Erdogan warns Israel and hopes its leaders come to senses

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan:

  • "Israel," which terrorizes civilians in Gaza, would be torn to pieces if it faced our army. We hope it comes to its senses as soon as possible.
  • "Israel," hiding under the skirts of the West, will pay an increasingly higher price the more it tyrannizes. Killing children, women, and civilians is a misery only cowards, like the rulers of 'Israel,' would commit."

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated on Monday that the financial toll of destruction in Gaza has reached $100 billion, holding Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government accountable for the devastation.

“The “Israeli” administration must first be charged with the destruction it has caused and with this, the reconstruction process in Gaza should be started,” Erdogan said at the Turkey-Malaysia Strategic Cooperation meeting in Kuala Lumpur alongside Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. He also condemned the seizure of Palestinian homes and lands, demanding their return to rightful owners, “Homes, lands, and workplaces seized by the “Israeli” state and the ‘rogue’ settlers must be returned to the rightful Palestinian owners,” Erdogan added.

Erdogan further emphasized that a second Nakba against the Palestinian people will not be allowed. He called for a new global order to address international issues, urging a system that values diversity and inclusion. “From economy to diplomacy, from trade to security, we need a new approach and a new global order to solve problems,” he underscored.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan:

  • "Israel," which terrorizes civilians in Gaza, would be torn to pieces if it faced our army. We hope it comes to its senses as soon as possible.
  • "Israel," hiding under the skirts of the West, will pay an increasingly higher price the more it tyrannizes. Killing children, women, and civilians is a misery only cowards, like the rulers of 'Israel,' would commit."

Erdogan is an asshole.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan:

  • "Israel," which terrorizes civilians in Gaza, would be torn to pieces if it faced our army. We hope it comes to its senses as soon as possible.
  • "Israel," hiding under the skirts of the West, will pay an increasingly higher price the more it tyrannizes. Killing children, women, and civilians is a misery only cowards, like the rulers of 'Israel,' would commit."

Erdogan needs to put up a realistic solution or else shut up.
He wants the Caliphate restored.
A Date the C"I"A Wasn't Intelligent Enough to Remember

The Ottoman jihad's last day of glory was September 11. 1683. The next day they got overrun outside Vienna. If a dedicated theocrat like Osama bin Laden had been in charge back then, they would have ransacked Vienna months before and just about to capture Paris.

The rules of war then were that if a city surrendered, the General got all the loot. If it was stormed, he had to share half of it with his troops. So he dawdled outside the walls and his troops got fat and useless.
If Erdogan is so worried about the Gazans, he should take them in while Gaza is being rebuilt. The place is uninhabitable now. Well, unless you want to live in the tunnels.
If Erdogan is so worried about the Gazans, he should take them in while Gaza is being rebuilt. The place is uninhabitable now. Well, unless you want to live in the tunnels.

I think they want to dump some of those hundreds of released Palestinian criminals into Turkey.
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