Ex-MSNBC Analyst: Harris Is Staring at Electoral Disaster

Harris will WIN

The clincher is PA.
She must win PA.

Bonus States for Harris to Win.
Harris is inept. The fact that she could fool you into thinking that she has a clue what she is talking about by just regurgitating rehearsed questions and answers says a lot about your lack of sensibility. Listen to the woman answer a question off the cuff. It is cringe worthy.
You know what.
The TRUTH is you described TRUMP to a tee.
The courts said “NO” 60+ times!


The courts have found cases of voter fraud. The typical retort is that it wasn’t “significant enough” to influence the election. The issue is that there aren’t enough resources to find all the indiscretions. That is why Democrats have zero desire to change the elections laws back to pre-COVID rules. It is setup perfectly in that they can cheat just enough to win and any investigation to find a “signficant” amount is not realistic.
The courts have found cases of voter fraud. The typical retort is that it wasn’t “significant enough” to influence the election. The issue is that there aren’t enough resources to find all the indiscretions. That is why Democrats have zero desire to change the elections laws back to pre-COVID rules. It is setup perfectly in that they can cheat just enough to win and any investigation to find a “signficant” amount is not realistic.
Not enough resources?

There’s plenty of resources. What there isn’t , is enough fraud to make a difference.

Like .0003 per cent
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Man are you stupid.

The border is out of control. You and other dimwits are the only ones that can’t see that.

Your fear of brown people is not a problem for anyone but you. We need immigration reform, not border control.

Crime is not low. I guess you didn’t know that the latest violent crime statistics didn’t include large cities like LA and your peace loving city, Chicago. I might also add that if you don’t prosecute crimes, the crime rate goes down. Of course, that doesn’t mean that there is actually less crime. Too complicated for you to figure out?

Crime rates are down in Chicago, not sure what you are babbling about. But that's right, anything that disagrees with Trump is fake news. Low unemployment. Fake News. Global Warming? Fake News even as we have blistering temperatures in the fall and snowless winters.

You are in the minority with regards to Israel. You and your delusional counterparts support a culture content on killing you. You are just too indoctrinated to even realize that you are in their crosshairs.

Um, Arabs never did anything bad to me. We didn't have a problem with the Islamic World until the Zionist Entity got plopped down like a huge steaming turd in the middle of their holiest region.

Some day, we will stop sticking our dicks into the Middle East Hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

Biden and Harris support a ridiculously extreme climate change agenda.
No, ridiculous is pretending AGW isn't happening when the signs are all around you. Shit, until this week, I thought it was still july judging by the weather we were having in Chicago.

Democrats are content on regulating us to a fault while our competitors(China) aren’t really interested in participating.
Actually, the Chinese see the threat of AGW and are investing in new technologies.
Trump doesn’t rehearse questions. Trump takes many questions off the cuff. Trump was president before and EVERYTHING from the economy to foreign affairs was far better than under Biden. That is the bottom line.
And Trump rarely makes sense. Have you heard his rambling nonsense?
Trump doesn’t rehearse questions. Trump takes many questions off the cuff. Trump was president before and EVERYTHING from the economy to foreign affairs was far better than under Biden. That is the bottom line.
1 Million dead from Covid.
Riots in the streets.
Double Digit unemployment.

Trump doesn’t rehearse questions. Trump takes many questions off the cuff. Trump was president before and EVERYTHING from the economy to foreign affairs was far better than under Biden. That is the bottom line.
Face it, you have been indoctrinated.

Every trump metric that is good, was a continuation of what Obama left for him.
There are NO trump policies that "made things better"
Trump managed to keep the great Obama trends going,
UNTIL COVID.......which you will Blame on (D).

Did you hear the "Child Care" answer. C'mon.
Face it, you have been indoctrinated.

Every trump metric that is good, was a continuation of what Obama left for him.
There are NO trump policies that "made things better"
Trump managed to keep the great Obama trends going,
UNTIL COVID.......which you will Blame on (D).

Did you hear the "Child Care" answer. C'mon.
Exactly. He ran on status quo until an actual problem happened and then failed miserably, catastrophically.
So? Bad cases don’t get accepted. Many Trump judges said as much! :dunno:

They didn’t want to create a crisis by allowing Americans to see how the Democrats suppressed the vote of the people, and decided it was better for the country to just let Biden ascend.

They now see the damage, and if the Dems pull the same crap, the decision to allow cases to proceed may likely be different.
They didn’t want to create a crisis by allowing Americans to see how the Democrats suppressed the vote of the people, and decided it was better for the country to just let Biden ascend.

They now see the damage, and if the Dems pull the same crap, the decision to allow cases to proceed may likely be different.
Trump lost because 81 million people voted to fire him.

They'll do it again this November.
The result is unpredictable, and when the result is known, "everybody" will look back and say that it was entirely predictable.

Harris voters DON'T CARE that she hasn't done any interviews. They don't care that she never answers even the puff questions that she gets, and she merely dishes out word salads that are either lies, unrelated to the topic, or meaningless as respects the Presidency. Only a small fraction of her voters will be voting FOR her; they will be voting AGAINST Trump.

How can anybody forget that Joe Biden DID NOT CAMPAIGN in 2020, and yet still arguably won the election easily?
Said it before, I'll say it again: Kumdumpster voters would select a lump of shit over Jesus Christ, if there is a (D) next to its name....They have absolutely no other criteria.
Said it before, I'll say it again: Kumdumpster voters would select a lump of shit over Jesus Christ, if there is a (D) next to its name....They have absolutely no other criteria.
There it is: The (R) playbook.

Blame others for doing what YOU do.
Trump is the KING of poooooh, and you LOVE that shit.
They didn’t want to create a crisis by allowing Americans to see how the Democrats suppressed the vote of the people, and decided it was better for the country to just let Biden ascend.

They now see the damage, and if the Dems pull the same crap, the decision to allow cases to proceed may likely be different.
There’s no there there says the courts. :dunno:

They didn’t want to create a crisis by allowing Americans to see how the Democrats suppressed the vote of the people, and decided it was better for the country to just let Biden ascend.

They now see the damage, and if the Dems pull the same crap, the decision to allow cases to proceed may likely be different.
Does it hurt to pull shit that outta your fat ass?
The courts have found cases of voter fraud. The typical retort is that it wasn’t “significant enough” to influence the election. The issue is that there aren’t enough resources to find all the indiscretions. That is why Democrats have zero desire to change the elections laws back to pre-COVID rules. It is setup perfectly in that they can cheat just enough to win and any investigation to find a “signficant” amount is not realistic.
It was also the case that many were Republicans. A wash for MAGA at best! :dunno:


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