Everything Wrong With America


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
The United States of Fascism, Tyranny and Corruption

The founding fathers of the United States created a nation based upon the belief of government restraint, the equality of all men and their right to life liberty and the pursuit
of happiness and that opposition to tyranny was an noble endeavor which required sacrifice. Though many of these ideals where not yet inherently present in their nation, the founders dreamed of what one day their country could become; would they have been proud of what their fledgling republic is now in the twenty first century. A government where the corporate sector has an inordinate amount of influence over public institutions through lobbyists and funding of the political members of the establishment directly through campaign contributions. A government that uses hundreds of billions of the average man and woman's money taken through taxes to save corporate institutions that nearly collapse because of their own business practices and allow those that run these institution to continue to live like a modern monarchy who live lives of opulence, decadence and comfort while because of their bad business practices many ordinary men and women lose their homes while countless tent cities appear across the nation and is a symptom of how many families have become homeless. A country that in the second have of the twentieth century directly and indirectly overthrew democratically elected leaders, installed or aligned with authoritarian and fascist dictators; sometimes to prevent the spread of leftist sentiment or other times so that American corporate powers to retain or take control of both the commodities and resources of such nations while those that lived in them where left in poverty and squalor. A country that professes its civilized nature to the world the world yet has killed hundreds of thousands in poor nations through trade sanctions and has historically killed millions and leveled entire nations in rubble to win wars in which they had no real interest. A country that now fights a war on terror because of a shocking act of barbarism that claimed three thousand of their citizens, a war on terror that has spread instability and strife across the middle east and has killed hundreds of thousands of Arabs and has made million more refugees who flee their own nations; America who in reality shows the same callous disregard for civilian life as the terrorists they fight. America says it is an advanced culture though in the only way they are advanced is in their methods of perpetrating death and destruction around the globe, an advanced nation with a popular culture that glamorizes some of the most disreputable and harmful forms of human behavior; media where killers of other people are sometime romantic anti heroes and violence is made to look appealing and never shows the real impact of violence, a music industry that glamorizes promiscuity to the inappropriately young while mankind faces the worst sexually transmittable pandemic in our species history, a music industry that glorifies drug dealing, the gangster lifestyle and even the pimping of women to countless young men from economically deprived communities with no real venue to attain financial security. A nation spreads this popular culture of violence, sexually perversity and criminality around the world. A country that claims of its deep respect for the ending of slavery in their own nation, yet many of their products are manufactured in poor third world nations where those who make them life in squalor with barely enough to feed themselves and are brutally repressed for unionizing and know that their children and grand children will never know any better. America, a country founded on the belief of life, liberty, the equality of man and opposition to tyranny now has become everything opposed to that. It has become the largest source of corruption, tyranny and instability in the world and we must let them lead us into the future with them at the helm; what Earth will mankind's descendants eventually inherent.
The United States of Fascism, Tyranny and Corruption

The founding fathers of the United States created a nation based upon the belief of government restraint, the equality of all men and their right to life liberty and the pursuit
of happiness and that opposition to tyranny was an noble endeavor which required sacrifice. Though many of these ideals where not yet inherently present in their nation, the founders dreamed of what one day their country could become; would they have been proud of what their fledgling republic is now in the twenty first century. A government where the corporate sector has an inordinate amount of influence over public institutions through lobbyists and funding of the political members of the establishment directly through campaign contributions. A government that uses hundreds of billions of the average man and woman's money taken through taxes to save corporate institutions that nearly collapse because of their own business practices and allow those that run these institution to continue to live like a modern monarchy who live lives of opulence, decadence and comfort while because of their bad business practices many ordinary men and women lose their homes while countless tent cities appear across the nation and is a symptom of how many families have become homeless. A country that in the second have of the twentieth century directly and indirectly overthrew democratically elected leaders, installed or aligned with authoritarian and fascist dictators; sometimes to prevent the spread of leftist sentiment or other times so that American corporate powers to retain or take control of both the commodities and resources of such nations while those that lived in them where left in poverty and squalor. A country that professes its civilized nature to the world the world yet has killed hundreds of thousands in poor nations through trade sanctions and has historically killed millions and leveled entire nations in rubble to win wars in which they had no real interest. A country that now fights a war on terror because of a shocking act of barbarism that claimed three thousand of their citizens, a war on terror that has spread instability and strife across the middle east and has killed hundreds of thousands of Arabs and has made million more refugees who flee their own nations; America who in reality shows the same callous disregard for civilian life as the terrorists they fight. America says it is an advanced culture though in the only way they are advanced is in their methods of perpetrating death and destruction around the globe, an advanced nation with a popular culture that glamorizes some of the most disreputable and harmful forms of human behavior; media where killers of other people are sometime romantic anti heroes and violence is made to look appealing and never shows the real impact of violence, a music industry that glamorizes promiscuity to the inappropriately young while mankind faces the worst sexually transmittable pandemic in our species history, a music industry that glorifies drug dealing, the gangster lifestyle and even the pimping of women to countless young men from economically deprived communities with no real venue to attain financial security. A nation spreads this popular culture of violence, sexually perversity and criminality around the world. A country that claims of its deep respect for the ending of slavery in their own nation, yet many of their products are manufactured in poor third world nations where those who make them life in squalor with barely enough to feed themselves and are brutally repressed for unionizing and know that their children and grand children will never know any better. America, a country founded on the belief of life, liberty, the equality of man and opposition to tyranny now has become everything opposed to that. It has become the largest source of corruption, tyranny and instability in the world and we must let them lead us into the future with them at the helm; what Earth will mankind's descendants eventually inherent.

That's a very long paragraph. Feel better? So, which country are you going to move to?
I am certain that you love your computer, smart phone and soft bed! What exactly do you want??? America to kill science programs, stop funding infrastructure and act like every other third world shit hole on this planet?
The United States of Fascism, Tyranny and Corruption

The founding fathers of the United States created a nation based upon the belief of government restraint, the equality of all men and their right to life liberty and the pursuit
of happiness and that opposition to tyranny was an noble endeavor which required sacrifice. Though many of these ideals where not yet inherently present in their nation, the founders dreamed of what one day their country could become; would they have been proud of what their fledgling republic is now in the twenty first century. A government where the corporate sector has an inordinate amount of influence over public institutions through lobbyists and funding of the political members of the establishment directly through campaign contributions. A government that uses hundreds of billions of the average man and woman's money taken through taxes to save corporate institutions that nearly collapse because of their own business practices and allow those that run these institution to continue to live like a modern monarchy who live lives of opulence, decadence and comfort while because of their bad business practices many ordinary men and women lose their homes while countless tent cities appear across the nation and is a symptom of how many families have become homeless. A country that in the second have of the twentieth century directly and indirectly overthrew democratically elected leaders, installed or aligned with authoritarian and fascist dictators; sometimes to prevent the spread of leftist sentiment or other times so that American corporate powers to retain or take control of both the commodities and resources of such nations while those that lived in them where left in poverty and squalor. A country that professes its civilized nature to the world the world yet has killed hundreds of thousands in poor nations through trade sanctions and has historically killed millions and leveled entire nations in rubble to win wars in which they had no real interest. A country that now fights a war on terror because of a shocking act of barbarism that claimed three thousand of their citizens, a war on terror that has spread instability and strife across the middle east and has killed hundreds of thousands of Arabs and has made million more refugees who flee their own nations; America who in reality shows the same callous disregard for civilian life as the terrorists they fight. America says it is an advanced culture though in the only way they are advanced is in their methods of perpetrating death and destruction around the globe, an advanced nation with a popular culture that glamorizes some of the most disreputable and harmful forms of human behavior; media where killers of other people are sometime romantic anti heroes and violence is made to look appealing and never shows the real impact of violence, a music industry that glamorizes promiscuity to the inappropriately young while mankind faces the worst sexually transmittable pandemic in our species history, a music industry that glorifies drug dealing, the gangster lifestyle and even the pimping of women to countless young men from economically deprived communities with no real venue to attain financial security. A nation spreads this popular culture of violence, sexually perversity and criminality around the world. A country that claims of its deep respect for the ending of slavery in their own nation, yet many of their products are manufactured in poor third world nations where those who make them life in squalor with barely enough to feed themselves and are brutally repressed for unionizing and know that their children and grand children will never know any better. America, a country founded on the belief of life, liberty, the equality of man and opposition to tyranny now has become everything opposed to that. It has become the largest source of corruption, tyranny and instability in the world and we must let them lead us into the future with them at the helm; what Earth will mankind's descendants eventually inherent.

One word: Paragraph
Two words: too long
The United States of Fascism, Tyranny and Corruption

The founding fathers of the United States created a nation based upon the belief of government restraint, the equality of all men and their right to life liberty and the pursuit
of happiness and that opposition to tyranny was an noble endeavor which required sacrifice. Though many of these ideals where not yet inherently present in their nation, the founders dreamed of what one day their country could become; would they have been proud of what their fledgling republic is now in the twenty first century. A government where the corporate sector has an inordinate amount of influence over public institutions through lobbyists and funding of the political members of the establishment directly through campaign contributions. A government that uses hundreds of billions of the average man and woman's money taken through taxes to save corporate institutions that nearly collapse because of their own business practices and allow those that run these institution to continue to live like a modern monarchy who live lives of opulence, decadence and comfort while because of their bad business practices many ordinary men and women lose their homes while countless tent cities appear across the nation and is a symptom of how many families have become homeless. A country that in the second have of the twentieth century directly and indirectly overthrew democratically elected leaders, installed or aligned with authoritarian and fascist dictators; sometimes to prevent the spread of leftist sentiment or other times so that American corporate powers to retain or take control of both the commodities and resources of such nations while those that lived in them where left in poverty and squalor. A country that professes its civilized nature to the world the world yet has killed hundreds of thousands in poor nations through trade sanctions and has historically killed millions and leveled entire nations in rubble to win wars in which they had no real interest. A country that now fights a war on terror because of a shocking act of barbarism that claimed three thousand of their citizens, a war on terror that has spread instability and strife across the middle east and has killed hundreds of thousands of Arabs and has made million more refugees who flee their own nations; America who in reality shows the same callous disregard for civilian life as the terrorists they fight. America says it is an advanced culture though in the only way they are advanced is in their methods of perpetrating death and destruction around the globe, an advanced nation with a popular culture that glamorizes some of the most disreputable and harmful forms of human behavior; media where killers of other people are sometime romantic anti heroes and violence is made to look appealing and never shows the real impact of violence, a music industry that glamorizes promiscuity to the inappropriately young while mankind faces the worst sexually transmittable pandemic in our species history, a music industry that glorifies drug dealing, the gangster lifestyle and even the pimping of women to countless young men from economically deprived communities with no real venue to attain financial security. A nation spreads this popular culture of violence, sexually perversity and criminality around the world. A country that claims of its deep respect for the ending of slavery in their own nation, yet many of their products are manufactured in poor third world nations where those who make them life in squalor with barely enough to feed themselves and are brutally repressed for unionizing and know that their children and grand children will never know any better. America, a country founded on the belief of life, liberty, the equality of man and opposition to tyranny now has become everything opposed to that. It has become the largest source of corruption, tyranny and instability in the world and we must let them lead us into the future with them at the helm; what Earth will mankind's descendants eventually inherent.

If 'Merica's so bad, how's come ya'll fereiners want to come here?
The United States of Fascism, Tyranny and Corruption

The founding fathers of the United States created a nation based upon the belief of government restraint, the equality of all men and their right to life liberty and the pursuit
of happiness and that opposition to tyranny was an noble endeavor which required sacrifice. Though many of these ideals where not yet inherently present in their nation, the founders dreamed of what one day their country could become; would they have been proud of what their fledgling republic is now in the twenty first century. A government where the corporate sector has an inordinate amount of influence over public institutions through lobbyists and funding of the political members of the establishment directly through campaign contributions. A government that uses hundreds of billions of the average man and woman's money taken through taxes to save corporate institutions that nearly collapse because of their own business practices and allow those that run these institution to continue to live like a modern monarchy who live lives of opulence, decadence and comfort while because of their bad business practices many ordinary men and women lose their homes while countless tent cities appear across the nation and is a symptom of how many families have become homeless. A country that in the second have of the twentieth century directly and indirectly overthrew democratically elected leaders, installed or aligned with authoritarian and fascist dictators; sometimes to prevent the spread of leftist sentiment or other times so that American corporate powers to retain or take control of both the commodities and resources of such nations while those that lived in them where left in poverty and squalor. A country that professes its civilized nature to the world the world yet has killed hundreds of thousands in poor nations through trade sanctions and has historically killed millions and leveled entire nations in rubble to win wars in which they had no real interest. A country that now fights a war on terror because of a shocking act of barbarism that claimed three thousand of their citizens, a war on terror that has spread instability and strife across the middle east and has killed hundreds of thousands of Arabs and has made million more refugees who flee their own nations; America who in reality shows the same callous disregard for civilian life as the terrorists they fight. America says it is an advanced culture though in the only way they are advanced is in their methods of perpetrating death and destruction around the globe, an advanced nation with a popular culture that glamorizes some of the most disreputable and harmful forms of human behavior; media where killers of other people are sometime romantic anti heroes and violence is made to look appealing and never shows the real impact of violence, a music industry that glamorizes promiscuity to the inappropriately young while mankind faces the worst sexually transmittable pandemic in our species history, a music industry that glorifies drug dealing, the gangster lifestyle and even the pimping of women to countless young men from economically deprived communities with no real venue to attain financial security. A nation spreads this popular culture of violence, sexually perversity and criminality around the world. A country that claims of its deep respect for the ending of slavery in their own nation, yet many of their products are manufactured in poor third world nations where those who make them life in squalor with barely enough to feed themselves and are brutally repressed for unionizing and know that their children and grand children will never know any better. America, a country founded on the belief of life, liberty, the equality of man and opposition to tyranny now has become everything opposed to that. It has become the largest source of corruption, tyranny and instability in the world and we must let them lead us into the future with them at the helm; what Earth will mankind's descendants eventually inherent.

If 'Merica's so bad, how's come ya'll fereiners want to come here?

Good Point


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