To name but a few.

But I think you are getting at the two states in existence that have two governments, and trying to slip in your usual anti Jew rhetoric over Palestine.

Looks like you lost again in your attacks on the Jews.

By the way the arab Israeli's have the same rights as the Jewish Israelis UNDER ISREALI LAW
...I think it creates a subconscious belief that some citizens are better than others and this is reinforced in a system of citizenship that gives different rights and obligations to each group. It strives for a "different but equal" system, but I don't think that can truly work.

What would you propose as a solution?

Should we give the southern US to the blacks and the whites can keep the north?

For one, I think there should be only one citizenship - Israeli, that covers all citizens. I think that would be more of a uniting factor, whereas a divided system, divides citizens.

It would be as if the US had two categories of American citizenship: Black Americans and White Americans. That doesn't mean social/ethnic/racial divisions would cease to exist, but it would be easier to be Americans first.

Again you mean give the Palestinians Israeli citizenship so they can wrest control from the Jew and instigate another final solution, then you wont have anything to cloud your mind and can get down to some serious koranic reading.
...I think it creates a subconscious belief that some citizens are better than others and this is reinforced in a system of citizenship that gives different rights and obligations to each group. It strives for a "different but equal" system, but I don't think that can truly work.

What would you propose as a solution?

Should we give the southern US to the blacks and the whites can keep the north?

For one, I think there should be only one citizenship - Israeli, that covers all citizens. I think that would be more of a uniting factor, whereas a divided system, divides citizens.

It would be as if the US had two categories of American citizenship: Black Americans and White Americans. That doesn't mean social/ethnic/racial divisions would cease to exist, but it would be easier to be Americans first.

There is only one citizenship, it is the arab muslims, or a minority of extremists, that say otherwise.

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