Ethanol destroys America


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
There is a new level of ethanol that will be allowed to put into our gasoline. It is being raised from 10% to 15%. This may have a bigger effect on the economy than the home forclosures and ObamaCare put together. It will be a tremendous burden on us that eat, weither it be meat, corn, or dairy products. As the cost of raising chickens or cattle rise because of feed costs we have to expect it to show up in what we pay for our groceries. We farmers are seeing the pain that you will soon see.

I remember George W Bush on TV telling us not to use a food source for the making of ethanol and nobody listened. I am sure Obama will blame him when the food triples.
Ethanol can also be made from algae, woodchips and as a matter of fact, Coors Brewery in Golden Colorado is now using the waste from their beer making to produce ethanol.

Just another lame bullshit scare from Born Wrong y'all. Nothing much to see here.
Ethanol destroys America
All I care about is that it destroys the float bowl gaskets on my motorbike and the gaskets and seals in the motor for my fishing boat.

That's bad enough for me.
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You know Oddball, you can get a kit to adjust gas engines to make them run more efficiently on ethanol.

Interestingly enough, I saw a program over the weekend about supercars (Science Channel I think), and it showed a gas car racing an ethanol car. The ethanol car was faster.

And, ethanol burns cleaner than oil.
There is a new level of ethanol that will be allowed to put into our gasoline. It is being raised from 10% to 15%. This may have a bigger effect on the economy than the home forclosures and ObamaCare put together. It will be a tremendous burden on us that eat, weither it be meat, corn, or dairy products. As the cost of raising chickens or cattle rise because of feed costs we have to expect it to show up in what we pay for our groceries. We farmers are seeing the pain that you will soon see.

I remember George W Bush on TV telling us not to use a food source for the making of ethanol and nobody listened. I am sure Obama will blame him when the food triples.

you are a loon and a liar

baby bush on ethanol:

I set a goal to replace oil from around the world. The best way and the fastest way to do so is to expand the use of ethanol.

Bush Delivers Speech on Renewable Fuel Sources -

You know Oddball, you can get a kit to adjust gas engines to make them run more efficiently on ethanol.

Interestingly enough, I saw a program over the weekend about supercars (Science Channel I think), and it showed a gas car racing an ethanol car. The ethanol car was faster.

And, ethanol burns cleaner than oil.
Those are cars built to run on ETOH, which is a solvent.

Insofar as gaskets and seals meant for gasoline engines -and especially marine engines- are concerned, ETOH is liquid job security for mechanics.
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1.Producing ethanol isn’t energy efficient.
Numerous studies have shown that ethanol has a positive energy balance, particularly when compared with gasoline. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, it takes 1.23 units of fossil energy to make one unit of gasoline31 – an energy cost of 23 percent. In contrast, corn ethanol delivers 20 to 50 percent more energy than it takes to produce, and cellulosic up to 600 percent more32. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says this: “For every BTU dedicated to producing [corn] ethanol, there is a 34 percent energy gain.”33

2.Ethanol is expensive to produce.
Producing corn ethanol in the U.S. currently costs about $1.50 to $1.60 per gallon, but it is produced for significantly less elsewhere. In an article from fall 2005, the Rocky Mountain Institute pointed out that Brazilian ethanol was selling in New York for $1.10 a gallon, despite an import tariff of 54 cents a gallon.34 Producing cellulosic ethanol – a new technology just beginning to develop its potential – costs more than producing ethanol from corn. However, the cost to produce cellulosic ethanol will go down as the industry implements new technologies and efficiencies.

3.Ethanol lowers your gas mileage.
It’s true that ethanol contains less energy than gasoline, but for vehicles using E10, the lower energy content of ethanol does not adversely affect fuel efficiency. E85-fueled cars experience about a 17 to 25 percent decrease in mileage, depending on speed and terrain.

Concerns about the fuel efficiency of higher-blend ethanol can be overcome. Although ethanol has less energy per gallon than gasoline, its octane rating is higher than gasoline’s, which can counterbalance its lower energy content when blended in higher concentrations. Octane measures a fuel’s ability to resist premature ignition of the compressed fuel and air mixture. Using a higher octane fuel allows engines to have higher compression ratios, which increase the engine’s thermal efficiency. As a result, an engine designed with a higher compression ratio can be far more efficient than a gasoline engine. Improvements in flex-fuel vehicle engine design, such as direct fuel injection, and engines with variable compression capability, which takes advantage of ethanol’s specific characteristics, can also improve flex-fuel vehicle mileage. A prototype car engine recently developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology uses injections of ethanol into a car’s cylinders to increase the combustion efficiency. The result is a 30 percent increase in miles per gallon.35

Range Fuels - Debunking Ethanol Myths
There is a new level of ethanol that will be allowed to put into our gasoline. It is being raised from 10% to 15%. This may have a bigger effect on the economy than the home forclosures and ObamaCare put together. It will be a tremendous burden on us that eat, weither it be meat, corn, or dairy products. As the cost of raising chickens or cattle rise because of feed costs we have to expect it to show up in what we pay for our groceries. We farmers are seeing the pain that you will soon see.

I remember George W Bush on TV telling us not to use a food source for the making of ethanol and nobody listened. I am sure Obama will blame him when the food triples.

I'm an organic farmer in Central and South America....with an "A".
What seems to be the problem ? BTW I don't buy animal feed. I grow it. I don't even buy dog food, rabbit food or fish food. I grow/make it.
I damn sure don't buy Master Monsanto's seed or petroleum based fertilizer and pesticides.

No. I'm not some little hippie with a punkin patch. I have many hectarias in production.
Ethanol isn't destroying America. America's hopeless oil dependency is.

Ahh yes but the puppets of big oil will not allow themselves to realize that.

they just say drill baby drill.
However the facts are that we do not even have a fraction of the oil reserves needed to satisfy our oil needs/wants.

the partisan hacks do not even realize that Obama has opened up more offshore areas to drilling than Bush did.
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Not at all...But I'm not the one here using said knee-jerk platitudes to force the use of solvents into motor fuel meant for gasoline engines.
Ethanol can also be made from algae, woodchips and as a matter of fact, Coors Brewery in Golden Colorado is now using the waste from their beer making to produce ethanol.

Just another lame bullshit scare from Born Wrong y'all. Nothing much to see here.

The vast majority of ethanol in this country is made from corn. Smile you "Obamanite" and shell out more to feed your family. Food prices will soar.
Ethanol can also be made from algae, woodchips and as a matter of fact, Coors Brewery in Golden Colorado is now using the waste from their beer making to produce ethanol.

Just another lame bullshit scare from Born Wrong y'all. Nothing much to see here.

The vast majority of ethanol in this country is made from corn. Smile you "Obamanite" and shell out more to feed your family. Food prices will soar.

yes food prices will soar, but not because of ethanol production.
There is a new level of ethanol that will be allowed to put into our gasoline. It is being raised from 10% to 15%. This may have a bigger effect on the economy than the home forclosures and ObamaCare put together. It will be a tremendous burden on us that eat, weither it be meat, corn, or dairy products. As the cost of raising chickens or cattle rise because of feed costs we have to expect it to show up in what we pay for our groceries. We farmers are seeing the pain that you will soon see.

I remember George W Bush on TV telling us not to use a food source for the making of ethanol and nobody listened. I am sure Obama will blame him when the food triples.

I'm an organic farmer in Central and South America....with an "A".
What seems to be the problem ? BTW I don't buy animal feed. I grow it. I don't even buy dog food, rabbit food or fish food. I grow/make it.
I damn sure don't buy Master Monsanto's seed or petroleum based fertilizer and pesticides.

No. I'm not some little hippie with a punkin patch. I have many hectarias in production.

Organic farming is very good for small operations. In the USA, farmers have the attitude they have to feed the world. It can not be done organically. I raise approximately 5.1 million pounds of chicken a year. I also raise cattle and sheep. I do not feed my cattle or sheep as my land is so rich from the chicken litter placed on it. The farmers that raise the cattle and sheep without the fertilizer have to feed and the feed prices will climb. Therefore you will pay for it.
There is a new level of ethanol that will be allowed to put into our gasoline. It is being raised from 10% to 15%. This may have a bigger effect on the economy than the home forclosures and ObamaCare put together. It will be a tremendous burden on us that eat, weither it be meat, corn, or dairy products. As the cost of raising chickens or cattle rise because of feed costs we have to expect it to show up in what we pay for our groceries. We farmers are seeing the pain that you will soon see.

I remember George W Bush on TV telling us not to use a food source for the making of ethanol and nobody listened. I am sure Obama will blame him when the food triples.

I'm an organic farmer in Central and South America....with an "A".
What seems to be the problem ? BTW I don't buy animal feed. I grow it. I don't even buy dog food, rabbit food or fish food. I grow/make it.
I damn sure don't buy Master Monsanto's seed or petroleum based fertilizer and pesticides.

No. I'm not some little hippie with a punkin patch. I have many hectarias in production.

Organic farming is very good for small operations. In the USA, farmers have the attitude they have to feed the world. It can not be done organically. I raise approximately 5.1 million pounds of chicken a year. I also raise cattle and sheep. I do not feed my cattle or sheep as my land is so rich from the chicken litter placed on it. The farmers that raise the cattle and sheep without the fertilizer have to feed and the feed prices will climb. Therefore you will pay for it.

I knew there was something fowl about you ;)

Of course the rise in diesel fuel will have nothing to do with food prices going up will they?
Ethanol isn't destroying America. America's hopeless oil dependency is.
Not nearly as quickly as knee-jerk platitudes are. :lol::lol::lol:
The unprecedented consumption of a finite resource our complex industrial societies rely on doesn't bother you at at?

Not at all...But I'm not the one here using said knee-jerk platitudes to force the use of solvents into motor fuel meant for gasoline engines.
Not once did I defend the use of ethonal. It's putting a bandaid on a severed limb. We might as well wish in one hand and shit in the other.

How's that for cliches; platitudes?

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