Every Teamsters union in Florida backs Kamala Harris for President

Every Teamsters union in Florida backs Kamala Harris for President

Great news! The national Teamsters may not be taking a stance, but local chapters are backing the Democratic ticket. What do you think?

Florida is a Right to Work state.
Truckers ain't got no problems in Flawda.
Ohp! Yeah, there is that FDOT. That's something to avoid.
As much power as game wardens and can be bigger dickheads.
FWC has a lot of power, too. Trucks come into FL, they have to meet FDOT regulations.
Florida is a Right to Work state.
Truckers ain't got no problems in Flawda.
Ohp! Yeah, there is that FDOT. That's something to avoid.
As much power as game wardens and can be bigger dickheads.
FWC has a lot of power, too. Trucks come into FL, they have to meet FDOT regulations.
Never seen more bloated bureaucrats on power trips, than the goobers infesting the scales on state borders.
Yeah, because the rank-and-file of the union was nearly 2:1 for Trump.

Fucking embarrassing as hell for the mobsters running those protection rackets.
This is funny. Yes, the union Bosses LOVE the Democrats...ANY Democrats, because the Democrats provide them favors out of taxpayer funds - bailing out their retirement fund, perhaps?

But the truck drivers want no part of that pair.

It is a little bit bothersome that the Democrats' support of UNIONS, is misstated to be Democrats support of WORKERS, which is an entirely different thing.

For the record, less than ten percent of American private-sector workers are union members. When Democrats support Union bullshit - e.g., the UAW strike - it really doesn't help more than a relative handful of workers, and it harms at least as many.
Leave him alone, he thinks he's an influencer
All the OP's endorsement threads should be combined.

Same theme just different names.

A waste of site resources.


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