Ex-MSNBC Analyst: Harris Is Staring at Electoral Disaster

And because you imbeciles are offering them sanctuary from breaking the law and freebies, including free healthcare and the guarantee that their baby can be a US citizen in spite of the fact that they are illegal. Yeah, none of that has anything to do with it.

Except they aren't going to the "Blue Cities". Most of them end up in rural areas. Take Springfield, OH. They were invited by city officials because they needed reliable people to take jobs. But here you guys are, lying about them eating pets.

Lol...Republicans are on average more successful than you. We aren't the ones screwing up the economy. That would be you ignorant folks.

The economy is not doing well when a few people get rich. Every recession in my lifetime (save one) has happened when Republicans were in the White House. There's a reason for that.

I can guarantee you those are blue areas. Go figure.

Yes, every place you don't like or embarrassed you is a blue area. You are a classic example of the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy.

The terrorists are fighting over the same desert in the name of religion and yet you defend them.

Except- wait for it - the Arabs have lived there for 1400 years. The Jews are transplants from Europe because the other Europeans couldn't stand being around them.

It never cost 50k for $100 theft. They are not counting them. That is the solution according to Democrats. It is akin to lowering requirements if the right people don't qualify. Just plain dumb and non-productive.

Again, they have to count them for insurance purposes... But my point stands. The cost of a criminal trial, plus one years incarceration, is well over $50,000. THey need to save that for REAL crimes.

But you don't mind discussing science with those that don't know the difference between a man woman? woman?

Yep, and guess what. All of that happened in the past. I guess you forgot that little tidbit.

Guy, your sexual insecurities are boring. Look, man, we know you picked up that tranny that one times, but people totally believe you are straight.
Those things did not happen in the past this quickly, this is what you don't get. GRADUAL climate change is normal, and life adapts to it though natural selection. When it happens quickly, that's when you have habitat loss, etc.

You bought it. They are not doing anything for the sake of resolving global warming. Everything they do has their economic interest at the forefront. If that is supporting the global warming craze they will do it, but they will change course the second it causes economic harm. Democrats in this country aren't smart enough to figure that out.

Wow, you mean while we are letting Big Oil make policy in this country, the Chinese are investing in new Green energy that will make them an exporter of that technology?

The Chinese already dominate battery and solar production.
For all the hype around the latest polls, which has flipped Nate Silver’s Electoral College projection, it doesn’t feel like she’s ahead decisively a la Joe Biden in 2020. If Kamala is mentioned, it’s her lack of interviews, her bleeding of support among core Democratic voter groups, and the polls not comporting with voter concerns. Trump is leading handily on the issues of crime, immigration, and the economy. The latest New York Times polling string isn’t good for her either. The comical aspect about that is that now liberals are saying the NYT’s polls are too Republican-friendly.

Liberals will likely say that again since the latest NYT/Siena surveys are not good. If this holds, Harris is in a position no better than that of Biden, who dropped out in July. Ex-MSNBC analyst Mark Halperin said that if this poll doesn’t turn out to be an outlier, Harris is staring at an electoral disaster.

Former President Donald Trump is leading Harris in key sun belt states, including Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina, according to a Monday New York Times/Siena College Poll. Halperin, on “Wake Up America,” said if Harris loses these three sun belt states along with Nevada, she will have just one path to victory, and if Nebraska changes how it allocates its electoral votes, even that path could vanish.

“It leaves out one of the four sun belt states, but I have reason to believe the trend there would be the same. This is what Trump pollsters and strategists predicted about a month ago, that he would reassert the dominance he had in those four sun belt states,” Halperin said. “And of course, if that happens, and I’m not sure it is, the Times polls may be outliers, but if it’s true, it means that Kamala Harris is back to where Joe Biden was before his debate with Donald Trump, which is to have exactly one Electoral College path. And by the way, if Nebraska changes the way it allocates its electoral votes, she’ll have no Electoral College paths if the Times polls are right.”

BJ -

Harris knows that she is behind, that is why she wants another debate.

All of the spamming of social media by the "bergs" of the world, is not going to change the minds of swing state voters where normal-regular people live.
Trump is really crushing her on that Cats and Dogs for dinner issue
A dozen eggs at Walmart today are $3.74. They used to be a $1.09. These are the cheapo generic eggs.
A dozen eggs at Walmart today are $3.74. They used to be a $1.09. These are the cheapo generic eggs.

Last time I went to the store for Eggs they were 1.49 a dozen. Then my wife found some even cheaper eggs, but you have to buy them in larger quantities, which she does.

The reason why eggs were up to $6.00 a dozen briefly was because an outbreak of bird flu required the culling of Chicken farms across CA.
I think that's less likely now that she could lose the EC. She's pulled ahead in MI, WI, NC, and PA

NC is a real problem for Trump because he has the Black Nazi around his neck.

Trump's rallygoers are bailing on him as soon as they get their selfies with him in the background, because his speeches are that unhinged.

Still, all that said, we need to all work as hard as we can to get Harris elected. Complacency is what killed Hillary.
Wow. Another fantasy with no basis in reality.
Harris will be toast because of the independents and undecideds. They want policy. That's why they're flocking to Trump. They won't vote for anybody who doesn't state their policies.
Except... none of those things are really true.

Biden has deported more people than Trump has.
Inflation is below 3% (and never got anywhere near the inflation of the 1970s.
Crime is down below 2019 levels.
Nobody cares about Transgenders except the sexually insecure.
Fuck Israel.
Oil production is up above 2019 levels.

Nobody in their right mind thinks that a guy who has just lost 6 billion dollars in a fake social media company is going to fix the economy.
What a pile of bullshit. Ian Malcolm has a word for you:

Yes, every place you don't like or embarrassed you is a blue area. You are a classic example of the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy.

I'm just saying that it is a known fact that most high crime areas are blue. Just because you don't like the facts doesn't make them untrue.

Except- wait for it - the Arabs have lived there for 1400 years. The Jews are transplants from Europe because the other Europeans couldn't stand being around them.
And? Are we to reverse the results of all wars throughout history? Talk about some border shuffling.

The economy is not doing well when a few people get rich

Maybe you need to figure out how to make money.

Those things did not happen in the past this quickly, this is what you don't get. GRADUAL climate change is normal, and life adapts to it though natural selection. When it happens quickly, that's when you have habitat loss, etc.

Sure, neat. Climate change concerns me about as much as getting struck by lightning. Yes, it could be a problem, but not likely. Meanwhile gullible folks like yourself are purchasing expensive lightening proof cars that are impractical and cumbersome. To each his own.

The Chinese already dominate battery and solar production.

Right, they are preying on the stupidity of people like you and Democrats in our goverment and their over reaction to a SMALL change in global temps. They aren't stupid. Climate change activists are.
I'm just saying that it is a known fact that most high crime areas are blue. Just because you don't like the facts doesn't make them untrue.

Except there's just as much crime per capita in Jesusland. Let's look at the beautiful bean footage.


And? Are we to reverse the results of all wars throughout history? Talk about some border shuffling.

Nope. Just one border. Push the Israelis into the sea, problem solved.

Maybe you need to figure out how to make money.
I make plenty of money when Democrats are in charge and not fucking up the economy.

Sure, neat. Climate change concerns me about as much as getting struck by lightning. Yes, it could be a problem, but not likely. Meanwhile gullible folks like yourself are purchasing expensive lightening proof cars that are impractical and cumbersome. To each his own.

Yup, you got yours, fuck future generations, right? The Republican Mantra.

Right, they are preying on the stupidity of people like you and Democrats in our goverment and their over reaction to a SMALL change in global temps. They aren't stupid. Climate change activists are.

$890 billion isn't a small investment.
Except there's just as much crime per capita in Jesusland. Let's look at the beautiful bean footage.

Not in blue counties. County by county maps will show you an entirely different story. Blue counties are more dangerous across the entire country and it isn’t even close.

Nope. Just one border. Push the Israelis into the sea, problem solved

Not going to happen. Israel is far more advanced, is far smarter and is far more powerful. You siding with terrorists is no surprise. You fit right in with the Democratic Party.

I make plenty of money when Democrats are in charge and not fucking up the economy.

You make plenty of money when Democrats are implementing their freebees and not when Republicans are letting you keep more of what you actually earn? Says a lot about you.

Yup, you got yours, fuck future generations, right? The Republican Mantra.

As usual, you have everything backwards. Chasing a boogeyman created to suck our money dry is far more harmful to our future generations than a very SLOW warming trend that we can’t stop.

$890 billion isn't a small investment.

And yet China and India have increased emissions of late. Go figure. Their investment is to make money off of ignorant people like you, not to protect the climate.
I'm just saying that it is a known fact that most high crime areas are blue. Just because you don't like the facts doesn't make them untrue.

And? Are we to reverse the results of all wars throughout history? Talk about some border shuffling.

Maybe you need to figure out how to make money.

Sure, neat. Climate change concerns me about as much as getting struck by lightning. Yes, it could be a problem, but not likely. Meanwhile gullible folks like yourself are purchasing expensive lightening proof cars that are impractical and cumbersome. To each his own.

Right, they are preying on the stupidity of people like you and Democrats in our goverment and their over reaction to a SMALL change in global temps. They aren't stupid. Climate change activists are.
Just for clarification, JoeIB said the Arabs have lived there for 1400 years. He neglected to say that the Jews have lived there for 3,000 years - and Jews the world over are all descended from them.
The average American overwhelmingly support Trump’s policies over Harris. The problem is that many Democrats don’t care that they agree with Trump’s policies. They are indoctrinated to vote for a Democrat regardless. No sensible person, even a Democrat, supports Harris’ boneheaded policies.
Correct, and infuriating. I have pretty much cut out of my life two Democrats who AGREE that Trump policies are better but they cannot vote for a Republican, and are counting on a Republican Congress to block her.

When I then asked if they are planning to vote for the Republican in Congress, they both said NO…..they could not vote R in any circumstances.

IOW, they are knowingly voting for the Democrat despite her harmful policies, and hoping OTHER PEOPLE’s votes will negate theirs.

Hence, they are both out of my life. I have no place for stupidity like that.
The average American overwhelmingly support Trump’s policies over Harris. The problem is that many Democrats don’t care that they agree with Trump’s policies. They are indoctrinated to vote for a Democrat regardless. No sensible person, even a Democrat, supports Harris’ boneheaded policies.
What exactly are these Trump policies that you believe democrats agree with???

I can't think of any.....

I've actually never heard Trump go over any actual policies of his except tariffs....have you? If so, can you link to any of Trump going over them?

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