EU and UK bracing for Extreemly Cold and Snowy Winter


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
I predicted this one over four months ago... Looks like everything is falling into place for one cold and snowy winter... Hope you all have fixed your power grid problems and increased your fossil fuel generation capacity over there...

The UK could be set to experience one of the coldest winters in three decades, scientists have warned.

Meteorologists say an even more extreme version of the “Beast from the East” could see parts of the country hit with blizzard-like conditions throughout much of January and February next year.

Using ground-breaking analysis of sea temperatures and air pressures, scientists have been able to predict one of the longest-range UK weather forecasts ever recorded – according to The Sunday Times.

Hope you all stocked up on thermals, food , and wood for the fire...

UK: New "Beast from the East" could cause one of the coldest winters in three decades
With the Atlantic flows now very cold there is no latent heat to warm Europe.. Going to be real interesting... Now the whole Northern Hemisphere is in major cooling mode.
REGIONAL WEATHER, Not Global Climate, and even if true, due to the Solar Minimum (since 2017) which has Temporarily masked our Thickening GHG Blanket.

That's at least 3 Threads started by BillBoob trying to DECEIVE people with about AGW with temporary and regional trends.
(Arctic ice, Growing Days, and maybe EU cold)

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Is that all you have Abu Fuk Fuk?


No data to support your religious position so your reduced to being a shit pellet dropping moron...
REGIONAL WEATHER, Not Global Climate, and even if true, due to the Solar Minimum which has Temporarily masked our Thickening GHG Blanket.

That's at least 3 Threads started by BillBoob trying to DECEIVE people with about AGW with temporary and regional trends.
(Arctic ice, Growing Days, and maybe EU cold)

What a moron... The whole damn hemisphere is cooling and you have nothing...

Tell me Abu Fuk Fuk, where is your GHG blanket now and why is it allowing this?
The shipping lanes opening up throughout the arctic because of melting ice and increased temperatures are just fake news. It's going to snow this winter, guys. That means there are actually zero shipping lanes up there and more ice than ever.
The shipping lanes opening up throughout the arctic because of melting ice and increased temperatures are just fake news. It's going to snow this winter, guys. That means there are actually zero shipping lanes up there and more ice than ever.
The shipping lanes are blocked with ice already and have been since early July... Epic Fail..
So lets take stock of where the Northern Hemisphere stands..

1. The arctic is below normal in temparture by 3-5 deg F.

2. The arctic is way above normal ice creation and thickness. Even the much touted shipping lanes have been ice locked since early July.

3. Northern hemisphere temperatures, which allow plant growth, have diminished by 45-60 days in many crop growing regions in just two years. This has decreased the crop production of many crops by 1/2.

4. Both the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean circulations are now cold entering the arctic.

5. Both the pacific and Atlantic heat reserves are now depleted and the ENSO is now cold and trending towards La Niña. This means there is no heat to warm either the US or the EU during winter.

6. The polar Jet has increased in size and strength to January levels already (happened in late July). This killed Tropical cyclone formations and even today it is again crushing the forming storms again while those that do form are pushed out to sea.

All of the patterns suggest that this winter will be very cold and very snowy for both the US and the EU. All of the patterns are one of a massive cooling of the Northern Hemisphere. The problem is that the Southern Hemisphere is also in a major cool down as well. The Sun is approaching Minima that we have not seen since 1730.

Things are about to get very interesting as major cooling records were broken this year in Australia and Antarctica... I fully expect them here in the northern hemisphere as well.
The shipping lanes opening up throughout the arctic because of melting ice and increased temperatures are just fake news. It's going to snow this winter, guys. That means there are actually zero shipping lanes up there and more ice than ever.
The shipping lanes are blocked with ice already and have been since early July... Epic Fail..
The ones that never existed before? Cool anecdote.
The shipping lanes opening up throughout the arctic because of melting ice and increased temperatures are just fake news. It's going to snow this winter, guys. That means there are actually zero shipping lanes up there and more ice than ever.
The shipping lanes are blocked with ice already and have been since early July... Epic Fail..
This entire article is completely fake news: National Security Implications of a US Strategic Port in the Arctic

Trump should shift away all funds for national security in the arctic to something else since it's a fake issue by liberals to get grant money, or something. Right?
REGIONAL WEATHER, Not Global Climate, and even if true, due to the Solar Minimum (since 2017) which has Temporarily masked our Thickening GHG Blanket.

That's at least 3 Threads started by BillBoob trying to DECEIVE people with about AGW with temporary and regional trends.
(Arctic ice, Growing Days, and maybe EU cold)


s0n....please present some evidence for us that anybody is caring about the GHG blanket!:113:
The shipping lanes opening up throughout the arctic because of melting ice and increased temperatures are just fake news. It's going to snow this winter, guys. That means there are actually zero shipping lanes up there and more ice than ever.
The shipping lanes are blocked with ice already and have been since early July... Epic Fail..
This entire article is completely fake news: National Security Implications of a US Strategic Port in the Arctic

Trump should shift away all funds for national security in the arctic to something else since it's a fake issue by liberals to get grant money, or something. Right?
You moron... Its only available by ICE BREAKER SHIP... Keep dreaming...
The shipping lanes opening up throughout the arctic because of melting ice and increased temperatures are just fake news. It's going to snow this winter, guys. That means there are actually zero shipping lanes up there and more ice than ever.
The shipping lanes are blocked with ice already and have been since early July... Epic Fail..
This entire article is completely fake news: National Security Implications of a US Strategic Port in the Arctic

Trump should shift away all funds for national security in the arctic to something else since it's a fake issue by liberals to get grant money, or something. Right?
You moron... Its only available by ICE BREAKER SHIP... Keep dreaming...
Yes the new shipping lanes that ice breakers were never able to navigate are only navigable now because the arctic is colder than ever. #MAGA
REGIONAL WEATHER, Not Global Climate, and even if true, due to the Solar Minimum (since 2017) which has Temporarily masked our Thickening GHG Blanket.

That's at least 3 Threads started by BillBoob trying to DECEIVE people with about AGW with temporary and regional trends.
(Arctic ice, Growing Days, and maybe EU cold)


Something tells me that if we were talking about a mild winter you'd be screaming "global warming" and anyone that said "regional weather" would be a denier.
I just had a phone conversation with a fellow meteorologist in the UK, they are very worried that if this happens they will lose major portions of the grid in the UK and in the EU. Wind Turbines require heating of the bearings and continued rotation if they have to shut them down. This could very easily end in thousands of deaths. Last year that region had 65,000 cold related deaths, this could push that number into the hundreds of thousands...

The UK is waiting on several 150,000 Kw diesel generators that should be delivered later this month by ship. They are most certainly worried..
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I posted something about this way back when
record cold 2899, record warm 667
This year's issue also reports the same. The wooly caterpillars have an extremely heavy coat and the soothsayers predict it's a sure sign of a real polar freeze in North America.
Get out the longjohns. :bigbed:

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