Exclusive–VA Secretary: Care for Veterans ‘Would Disappear’ if America Descends into Socialism

I know what we can do. Quit supporting the reasons that they are there to start with.
That sounds wonderful but unrealistic. :cool:

We have tens of thousands of Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans, many who are in their 20's and 30's. So the VA is going to be around for several more decades.

Plus the odds are America with be involved in another war within the next 10 years are so. Seems like we are always at war with somebody.

And we call "them" violent.
Veterans programs are socialism


Then anyone receiving social security or welfare, who are not retirement age, should have to work for their checks and benefits also.



It is one thing to get benefits while you are an active soldier and another to receive those benefits for life.

Veterans programs are socialism


Then anyone receiving social security or welfare, who are not retirement age, should have to work for their checks and benefits also.



It is one thing to get benefits while you are an active soldier and another to receive those benefits for life.



If you're jealous then go look up you're local recruiter.

I'm sure they'd be more than willing to sign you up if you're capable.



Of course you could always promote paying those in the military like the civilian contractors are paid for the same job instead.
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Veterans programs are socialism


Then anyone receiving social security or welfare, who are not retirement age, should have to work for their checks and benefits also.



It is one thing to get benefits while you are an active soldier and another to receive those benefits for life.



If you're jealous then go look up you're local recruiter.

I'm sure they'd be more than willing to sign you up if you're capable.



Of course you could always promote paying those in the military like the civilian contractors are paid for the same job instead.

Like it or not
It is still a Freebee
The United States would not be able to care for its millions of veterans if it becomes a socialist country, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) secretary cautioned Breitbart News at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday.

Asked to make the case against socialism during an edition of Breitbart News Saturday, airing on SiriusXM 125, at the 2020 CPAC event, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie warned host and Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle:

“If America were suddenly to descend into a socialists State, that promise [to take care of our veterans’ that [Abraham] Lincoln made [when he created the department] 150 years ago is wiped out. There’s no longer any care for veterans. … An incredibly high percentage of our warriors are with missing limbs.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...


I think Rush explained it best: all the demonRATS have the same policies, only Bernie has the balls to talk honestly about those policies. These ideas line up with what we used to call communism during the cold war.

There is not a bit of evidence to support that. Wilkie should be investigated for violating the Hatch Act. A government official cannot nengasge in partisan political activity. If he was there and was identified as the head of the VA then he did violate the Hatch Act. Trump and the Republicans want to give us corporate statism. That may be even worse.
Veterans programs are socialism


Then anyone receiving social security or welfare, who are not retirement age, should have to work for their checks and benefits also.



It is one thing to get benefits while you are an active soldier and another to receive those benefits for life.



If you're jealous then go look up you're local recruiter.

I'm sure they'd be more than willing to sign you up if you're capable.



Of course you could always promote paying those in the military like the civilian contractors are paid for the same job instead.

Like it or not
It is still a Freebee


It wouldn't have to be a freebee if they were paid like private contractors.



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