Ex-MSNBC Analyst: Harris Is Staring at Electoral Disaster

The result is unpredictable, and when the result is known, "everybody" will look back and say that it was entirely predictable.

Harris voters DON'T CARE that she hasn't done any interviews. They don't care that she never answers even the puff questions that she gets, and she merely dishes out word salads that are either lies, unrelated to the topic, or meaningless as respects the Presidency. Only a small fraction of her voters will be voting FOR her; they will be voting AGAINST Trump.

How can anybody forget that Joe Biden DID NOT CAMPAIGN in 2020, and yet still arguably won the election easily?
He actually did NOT win the election easily. It came down to relatively small margins in a handful of states - and that was only AFTER the count was halted in the middle of the night when Trump was ahead, and new batches of ballots arrived going 99% for Biden.

The swing states will not be able to shut down the count this time. Oh, they might try to stall by saying their counting machine is broken (Fairfax County did that in the VA Governor race), but even then, it would strain believability if all swing states found themselves with broken counters.
I just read this morning that Virginia is tied. And by the looks of the polling place at the Fairfax County Government Center - which is in the heart of liberal NoVa - there is a lot more enthusiasm on the Republican side.
Virginia is not tied, Lisa.

not even RW RCP has it "tied". They've moved it to "Safe Dem".
If an open border, record inflation, crime, the elevated status of transgenders in sports, men in girl's bathrooms,
the right for Israel to exist and defend itself, energy independence, lower taxation leading to economic growth,
women's issues including reasonable birth control, safety in our neighborhoods, affordable living, is important -

You will vote for President Trump

If you ignore all of that and vote for Harris - you are in a Cult
Except... none of those things are really true.

Biden has deported more people than Trump has.
Inflation is below 3% (and never got anywhere near the inflation of the 1970s.
Crime is down below 2019 levels.
Nobody cares about Transgenders except the sexually insecure.
Fuck Israel.
Oil production is up above 2019 levels.

Nobody in their right mind thinks that a guy who has just lost 6 billion dollars in a fake social media company is going to fix the economy.
No News there. Kamala is the underdog. I still give Trump the edge. Kamala may win the popular vote though I have real doubts about a Kamala electoral victory. She could pull it off. Who knows.
Kamala is qualified to be a block captain in a community. Not President. She showed herself as V.P. As a lawyer she should be a low-level attorney for government or private concerns. Nothing wrong with that.
If an open border, record inflation, crime, the elevated status of transgenders in sports, men in girl's bathrooms,
the right for Israel to exist and defend itself, energy independence, lower taxation leading to economic growth,
women's issues including reasonable birth control, safety in our neighborhoods, affordable living, is important -

You will vote for President Trump

If you ignore all of that and vote for Harris - you are in a Cult

The average American overwhelmingly support Trump’s policies over Harris. The problem is that many Democrats don’t care that they agree with Trump’s policies. They are indoctrinated to vote for a Democrat regardless. No sensible person, even a Democrat, supports Harris’ boneheaded policies.
The average American overwhelmingly support Trump’s policies over Harris. The problem is that many Democrats don’t care that they agree with Trump’s policies. They are indoctrinated to vote for a Democrat regardless. No sensible person, even a Democrat, supports Harris’ boneheaded policies.
Harris looked Presdential in the debate.

Trump looked like an angry crazy person. "They're eating the dogs! They're eating the cats"... the moment Trump lost the election.
The average American overwhelmingly support Trump’s policies over Harris. The problem is that many Democrats don’t care that they agree with Trump’s policies. They are indoctrinated to vote for a Democrat regardless. No sensible person, even a Democrat, supports Harris’ boneheaded policies.

Just Cult Members.
Harris looked Presdential in the debate.

Trump looked like an angry crazy person. "They're eating the dogs! They're eating the cats"... the moment Trump lost the election.
Kamala is like the governor in the movie.."The best little whorehouse in Texas". She does the "side step" song and dance. She will wake up each day and get her marching orders from the elites and those who will rule her.
He actually did NOT win the election easily. It came down to relatively small margins in a handful of states - and that was only AFTER the count was halted in the middle of the night when Trump was ahead, and new batches of ballots arrived going 99% for Biden.

The swing states will not be able to shut down the count this time. Oh, they might try to stall by saying their counting machine is broken (Fairfax County did that in the VA Governor race), but even then, it would strain believability if all swing states found themselves with broken counters.
Shut down the count? So you’re going with the nonsensical @stolen election” garbage huh?
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Except... none of those things are really true.

Biden has deported more people than Trump has.
Inflation is below 3% (and never got anywhere near the inflation of the 1970s.
Crime is down below 2019 levels.
Nobody cares about Transgenders except the sexually insecure.
Fuck Israel.
Oil production is up above 2019 levels.

Nobody in their right mind thinks that a guy who has just lost 6 billion dollars in a fake social media company is going to fix the economy.

Man are you stupid.

The border is out of control. You and other dimwits are the only ones that can’t see that.

Crime is not low. I guess you didn’t know that the latest violent crime statistics didn’t include large cities like LA and your peace loving city, Chicago. I might also add that if you don’t prosecute crimes, the crime rate goes down. Of course, that doesn’t mean that there is actually less crime. Too complicated for you to figure out?

You are in the minority with regards to Israel. You and your delusional counterparts support a culture content on killing you. You are just too indoctrinated to even realize that you are in their crosshairs.

Biden and Harris support a ridiculously extreme climate change agenda. They put the US behind the 8-ball. It is the ignorance of their supporters that do not understand that not only is there zero evidence that we can stop any warming that may be taking place, we most certainly can’t do it by ourselves. Democrats are content on regulating us to a fault while our competitors(China) aren’t really interested in participating. They tell us one thing but do another, but Democrats would be nothing if not gullible and idealistic.
He actually did NOT win the election easily. It came down to relatively small margins in a handful of states - and that was only AFTER the count was halted in the middle of the night when Trump was ahead, and new batches of ballots arrived going 99% for Biden.

The swing states will not be able to shut down the count this time. Oh, they might try to stall by saying their counting machine is broken (Fairfax County did that in the VA Governor race), but even then, it would strain believability if all swing states found themselves with broken counters.
No counts were ever shut down. 60+ courts agreed.

Halperin? Getting rid of that asshole was the best thing MSNBC has done since getting rid of the weird unibrow sportscaster guy

Of Course.

MSNBC has a very narrow left-wing Lunatic fringe, niche, following
Anyone not 100% behind that lunacy doesn't help them.
Shit down the count? So you’re going with the nonsensical @stolen election” garbage huh?

No, it was perfectly legit. The COVID changes allowing for mass mail-in balloting had absolutely no effect on the security of our election. Yeah, ok.
No, it was perfectly legit. The COVID changes allowing for mass mail-in balloting had absolutely no effect on the security of our election. Yeah, ok.
The courts said “NO” 60+ times!

Harris looked Presdential in the debate.

Trump looked like an angry crazy person. "They're eating the dogs! They're eating the cats"... the moment Trump lost the election.

Harris is inept. The fact that she could fool you into thinking that she has a clue what she is talking about by just regurgitating rehearsed questions and answers says a lot about your lack of sensibility. Listen to the woman answer a question off the cuff. It is cringe worthy.

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