Europeans are mixed race and not pure "indo-europeans"


Gold Member
Europeans make fun of indians that they are mixed race but here we go

hey were not "caucasoid" in the traditional sense, they were dark skinned and out of africa like, they were genetically as much distinct from the farmers as asians are from europeans today. they were not white, the only thing about them white was they had blue eyes.

“You have groups which are as genetically distinct as Europeans and East Asians. And they’re living side by side for thousands of years.” DNA Deciphers Roots of Modern Europeans

f they were genetically that much distinct they were "different races"
There is another group of Neolithic farmers out of the Middle East which had an influence on the population of Europe: the ancestors of the Berbers of North Africa who spread to Morocco and across the Straits of Gibraltar into Spain.

They were dark-white, black-haired, and blue-eyed --- much like the so-called dark Scots and Irish --- who may indeed be in part descended from that Neolithic farmer population which spread up the coast of western Europe.
Get a DNA ancestry test, you may be amazed.

most commercial dna tests are not deep ancestry, but have modern populations like european (british, italian, german) etc. this is deep ancestry what happened 9000 years ago, most dna tests wont tell you that. but you can investigate further. i took a dna test.

here is a interesting thing i pursued this is deep ancestry

from same source

modern ancestry


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