Every intelligent person laughs at Russian claim about who started the war


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
At a pow-wow dinner in India the top Russian diplomat (answering a largely unrelated question) claimed that Ukraine started the war in Ukraine. 🙄

Thankfully, the room burst into laughter.

Props to all those calling bullshit on creepy -ass dishonest Russian propaganda. Laughter is a great medicine.

Well, it wasn't the Ukraine PERSE'............it was the Demonicreep NaziKarens in the White House, as well as his puppeteers!!!
THEY harassed, coerced, and teased Putin into this "war" to cover up their heinous atrocities against humans and the American taxpayer.......so much so, it would make Hitler envious.

So, he wasn't really lying. He just wasn't giving all the facts.
Well, it wasn't the Ukraine PERSE'............it was the Demonicreep NaziKarens in the White House, as well as his puppeteers!!!
THEY harassed, coerced, and teased Putin into this "war" to cover up their heinous atrocities against humans and the American taxpayer.......so much so, it would make Hitler envious.

So, he wasn't really lying. He just wasn't giving all the facts.
Well, it wasn't the Ukraine PERSE'............it was the Demonicreep NaziKarens in the White House, as well as his puppeteers!!!

How so? Gotta love the fucking spelling here, really original.
THEY harassed, coerced, and teased Putin into this "war" to cover up their heinous atrocities against humans and the American taxpayer.......so much so, it would make Hitler envious.

Like what? Hunter Biden? Sure, let's put the world on the brink of WWIII, just so we can distract people from the laptop and shady business dealing? And all of government will just go along with it? Yeah right.

So, he wasn't really lying. He just wasn't giving all the facts.
He was giving his facts. He is an ex-soviet, much like his Stasi secret state police idol, Putin.

Here's the gist of it. The Russians want Ukrainian territory because they think they're entitled to it. No one goaded them into war, they chose it. No one talked about Ukraine, or Russia really before the war started. Now that the war is ongoing, yeah, we're saying shit. As one of the biggest nations on the world stage, we have the right to condemn these morons. Lavrov, being the old Soviet that he is, is a mini Goebbels right now, pulling stuff out of is ass just to make his nation and it's current crisis look like the victim of an outside force.

Ever read Animal Farm? Make sense?? Blame the West for it's failing war in Ukraine. Play the righteous victim card. Classic.
Well, it wasn't the Ukraine PERSE'............it was the Demonicreep NaziKarens in the White House, as well as his puppeteers!!!
THEY harassed, coerced, and teased Putin into this "war" to cover up their heinous atrocities against humans and the American taxpayer.......so much so, it would make Hitler envious.

So, he wasn't really lying. He just wasn't giving all the facts.
Of course you are correct
But it's pointless talking to people who have no idea of the background and are happy gullibles who have dutifully become conditioned by MSM garbage.
And of course, like the Impure Ones who allowed others to stick poison in them , it is too late to show contrition and humility . They are backed into a corner and can only lash out like brats who need kicking hard up their backsides.
Nonsense. The Dims are the Party of Stalin. And Putin.

Marjorie Taylor Greene ramped up her rhetoric against the U.S. support for the war in Ukraine in comments at CPAC, the conservative political gathering, on Friday, saying Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “wants our sons and daughters to go die in Ukraine.”

Nonsense. The Dims are the Party of Stalin. And Putin.
There is the difference. The Dims support Putin because he is anti-American, and Republicans understand Putin motivation, because he is pro-Russian. Sometimes Putin do things good for the whole world, for example, when he kills terrorists in the Middle-East and Nazies in Ukraine. Whoever kills them, he makes the world better and cleaner.
Technically, it's not a 'war', yet. For both sides it is still a 'military operation'. And yes, it was Turchinov, who, back in 2014 raised the violence from the level 'street disorders' to the level 'military operation'.

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