Even from India they are coming to join the islamic State, and this one was an engineering student w


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Even from India they are coming to join the islamic State, and this one was an engineering student who probably had a bright future ahead of him.

Missing Mumbai youth from Kalyan reported killed in Iraq
Mumbai | Published: Aug 27 2014, 22:15 IST
Relatives of Arif Fayyaz Majeed meet Home Minister Rajnath Singh. (Express photo: Deepak Joshi)
SUMMARYArif, an engineering student, was one of four men from Thane who went missing from their homes in May.

Arif Ejaz Majeed, one of the four young men from Kalyan near Mumbai who were thought to have joined insurgents of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has reportedly been killed in fighting in Iraq.

Arif, an engineering student, was one of four men from Kalyan who went missing from their homes in May. Arif’s family — along with the families of the other three men, Fahad Tanvir Sheikh, Aman Naim Tandel and Saheem Farooq Tanki — went to the police some days after they disappeared.

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Financial Express
And?? ...... :cool:

sunni habibi-----do you know any people from Mumbai? I do---lots ----and also lots of muslims from india----and hindus from india----a few Zoroastrians from MUMBAI----and some jews
from Mumbai (sorry a few Christians and Sikhs too) I am fascinated but not at all surprised that muslims youths---EDUCATED MUSLIM YOUTHS (engineering school is a big prestige thing in india) went to fight for the ***CALIPHATE**.
I got acquainted with muslims and hindus from india at
the SAME time---(long ago when I was young and beautiful).
Of all the muslims I came to know----Indian muslims were the
most nuts for the CALIPHATE. They actually carry a
delusion that the best of all worlds was THE MOGHUL
EMPIRE when islam ruled the indian subcontinent.
(actually it was a barbaric blood soaked era----but what-
the-hell ) An interesting factoid----there were---long ago--
jewish communities in LAHORE -----but they ran SOUTH---
where mostly hindus lived-----Mumbai is south----but still---
mostly hindu ----its Mumbai where jews, Zoroastrians and
Christians can survive. For an interesting discussion find
anyone from Mumbai and ask about INTERSECT
relationships-------the reason I know some Zoroastrians
is because jews and Zoroastrians get along fine
over there------along with Christians and Hindus.
Getting back to the MOGHUL empire---that best of
all possible eras------there is no question in the education
of muslim children of india that THE MOGHUL EMPIRE
WILL RISE AGAIN (if you happen to have a bit of
conferderate paper currency-----hold on to it----THE SOUTH
WILL RISE AGAIN) I would not be surprised if there are
not a whole lot more muslim indian kids in the CALIPHATE.

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