Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Amazing how there are so many american sheople here STILL in denial about this all these years later that there was at least one other shooter involved in the assassination of JFK.:cuckoo:

It was no surprise to see the usual trolls Whitehall,Predfan,rightwinger and other lone nut theorist trolls play dodgeball and dodge all the facts and evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK on this thread here


and as usual,it got highjacked by the paid trolls i have listed in my sig and this thread will as well by them as well no doubt.

Its pretty clear cut that posters like whitehall, predfan,and rightwinger who never watch videos or read links that shread to pieces the warren commission,have ever done any research into this and everything they know about this event is what they got from the CIA controlled mainstream media and their textbooks in our corrupt school system which STILL to this day tells the official lie that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

Whats really funny about that is even the house select committe on investigations in the 1970's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter and a probable conspiracy and yet there are so many idiots here like those I mentioned, who STILL say oswald was the lone assassin even though they THEMSELVES admitted they were wrong.:lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

Truthseeker tried to spell it out to them dummies style with this post below but they ignored it of course.no surprise.

What do you mean hard evidence? The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations ruled President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. And chastised the Warren Commission for it's inept investigation and only looking at the lone gunman theory.

well MAYBE they will take it seriosuly if they hear it from wikipedia then.I wouldnt hold my breath or bet on it though.It would be a miracle if they actutally read the link.

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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What else can we name that could be a possible massive conspiracy?

Minnosota - I've never met anyone from there; have any of you?
USMB - what if everyone is a paid poster? And nobody knows it?
The National Debt - I don't know a single person who's borrowed anything from China
The New York Jets - What if they are an elaborate prank meant to convince their players they can play in the NFL?

So many questions, yet there's nobody willing to dig for answers
What else can we name that could be a possible massive conspiracy?

Minnosota - I've never met anyone from there; have any of you?
USMB - what if everyone is a paid poster? And nobody knows it?
The National Debt - I don't know a single person who's borrowed anything from China
The New York Jets - What if they are an elaborate prank meant to convince their players they can play in the NFL?

So many questions, yet there's nobody willing to dig for answers
two farts in a row from you Dawgshit.:9:

thanks for showing how predictable you are,that your handlers send you here to highjack these threads and try and derail truth discussions.:clap2:
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What else can we name that could be a possible massive conspiracy?

Minnosota - I've never met anyone from there; have any of you?
USMB - what if everyone is a paid poster? And nobody knows it?
The National Debt - I don't know a single person who's borrowed anything from China
The New York Jets - What if they are an elaborate prank meant to convince their players they can play in the NFL?

So many questions, yet there's nobody willing to dig for answers

another lone nut theorist obviously in denial when confronted with the facts i see changing the subject and evading them.:cuckoo:
Amazing how there are so many american sheople here STILL in denial about this all these years later that there was at least one other shooter involved in the assassination of JFK.:cuckoo:

It was no surprise to see the usual trolls Whitehall,Predfan,rightwinger and other lone nut theorist trolls play dodgeball and dodge all the facts and evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK on this thread here


and as usual,it got highjacked by the paid trolls i have listed in my sig and this thread will as well by them as well no doubt.

Its pretty clear cut that posters like whitehall, predfan,and rightwinger who never watch videos or read links that shread to pieces the warren commission,have ever done any research into this and everything they know about this event is what they got from the CIA controlled mainstream media and their textbooks in our corrupt school system which STILL to this day tells the official lie that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

Whats really funny about that is even the house select committe on investigations in the 1970's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter and a probable conspiracy and yet there are so many idiots here like those I mentioned, who STILL say oswald was the lone assassin even though they THEMSELVES admitted they were wrong.:lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

Truthseeker tried to spell it out to them dummies style with this post below but they ignored it of course.no surprise.

What do you mean hard evidence? The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations ruled President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. And chastised the Warren Commission for it's inept investigation and only looking at the lone gunman theory.

well MAYBE they will take it seriosuly if they hear it from wikipedia then.I wouldnt hold my breath or bet on it though.It would be a miracle if they actutally read the link.

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

commenting further on this,the logical,open minded,objective people who dont go into it only seeing what they want to see,it was spelled out for them dummies style by myself,Bfgrn,Dugdale,Dukes,Yidnar,Numan,and truthseeker on this thread here.If you read these posts numbers and you again go into it being open minded,objective,and use logic and common sense,the evidence is overwhelming in these posts of ours oswald was innocent and there was a conspiracy.these posts numbers on this thread answer it all.

posts #'s 16,17,21,24,28,30,38,45,36,60,65,68,78,84,87,89,91,94,95,97,100,103

all right here on this thread.:cuckoo:


STILL wating for a poster to come on who isnt here just to troll the boards.so far one hasnt posted on this thread.
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I love it,74 views and only two trolls have come on so far to post and they both evaded the facts and changed the subject.:clap2: Looks like the cat has got the tongue of the lone nut theorists as evidenced by the posts so far,evading the facts and changing the subject.:lmao:
I love it,74 views and only two trolls have come on so far to post and they both evaded the facts and changed the subject.:clap2: Looks like the cat has got the tongue of the lone nut theorists as evidenced by the posts so far,evading the facts and changing the subject.:lmao:

Considering how little respect you get here it is likely they looked for something substantial in your bogus claim ("Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK") and finding nothing of value they shook their heads at your idiocy and left.
That said, I will humor you a bit.
You will notice the Committee concluded some degree of "probability" of a conspiracy.
If you scroll down to the critcisms you'll find that the acoustic evidence which was the basis of their 2 shooter conspiracy theory was found to be bogus, rendering their findings invalid. What I find most telling is that the Soviets worked hard to create and foster conspiracy theories regarding the Kennedy assassination. In other words, you have probably been duped by a country so inept it has since dissolved. So what does that say about you?
(United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
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I love it,74 views and only two trolls have come on so far to post and they both evaded the facts and changed the subject.:clap2: Looks like the cat has got the tongue of the lone nut theorists as evidenced by the posts so far,evading the facts and changing the subject.:lmao:

Considering how little respect you get here it is likely they looked for something substantial in your bogus claim ("Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK") and finding nothing of value they shook their heads at your idiocy and left.
That said, I will humor you a bit.
You will notice the Committee concluded some degree of "probability" of a conspiracy.
If you scroll down to the critcisms you'll find that the acoustic evidence which was the basis of their 2 shooter conspiracy was found to be bogus, rendering their findings invalid. What I find most telling is that the Soviets worked hard to create and foster conspiracy theories regarding the Kennedy assassination. In other words, you have probably been duped by a country so inept it has since dissolved. So what does that say about you?
(United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
how dare you bring fact to this thread!
two more farts in a row from you dawgshit.:9: as always,you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are.:lol:
your handlers sure pay you well instructing you to use all these sock puppets here sense you keep getting humiliated and embarrassed with all these ass beatings as dawgshit.so you register more sock puppets to look like you have backup. :lol::lmao::lmao::rofl:

yep,like i said,the cat has got the tongue of the NON PAID trolls such as Big Black Dog,predfan, whitehall,and the newest one The old school.:lol:

you are so predictable Dawgshit.I KNEW it was just a matter of time before you would use your sock puppet SAY IT to come on here to make it look like you had backup.:lol:
Obviously you have had no success getting in contact with your lover and fellow paid troll Rat in the ass in pm's to come on here and help you out which I have no doubt you are crying about.:lol:
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The best part of that "Kennedy Assassination Investigation" was the Magic Bullet theory. You gotta' be either Retarded or in Complete Denial to believe THAT story.

magic bullet theory debunked. the first rendering shows the assumed seating positions which in a later study were found to be incorrect. the second rendering show the actual positions and trajectory of the bullet...
it's no proof of a second or third shooter.
Let's say that was the correct trajectory, then why was the bullet still in pristine condition after having gone through two people?

You know who pushed that "Magic Bullet" Theory? Arlen Specter! An unknown Lawyer was heavily rewarded for his efforts dontcha' think?

You know where that bullet was found? On the gurney JFK was wheeled in on, just laying there. Musta' been the one used in the shooting right?
The best part of that "Kennedy Assassination Investigation" was the Magic Bullet theory. You gotta' be either Retarded or in Complete Denial to believe THAT story.


Thanks for coming on here.Its nice to FINALLY have someone who isnt a a troll on here that has logic and common sense. amazing isnt it how so many people by into the magic bullet theory isnt it? and yeah like you said,they are so retarded they have no clue that a bullet that goes through someone doesnt wind up in pristine condition like that.:D:lol::lmao:

theres definitely a lot of american sheople here in the states that are so programmed by the media and cant believe our government would do such a thing like that first poster for instance,that they ignore any kind of facts you present them such as the HSCA investigation in the 70's did similiar test firings of bullets into dead animals and not one of them wound up in pristine condition undamaged like the magic bullet was that they say killed kennedy.:cuckoo::lmao:

the lone nut trolls will of course ignore that pic you posted that talks about how even an EXPERT chief consultant in wound ballistices for the US ARMY who supervised the tests for the warren commission said that in no way could be the bullet.that of course is not good enough for the lone nut trolls though.:lol::lmao::rofl:
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Let's say that was the correct trajectory, then why was the bullet still in pristine condition after having gone through two people?

You know who pushed that "Magic Bullet" Theory? Arlen Specter! An unknown Lawyer was heavily rewarded for his efforts dontcha' think?

You know where that bullet was found? On the gurney JFK was wheeled in on, just laying there. Musta' been the one used in the shooting right?

forget it,dont waste your breath on troll Dawgshit and his sock puppet sayit that he posts under as well,your posts are full of too much logic and common sense for him to comprehend. He is a paid shill sent here by his handlers to derail any truth discussion of government corruption.

Yeah Arlen Specter sure was rewarded handsomely for his participation in the coverup,thats for sure.senator of Pennsylvania I would say is a VERY rewarding posistion for him.same as future president Gerald Ford who served on the warren commission.He REALLY got handsomely rewarded for his participation in the coverup.

Dawgshit is ignorant about bullet trajectorys.If you were shooting from the 6th floor window,the bullet would be going at a downward angle and would never have been able to make all those incredble turns and stops it would have to make to exit his throut and wind up in connollys thigh and then wrist.:lol::lmao::rofl:

whats really hysterical about the trolls like Dawgshit is they ignore that oswald would have had a much clearer shot at him coming up on Main street TOWARDS him with an unobstructed view and thatsd the shot he would have taken instead of waiting for a much more difficult shot on elm street with the target moving from him with an obstructed view of the tree that was there.:lol::D:lmao:

You hit the nail right on the head.Only a retard would STILL believe that fairy tale of the warren commission.:lmao:

Yeah thats hysterical that the bullet was found on Jfks gurney when the bullet last entered connolly.:lol:

Also on the topic of that bastard future president Ford-may he burn in hell.even the lamestream media acknowleded a few years ago he was secretly taping the warren commssion hearings unbeknowest to some of the members and giving the tapes to J Edgar Hoover.It was all over the front pages of the main newspapers like the LA TIMES,NEW YORK TIMES ect,ect.

again thanks for coming on here and posting those facts.its refreashing to see someone on this thread who isnt either a paid shill or a troll in denial posting on here finally.
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And even if you use the "updated trajectory" as was previously posted, how did the bullet remain in great condition after going through two people?

I've asked this question so many times, yet no one can say how.
Just wondering,I assume you knew about that fact a few years ago how even the lamestream media came out and said all over the front pages of the LA TIMES,NY TIMES,WASHINGTON POST,ect,ect,ect that Ford was secretly taping the conversations of the warren commission hearings unbeknowest to some of the committee members who also had doubts about the warren commissions findings and passing on those tape recorded conversations to J Edgar Hoover because even a couple of other commission members themselves had doubts about the final conclusion and felt there was a conspiracy.You knew about that right?

matter of fact Hale Boggs who was on the commission was very criticial of the warren commissions findings and blasted the commission ignoring any kind of evidence that pointed towards conspiracy and he then of course,died in a mysterious plane crash afterwards. the lone nut trolls wont even read this link of course.

Boggs in fact was pushing for the investigation to be reopened.How conveinent for the government he died in a plane crash huh?

Hale Boggs - Everything2.com

Boggs himself matter of fact was the one who correctly came up with the term MAGIC BULLET.:clap2:
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Amazing how there are so many american sheople here STILL in denial about this all these years later that there was at least one other shooter involved in the assassination of JFK.:cuckoo:

It was no surprise to see the usual trolls Whitehall,Predfan,rightwinger and other lone nut theorist trolls play dodgeball and dodge all the facts and evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK on this thread here


and as usual,it got highjacked by the paid trolls i have listed in my sig and this thread will as well by them as well no doubt.

Its pretty clear cut that posters like whitehall, predfan,and rightwinger who never watch videos or read links that shread to pieces the warren commission,have ever done any research into this and everything they know about this event is what they got from the CIA controlled mainstream media and their textbooks in our corrupt school system which STILL to this day tells the official lie that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

Whats really funny about that is even the house select committe on investigations in the 1970's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter and a probable conspiracy and yet there are so many idiots here like those I mentioned, who STILL say oswald was the lone assassin even though they THEMSELVES admitted they were wrong.:lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

Truthseeker tried to spell it out to them dummies style with this post below but they ignored it of course.no surprise.

What do you mean hard evidence? The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations ruled President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. And chastised the Warren Commission for it's inept investigation and only looking at the lone gunman theory.

well MAYBE they will take it seriosuly if they hear it from wikipedia then.I wouldnt hold my breath or bet on it though.It would be a miracle if they actutally read the link.

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Got a question for ya... Do you believe in every single conspiracy theory or what? Can you name one you don't believe in?
Let's say that was the correct trajectory, then why was the bullet still in pristine condition after having gone through two people?

You know who pushed that "Magic Bullet" Theory? Arlen Specter! An unknown Lawyer was heavily rewarded for his efforts dontcha' think?

You know where that bullet was found? On the gurney JFK was wheeled in on, just laying there. Musta' been the one used in the shooting right?
you really gonna go with that?
1. the bullet was far from pristine: There is hardly a topic about the JFK assassination that is more distorted than the nature of CE 399, the nearly whole bullet found on a stretcher in Parkland Hospital. It is often called the "magic bullet" or the "pristine bullet." This essay shows that both these terms are false and highly misleading. The bullet was neither magic nor pristine. In fact, it was significantly distorted.
CE 399 usually shown from the side, like this:

This view makes it seem undistorted. However, when viewed from the bottom end, it is seen to be distinctly distorted:

As Dr. John K. Lattimer has stated, to distort a full-metal jacketed bullet like this requires viselike forces. This bullet is anything but pristine! These forces acted on the bullet as it sliced into the two men's bodies at initial speeds of about 1800 feet per second.
But aren't such deformations far less than would be expected for a bullet smashing into a body? In other words, isn't CE 399 deformed too little to have passed through one or two human bodies? Contemporary ballistic data give the lie to this claim as well. The photos below show the progressive deformation of full-metal jacketed bullets as the are shot into gelatin (similar to human flesh) at speeds from 474 meters per second to 977 meters per second. Note how they remain intact up to 652 meters per second. At speeds of 769 meters per second, they break apart at the seam in the middle, and eventually disintegrate into many pieces large and small

Was the "pristine bullet" really pristine?

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