Even liberals get the bullet


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
What's happening to New York City Mayor Eric Adams should be a clue. He is being taken down by the same deep state lawfare that's trying to take President Trump down. By the same maneuvers that were used against Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, and Rick Gates.

All because he criticized the federal government's immigration polices.

I know you liberals, progressives, and Democrats think you're sitting on top of the world right now. But you should be worried. If they can take down someone in a high position like a Trump or a Mayor of New York City, just imagine what they could do to you or me if you get we their way.
What's happening to New York City Mayor Eric Adams should be a clue. He is being taken down by the same deep state lawfare that's trying to take President Trump down. By the same maneuvers that were used against Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, and Rick Gates.

All because he criticized the federal government's immigration polices.

I know you liberals, progressives, and Democrats think you're sitting on top of the world right now. But you should be worried. If they can take down someone in a high position like a Trump or a Mayor of New York City, just imagine what they could do to you or me if you get we their way.
Lol, he's indicted because he may have committed crimes. Rumors have him conspiring with the Turkish government for money.

This is actually proving the opposite of what you claim.
What's happening to New York City Mayor Eric Adams should be a clue. He is being taken down by the same deep state lawfare that's trying to take President Trump down. By the same maneuvers that were used against Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, and Rick Gates.

All because he criticized the federal government's immigration polices.

I know you liberals, progressives, and Democrats think you're sitting on top of the world right now. But you should be worried. If they can take down someone in a high position like a Trump or a Mayor of New York City, just imagine what they could do to you or me if you get we their way.
Please stop defending corruption. Didn't you defend Clarence Thomas too when we found out he's taking money from billionaires? Vergogna dude.
Please stop defending corruption. Didn't you defend Clarence Thomas too when we found out he's taking money from billionaires? Vergogna dude.
smellybooboo who are you lecturing on corruption? You have supported thee biggest crime family since Capone who sits in the WHite house now for 4 years. Hypocrite.
What's happening to New York City Mayor Eric Adams should be a clue. He is being taken down by the same deep state lawfare that's trying to take President Trump down. By the same maneuvers that were used against Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, and Rick Gates.

All because he criticized the federal government's immigration polices.

I know you liberals, progressives, and Democrats think you're sitting on top of the world right now. But you should be worried. If they can take down someone in a high position like a Trump or a Mayor of New York City, just imagine what they could do to you or me if you get we their way.

Only reason is...dems wanted him out for some reason. When dems got no more use for you, they eat their own.

dems eat their own.jpg
This thread is just more evidence that MAGAs do not believe in the rule. Everything is a conspiracy to these guys. Just because one is in power does not mean they are above the law. Adams was indicted for corruption. Oh, I forgot, MAGAs support Trump the most corrupt person to ever hold the office of the presidency. So yeah, no surprise they would have a knee jerk reaction against the indictment.
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Life is cheap to the party that likes to fuck kids. If that means sacrificing one of their own for the cause, well so be it. Toe the party line or suffer the consequences.... there is no middle ground. They've already trotted out a rape charge from 35 years ago and when that didn't get any traction it's time to take it to the next level. And if this doesn't work, there's always trannies with rifles on rooftops.... hmm?

Meh.... you tried.
smellybooboo who are you lecturing on corruption? You have supported thee biggest crime family since Capone who sits in the WHite house now for 4 years. Hypocrite.
What a load of crap. The Biden's? LOL. You guys do this every time. You even did it to Bill Clinton. Why? Because you're jealous?

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

And no you didn't like Bill Clinton back then. If you did you would have voted for Gore in 2000.
What's happening to New York City Mayor Eric Adams should be a clue. He is being taken down by the same deep state lawfare that's trying to take President Trump down. By the same maneuvers that were used against Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, and Rick Gates.

All because he criticized the federal government's immigration polices.
Maybe you didn't notice, but Eric Adams, and Paul Manafort had nothing to do with immigration, but instead on foreign influence.
smellybooboo who are you lecturing on corruption? You have supported thee biggest crime family since Capone who sits in the WHite house now for 4 years. Hypocrite.
And yet none of the so called "crime family", with the exception of Hunter Biden on a gun charge, has been charged, indicted, or convicted of anything.

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