Ex-MSNBC Analyst: Harris Is Staring at Electoral Disaster

They may have corrected themselves… I remember Hillary was up like 8-10% in Wisconsin polls in 2016. Mainstream polling was completely inaccurate in favor of Democrats
They were predicting a win by 15% for her and something like 12-13% for Pedo Peter.

When you further consider that a strong 10% of conservative-ish types won't even speak with pollsters, the math is seriously strong for GOP at the current moment.
Except... none of those things are really true.

Biden has deported more people than Trump has.
Inflation is below 3% (and never got anywhere near the inflation of the 1970s.
Crime is down below 2019 levels.
Nobody cares about Transgenders except the sexually insecure.
Fuck Israel.
Oil production is up above 2019 levels.

Nobody in their right mind thinks that a guy who has just lost 6 billion dollars in a fake social media company is going to fix the economy.
You really enjoy lying don’t you?

Biden has overseen a flood of illegal immigrants.

Inflation has hurt Americans. Kamala’s policies will make the problem worse.

You’ve got your facts wrong on crime as well.

The Democratic Party elite is obsessed with the transgendered.

Kamala on energy:

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So, that is more important to you than crime, immigration, and the economy?
Those are ALL important.

But the big thing that most Americans Know and Understand, is that Trump LIES constantly, he cannot and will not ever give a truthful factual number associated with crime, immigration, the economy or ANY subject.
He HAS to LIE.......and just as bad, you accept his lies.

trump is indeed dangerous.
his lies are dangerous.
Those are ALL important.

But the big thing that most Americans Know and Understand, is that Trump LIES constantly, he cannot and will not ever give a truthful factual number associated with crime, immigration, the economy or ANY subject.
He HAS to LIE.......and just as bad, you accept his lies.

trump is indeed dangerous.
his lies are dangerous.
I guess you are saying now that getting Trump is more important than crime, immigration, and the economy, which is also admitting that we have a lot of problems with crime, immigration, and the economy because you didn't say we don't have any problems with crime, immigration, and the economy.
For all the hype around the latest polls, which has flipped Nate Silver’s Electoral College projection, it doesn’t feel like she’s ahead decisively a la Joe Biden in 2020. If Kamala is mentioned, it’s her lack of interviews, her bleeding of support among core Democratic voter groups, and the polls not comporting with voter concerns. Trump is leading handily on the issues of crime, immigration, and the economy. The latest New York Times polling string isn’t good for her either. The comical aspect about that is that now liberals are saying the NYT’s polls are too Republican-friendly.

Liberals will likely say that again since the latest NYT/Siena surveys are not good. If this holds, Harris is in a position no better than that of Biden, who dropped out in July. Ex-MSNBC analyst Mark Halperin said that if this poll doesn’t turn out to be an outlier, Harris is staring at an electoral disaster.

Former President Donald Trump is leading Harris in key sun belt states, including Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina, according to a Monday New York Times/Siena College Poll. Halperin, on “Wake Up America,” said if Harris loses these three sun belt states along with Nevada, she will have just one path to victory, and if Nebraska changes how it allocates its electoral votes, even that path could vanish.

“It leaves out one of the four sun belt states, but I have reason to believe the trend there would be the same. This is what Trump pollsters and strategists predicted about a month ago, that he would reassert the dominance he had in those four sun belt states,” Halperin said. “And of course, if that happens, and I’m not sure it is, the Times polls may be outliers, but if it’s true, it means that Kamala Harris is back to where Joe Biden was before his debate with Donald Trump, which is to have exactly one Electoral College path. And by the way, if Nebraska changes the way it allocates its electoral votes, she’ll have no Electoral College paths if the Times polls are right.”

BJ -

Harris knows that she is behind, that is why she wants another debate.

All of the spamming of social media by the "bergs" of the world, is not going to change the minds of swing state voters where normal-regular people live.

From the conservative tabloid The Daily Mail just now:

I think Trump and his brain dead support are all doomed, and this is so much fun to watch!
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18-29...The demographic that is historically the least likely to show up in numbers that matter.

Your fear of brown people is not a problem for anyone but you. We need immigration reform, not border control.

It has nothing to do with a fear of brown people. Allowing anyone of any race to walk across our border makes little sense from an economic or national security perspective. As usual, you fail to see the real problem and fall back to your "racist" argument. You must have bad dreams about racists chasing you nightly.

Crime rates are down in Chicago, not sure what you are babbling about. But that's right, anything that disagrees with Trump is fake news. Low unemployment. Fake News. Global Warming? Fake News even as we have blistering temperatures in the fall and snowless winters.

Hey genius, the majority of violent crimes are in Chicago, NY, Philly, LA and other very large cities. If those cities are left out of the count, doesn't it make sense to you that the overall numbers would be down even if they were significantly higher in all the cities they did count? Duh.

Also, you failed to address the fact that liberal cities are just not prosecuting criminals. In LA, if they just let people go for theft, I guess you could say that means there less theft, but that would kind of be a lie wouldn't it?

Um, Arabs never did anything bad to me.

And Jewish people have? I love how you rail against racists all the time and yet you are the first one to put people into large racial categories and judge them.

No, ridiculous is pretending AGW isn't happening when the signs are all around you. Shit, until this week, I thought it was still july judging by the weather we were having in Chicago.

Global warming seems to be occurring on a small scale. AGW, eh, whatever. Warming and cooling has been taking place for thousands of years. There is ZERO proof that we can stop it or control it.

Actually, the Chinese see the threat of AGW and are investing in new technologies.

No, actually they aren't. They will act as if they care, and make even take some steps as long as those steps don't cause economic harm. I will say this. They aren't as dumb as you Democrats who would economically destroy to country because they are scared of the big bad boogey man "Global Warming". You fell for the "existential threat" line. It is hilarious the stuff you people will buy into without realizing that you are being swindled.
It has nothing to do with a fear of brown people. Allowing anyone of any race to walk across our border makes little sense from an economic or national security perspective. As usual, you fail to see the real problem and fall back to your "racist" argument. You must have bad dreams about racists chasing you nightly.

Hey genius, the majority of violent crimes are in Chicago, NY, Philly, LA and other very large cities. If those cities are left out of the count, doesn't it make sense to you that the overall numbers would be down even if they were significantly higher in all the cities they did count? Duh.

Also, you failed to address the fact that liberal cities are just not prosecuting criminals. In LA, if they just let people go for theft, I guess you could say that means there less theft, but that would kind of be a lie wouldn't it?

And Jewish people have? I love how you rail against racists all the time and yet you are the first one to put people into large racial categories and judge them.

Global warming seems to be occurring on a small scale. AGW, eh, whatever. Warming and cooling has been taking place for thousands of years. There is ZERO proof that we can stop it or control it.

No, actually they aren't. They will act as if they care, and make even take some steps as long as those steps don't cause economic harm. I will say this. They aren't as dumb as you Democrats who would economically destroy to country because they are scared of the big bad boogey man "Global Warming". You fell for the "existential threat" line. It is hilarious the stuff you people will buy into without realizing that you are being swindled.

They want to be swindled, there is really no other viable answer.
For all the hype around the latest polls, which has flipped Nate Silver’s Electoral College projection, it doesn’t feel like she’s ahead decisively a la Joe Biden in 2020. If Kamala is mentioned, it’s her lack of interviews, her bleeding of support among core Democratic voter groups, and the polls not comporting with voter concerns. Trump is leading handily on the issues of crime, immigration, and the economy. The latest New York Times polling string isn’t good for her either. The comical aspect about that is that now liberals are saying the NYT’s polls are too Republican-friendly.

Liberals will likely say that again since the latest NYT/Siena surveys are not good. If this holds, Harris is in a position no better than that of Biden, who dropped out in July. Ex-MSNBC analyst Mark Halperin said that if this poll doesn’t turn out to be an outlier, Harris is staring at an electoral disaster.

Former President Donald Trump is leading Harris in key sun belt states, including Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina, according to a Monday New York Times/Siena College Poll. Halperin, on “Wake Up America,” said if Harris loses these three sun belt states along with Nevada, she will have just one path to victory, and if Nebraska changes how it allocates its electoral votes, even that path could vanish.

“It leaves out one of the four sun belt states, but I have reason to believe the trend there would be the same. This is what Trump pollsters and strategists predicted about a month ago, that he would reassert the dominance he had in those four sun belt states,” Halperin said. “And of course, if that happens, and I’m not sure it is, the Times polls may be outliers, but if it’s true, it means that Kamala Harris is back to where Joe Biden was before his debate with Donald Trump, which is to have exactly one Electoral College path. And by the way, if Nebraska changes the way it allocates its electoral votes, she’ll have no Electoral College paths if the Times polls are right.”

BJ -

Harris knows that she is behind, that is why she wants another debate.

All of the spamming of social media by the "bergs" of the world, is not going to change the minds of swing state voters where normal-regular people live.
Ya sure, go with that Todd.
It has nothing to do with a fear of brown people. Allowing anyone of any race to walk across our border makes little sense from an economic or national security perspective. As usual, you fail to see the real problem and fall back to your "racist" argument. You must have bad dreams about racists chasing you nightly.
I have nightmares abou the racists fucking up the economy again, like they did in 2020, 2008, 2001, 1990

They are walking across because white people are giving them jobs.

Hey genius, the majority of violent crimes are in Chicago, NY, Philly, LA and other very large cities. If those cities are left out of the count, doesn't it make sense to you that the overall numbers would be down even if they were significantly higher in all the cities they did count? Duh.

Actually, murder rates are just as high in the rural areas.

The truth is that rural communities—particularly in red states—have increasingly faced levels of gun violence that match or outpace urban areas, says the Center for American Progress.

Rural communities are experiencing high rates of gun violence.

From 2016 to 2020, the two U.S. counties to experience the most gun homicides per capita were rural, Phillips County, Ar., with 55.45 age-adjusted homicides per 100,000 people, and Lowndes County, Al., with 48.36 age-adjusted homicides per 100,000.

And Jewish people have? I love how you rail against racists all the time and yet you are the first one to put people into large racial categories and judge them.

Except Jews aren't a race. They are a religion. Zionism is a fucked up European form of Imperialism/Colonialism of shitty white people taking something from people of color because they can.

And that their excuse for this shitty behavior is RELIGION makes it that much worse. They're killing people over a fucking desert because a book with talking snakes in it said so.

(I have had some truly shitty Jewish bosses, but that's another issue.)

Also, you failed to address the fact that liberal cities are just not prosecuting criminals. In LA, if they just let people go for theft, I guess you could say that means there less theft, but that would kind of be a lie wouldn't it?

Except the thefts are recorded because the person who experiences the theft has to file an insurance claim. They just aren't spending $50,000 in trial and incarceration costs for $100 of property. Because that would be stupid.

Global warming seems to be occurring on a small scale. AGW, eh, whatever. Warming and cooling has been taking place for thousands of years. There is ZERO proof that we can stop it or control it.

Again, I don't really want to discuss science with people who think there are talking snakes.

We are seeing melting glaicers and icecaps, dying coral reefs, melting permafrost causing buildings to collapse in Alaska, etc.

No, actually they aren't.
Actually, they are.

China's $890bn investment in clean-energy sectors is almost as large as total global investments in fossil fuel supply in 2023 – and similar to the GDP of Switzerland or Turkey. Including the value of production, clean-energy sectors contributed 11.4tn yuan ($1.6tn) to the Chinese economy in 2023, up 30% year-on-year.
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They are walking across because white people are giving them jobs.

And because you imbeciles are offering them sanctuary from breaking the law and freebies, including free healthcare and the guarantee that their baby can be a US citizen in spite of the fact that they are illegal. Yeah, none of that has anything to do with it.

I have nightmares abou the racists fucking up the economy again, like they did in 2020, 2008, 2001, 1990

Lol...Republicans are on average more successful than you. We aren't the ones screwing up the economy. That would be you ignorant folks.

From 2016 to 2020, the two U.S. counties to experience the most gun homicides per capita were rural, Phillips County, Ar., with 55.45 age-adjusted homicides per 100,000 people, and Lowndes County, Al., with 48.36 age-adjusted homicides per 100,000.

I can guarantee you those are blue areas. Go figure.

And that their excuse for this shitty behavior is RELIGION makes it that much worse. They're killing people over a fucking desert because a book with talking snakes in it said so

The terrorists are fighting over the same desert in the name of religion and yet you defend them.

Except the thefts are recorded because the person who experiences the theft has to file an insurance claim. They just aren't spending $50,000 in trial and incarceration costs for $100 of property. Because that would be stupid.

It never cost 50k for $100 theft. They are not counting them. That is the solution according to Democrats. It is akin to lowering requirements if the right people don't qualify. Just plain dumb and non-productive.

Again, I don't really want to discuss science with people who think there are talking snakes.

We are seeing melting glaicers and icecaps, dying coral reefs, melting permafrost causing buildings to collapse in Alaska, etc.

But you don't mind discussing science with those that don't know the difference between a man woman? woman?

Yep, and guess what. All of that happened in the past. I guess you forgot that little tidbit.

China's $890bn investment in clean-energy sectors is almost as large as total global investments in fossil fuel supply in 2023 – and similar to the GDP of Switzerland or Turkey. Including the value of production, clean-energy sectors contributed 11.4tn yuan ($1.6tn) to the Chinese economy in 2023, up 30% year-on-year

You bought it. They are not doing anything for the sake of resolving global warming. Everything they do has their economic interest at the forefront. If that is supporting the global warming craze they will do it, but they will change course the second it causes economic harm. Democrats in this country aren't smart enough to figure that out.
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