
Both ….
Ok, here is the official Version:

Peaceful flower-power hippies demonstrated at the Maidan against Ukraine´s refusal to sign the European Union Association Agreement. The evil regime killed them all. When the pile of dead hippies grew so large that it threatened to collapse on the government buildings, the government fled Ukraine.

Well, and here is the true version:

It is well documented what happened. With the help of the West the Nazis, real Nazis, took over, because Ukraine decided to not go west.
We can see the result today.

See here, there was no more police in Kiev, just neo nazis:
would you call zelenski a nazi?
Hard to tell.


He is maybe not a Nazi like the narratives tells. I learned that Ukrainian nationalism is not the same as Nazism. They have their own nationalism, even though they fancy German WWII militarism and its war against the Soviets. So while they are not politically identical, the swastika is actually banned, they do have a strong pro-German stance and love everything that has to do with the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS.
So, from do-gooder´s view he is certainly a true nazi. But for those who see more than black and white, it is more complicated.

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