explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Look guys....growing up as a Muslim we are not taught to hate or to kill.
If you read the Quran and believe, yes you most certainly are taught to hate and kill.

View attachment 128511

I've had to turn off the TV, Tilly.

All this sickly eulogising. I can't stand it.

It's giving too much importance to the creature who perpetrated the foul act.

Five thousand troops on the streets? Because of HIM?

He was already known by the police. And by the French and the Americans.

So why did this happen?
Well tough luck Mr bigot majority of people including government know very well that not all Muslims are dangerous.
Here in the US , stats show they are one of the most achieving people. You probably never met a Muslim and you live deep in the south in some trailer and you fly the confederate flag.
This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
So we don't blame Americans for not knowing about ahead of time or caring about the mass shootings in our country, but we blame Europeans and Muslims if they aren't aware of such attacks ahead of time, and, according to you, don't seem to care? You have a double standard, a hallmark of the lack of critical thinking skills displayed by the right wing in this thread, and pretty much everywhere else.

There is no double standard. We are against and condemn mass shootings in the US and anywhere else. We are for locking up criminals so they don't go on rampages. We are for locking up the mentally ill that pose a danger to society. And we are for banning Muslims from our society, for the same exact reasons, they are too dangerous to be trusted.

I never said all were dangerous. But until you can come up with a way to weed out the bad ones, they should all be banned.

Closest I ever lived to the south was San Antonio, which is more like Mexico. I live in Germany currently, so I get to see plenty of Muslims and hear the horror stories of people having to deal with them.
He was already known by the police. And by the French and the Americans.

So why did this happen?

Because Western governments have been high jacked by the pro-globalist, pro-multiculturalist progressives. This is all happening by design.
Well tough luck Mr bigot majority of people including government know very well that not all Muslims are dangerous.
Here in the US , stats show they are one of the most achieving people. You probably never met a Muslim and you live deep in the south in some trailer and you fly the confederate flag.
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
So we don't blame Americans for not knowing about ahead of time or caring about the mass shootings in our country, but we blame Europeans and Muslims if they aren't aware of such attacks ahead of time, and, according to you, don't seem to care? You have a double standard, a hallmark of the lack of critical thinking skills displayed by the right wing in this thread, and pretty much everywhere else.

There is no double standard. We are against and condemn mass shootings in the US and anywhere else. We are for locking up criminals so they don't go on rampages. We are for locking up the mentally ill that pose a danger to society. And we are for banning Muslims from our society, for the same exact reasons, they are too dangerous to be trusted.

I never said all were dangerous. But until you can come up with a way to weed out the bad ones, they should all be banned.

Closest I ever lived to the south was San Antonio, which is more like Mexico. I live in Germany currently, so I get to see plenty of Muslims and hear the horror stories of people having to deal with them.

You lived in San Antonio?
Well tough luck Mr bigot majority of people including government know very well that not all Muslims are dangerous.
Here in the US , stats show they are one of the most achieving people. You probably never met a Muslim and you live deep in the south in some trailer and you fly the confederate flag.
How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
So we don't blame Americans for not knowing about ahead of time or caring about the mass shootings in our country, but we blame Europeans and Muslims if they aren't aware of such attacks ahead of time, and, according to you, don't seem to care? You have a double standard, a hallmark of the lack of critical thinking skills displayed by the right wing in this thread, and pretty much everywhere else.

There is no double standard. We are against and condemn mass shootings in the US and anywhere else. We are for locking up criminals so they don't go on rampages. We are for locking up the mentally ill that pose a danger to society. And we are for banning Muslims from our society, for the same exact reasons, they are too dangerous to be trusted.

I never said all were dangerous. But until you can come up with a way to weed out the bad ones, they should all be banned.

Closest I ever lived to the south was San Antonio, which is more like Mexico. I live in Germany currently, so I get to see plenty of Muslims and hear the horror stories of people having to deal with them.

You lived in San Antonio?

Terrorists are blowing kids up. Terrorists who have hijacked a religion. They don't actually represent Islam; they just say they do.They are warped and have a warped interpretation of Islam. If you can't understand that, you haven't got a brain.

I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


you are so fucking stupid it hurts. There are hundreds of violent texts about killing all non muslims in the koran. Have you seen Europe lately? They are taking over you stupid fuck- praying in the streets, killing, beheading, suicide bombing. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

yeah but they are not ALL doing that-------some are home, beating their wives and others are
out--------raping kaffirin..... and other are yelling "ENEMEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM" in the

God, you people are stupid. Full of hate and ignorance. Satan's children.

Esmeralda's BRILLIANT COMMENT number four
Of course we condemn and we fight them we give intelligence and warn authorities and we report suspicious ones.
In fact US gets lot of its intelligence from Muslims and Muslim translators and Muslim countries intelligence agencies.
You hear it all the time but you decise to ignore it.
Last example the Paris attack it was the Moroccan intelligence that found the culprits and the French were thankful to their Moroccan counterpart.

There is state terror, when the west decide to change regimes and create havoc and safe heavens for terrorists I don't see you doing anything about that too.

Look guys....growing up as a Muslim we are not taught to hate or to kill.
We are just like everyone else in this world, we work, we hustle and we want to live.

In my opinion greed is the problem. All these wars, invasions, bombings had to result in retaliations.
If you bomb a country of 30 million one or two might try and slep in and bomb you back.
I see no one try and bomb Japan, Korea, New Zealand, singapore....ect. why?
Since a young age I've been say: if you want the honey be ready for the stinging.

The west is giving the sick minded the opportunity to hate. Stop invading and toppling regimes and I guarantee you the terrorists will have no funding and no one to recruit.

Are you talking about the terror attack 1972? Was that because the US invaded Iraq in 2002?

Sorry but your excuses for your fellow Muslims that kill innocent children is repulsive.

You keep claiming how peaceful Muslims are and then excuse the violence.

Sorry, 911 is still fresh, this and California and France and the pirate ships and on and on and on and on and on. There is a lot of hate.

Here are terror attacks, please make an excuse for you fellow Muslim brothers.
List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

Most Muslims are peaceful, but what floors me is the lack of condemning these attacks from you "peace loving" Muslims. You will always condemn and then add a but and that is a sign you really aren't condemning anyone.

You condemn and then you qualify it, just like you just did in your post. So, you don't really condemn, you justify their actions. It not all Muslims that do that, but you do. You do it every time. So your BS doesn't help your claims.

There are tons of Muslims that are peaceful, that condemn evil, you just aren't one of them. You are part of the problem, you in your double speak are evil, and you are nothing about peace.

The Westboro group is a fringe group, you won't find me defending them, I will defend their right to free speech and free expression but they and their message is vile, they are confrontational, they have no love or peace in their message, they show no respect for people, it is a terrible group and if we never hear from them, it would be a good thing.

A few pretend Christians killed abortionist, they are wrong and need to be put to death, though I hate abortions, there is no place in society and violence, a life for a life is ungodly. God makes the judgement, not some radical braindead moron who thinks they are above the law.

Keep playing your silly game and pretending you are peaceful, you are not. I am sure there are many Muslim that really are concerned, loving, peaceful and believe these terrorist are bringing a bad name to Allah, you just aren't one of them.
I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

Obviously if you are in an all Muslim country they would seem "normal". Next time you meet a new Muslim, tell them you are a Jew. See how civilized they are then.

This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
So we don't blame Americans for not knowing about ahead of time or caring about the mass shootings in our country, but we blame Europeans and Muslims if they aren't aware of such attacks ahead of time, and, according to you, don't seem to care? You have a double standard, a hallmark of the lack of critical thinking skills displayed by the right wing in this thread, and pretty much everywhere else.

Who is we? Are you not an American? I thought you were a US citizen, which make you an American. However, you speak of "Americans" "our country", interesting.
There are many here, pretending to be American but they eventually give themselves away. Usually on a subject that is emotionally charged.
I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
So we don't blame Americans for not knowing about ahead of time or caring about the mass shootings in our country, but we blame Europeans and Muslims if they aren't aware of such attacks ahead of time, and, according to you, don't seem to care? You have a double standard, a hallmark of the lack of critical thinking skills displayed by the right wing in this thread, and pretty much everywhere else.

Who is we? Are you not an American? I thought you were a US citizen, which make you an American. However, you speak of "Americans" "our country", interesting.
I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
So we don't blame Americans for not knowing about ahead of time or caring about the mass shootings in our country, but we blame Europeans and Muslims if they aren't aware of such attacks ahead of time, and, according to you, don't seem to care? You have a double standard, a hallmark of the lack of critical thinking skills displayed by the right wing in this thread, and pretty much everywhere else.

Who is we? Are you not an American? I thought you were a US citizen, which make you an American. However, you speak of "Americans" "our country", interesting.

She lives in Islamabad or some shit.
So it's slap to the faces of victims and their families. How to explain to them and to us that they know about bomber and still lost all those lives?

Depends on how he was known to them. Police and intelligence agencies touch base and know loads of dodgy characters. Most of them innocent. If this guy said "I'm gonna go and set off a bomb at the Ariana Grande concert" then yeah, they fucked up. However, if they saw some email traffic that said something along the lines of "I can see why ISIS do what they do"... then that's hardly anything to be arrested about. it's called free speech. It'll come down to how they knew him.

Definition of the free speech in UK is not the same as we have in US.
How about this, as a start: For every new terror attack, we deport one Ninth Circuit judge?
So it's slap to the faces of victims and their families. How to explain to them and to us that they know about bomber and still lost all those lives?

Depends on how he was known to them. Police and intelligence agencies touch base and know loads of dodgy characters. Most of them innocent. If this guy said "I'm gonna go and set off a bomb at the Ariana Grande concert" then yeah, they fucked up. However, if they saw some email traffic that said something along the lines of "I can see why ISIS do what they do"... then that's hardly anything to be arrested about. it's called free speech. It'll come down to how they knew him.

Definition of the free speech in UK is not the same as we have in US.

My son works in the UK and he laughs at what they call free speech. You can say whatever you want as long as it doesn't offend anyone.
There are many here, pretending to be American but they eventually give themselves away. Usually on a subject that is emotionally charged.
This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
So we don't blame Americans for not knowing about ahead of time or caring about the mass shootings in our country, but we blame Europeans and Muslims if they aren't aware of such attacks ahead of time, and, according to you, don't seem to care? You have a double standard, a hallmark of the lack of critical thinking skills displayed by the right wing in this thread, and pretty much everywhere else.

Who is we? Are you not an American? I thought you were a US citizen, which make you an American. However, you speak of "Americans" "our country", interesting.

She claims she works in some country and she hasn't lived in the US for decades and claims to be a US citizen and pretends she is all enlightened because she lives else where (typical liberal know it all) then she posts this crap. The women is off her rocker, bless her heart.
So it's slap to the faces of victims and their families. How to explain to them and to us that they know about bomber and still lost all those lives?

Depends on how he was known to them. Police and intelligence agencies touch base and know loads of dodgy characters. Most of them innocent. If this guy said "I'm gonna go and set off a bomb at the Ariana Grande concert" then yeah, they fucked up. However, if they saw some email traffic that said something along the lines of "I can see why ISIS do what they do"... then that's hardly anything to be arrested about. it's called free speech. It'll come down to how they knew him.

Definition of the free speech in UK is not the same as we have in US.

My son works in the UK and he laughs at what they call free speech. You can say whatever you want as long as it doesn't offend anyone.

I suppose there is some truth to that. Look at what is happening to Katie Hopkins just lately.
Some British reporter did. The authorities were pissed. They were hoping to sweep in and get some people first.
Just heard the authorities said he did not do it alone.

I'm wondering why the US was able to leak the information on the bomber's identity before the British.

The whole thing is beginning to sound weird.

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