Ex-MSNBC Analyst: Harris Is Staring at Electoral Disaster

Trump is leading handily on the issues of crime, immigration, and the economy.
This is what we need to be hitting instead of stupid stuff like trying to prove immigrants really do eat pets and women really do abort babies after they're born. We let Harris goad us into defending things like this instead of talking about crime, immigration, and the economy.

According to Real Clear Politics, Trump is ahead of how he was performing at this time in 2020:

In the top battleground states, Trump is 3.6% ahead of Biden at this time in 2020

In national average polling, Trump is 4.6% ahead of where he was with Biden at this time in 2020

And, Trump's favorability rating is 6.6% higher than at this point in 2020. And I believe he actually eeks out a better favorability rating than Harris right now.
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This is what we need to be hitting instead of stupid stuff like trying to prove immigrants really do eat pets and women really do abort babies after they're born. We let Harris goad us into defending things like this instead of talking about crime, immigration, and the economy.
Because it points out the dangerous lies that the Trump team engage in
Crime is down. The economy is doing well and Republicans are certainly not serious about immigration or they would have passed the bi-partisan border bill… so..
Crime is NOT down.

The economy is not doing well. Unemployment is rising, the fed had to lower rates by a huge amount because the economy is slowing, and millions of Americans can't afford to live anymore.

Democrats and some RINO's wanted to let in 2500 illegals every day and that is just the ones they agree are illegals. They classify thousands of others as asylum seekers and refugees, which lets in more than 2500 per day.
I just read this morning that Virginia is tied. And by the looks of the polling place at the Fairfax County Government Center - which is in the heart of liberal NoVa - there is a lot more enthusiasm on the Republican side.
If the pollsters tell you that Virginia is tied, that means Trump is ahead by about 3 percentage points because he always gets more votes than the polls indicate. A perfect example was 2016's election.
The result is unpredictable, and when the result is known, "everybody" will look back and say that it was entirely predictable.

Harris voters DON'T CARE that she hasn't done any interviews. They don't care that she never answers even the puff questions that she gets, and she merely dishes out word salads that are either lies, unrelated to the topic, or meaningless as respects the Presidency. Only a small fraction of her voters will be voting FOR her; they will be voting AGAINST Trump.

How can anybody forget that Joe Biden DID NOT CAMPAIGN in 2020, and yet still arguably won the election easily?
There are lots of people who disagree with that statement. A few 10,000s of votes in key states could have been a loss for him.
Crime is NOT down.

The economy is not doing well. Unemployment is rising, the fed had to lower rates by a huge amount because the economy is slowing, and millions of Americans can't afford to live anymore.

Democrats and some RINO's wanted to let in 2500 illegals every day and that is just the ones they agree are illegals. They classify thousands of others as asylum seekers and refugees, which lets in more than 2500 per day.

You would have a more productive day trying to convince Branch Davidians that an actual prophet wouldn't marry every underage girl in their cult, than convincing Lush that all of the nonsense that his Cult has filled his head with is not accurate.
If the pollsters tell you that Virginia is tied, that means Trump is ahead by about 3 percentage points because he always gets more votes than the polls indicate. A perfect example was 2016's election.
They’re actually saying he’s one point behind, which means a couple of points ahead.

And the enthusiasm for Trump is a real surprise in northern Virginia, aka Liberaville. You should have seen the turnout at the main polling station…..much more activity on the R side.

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