explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Terrorists are blowing kids up. Terrorists who have hijacked a religion. They don't actually represent Islam; they just say they do.They are warped and have a warped interpretation of Islam. If you can't understand that, you haven't got a brain.

I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


you are so fucking stupid it hurts. There are hundreds of violent texts about killing all non muslims in the koran. Have you seen Europe lately? They are taking over you stupid fuck- praying in the streets, killing, beheading, suicide bombing. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

yeah but they are not ALL doing that-------some are home, beating their wives and others are
out--------raping kaffirin..... and other are yelling "ENEMEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM" in the
God, you people are stupid. Full of hate and ignorance. Satan's children.

Speaking of the devil......
They were so looking forward to seeing Ariana Grande with their friends or their mums and dads or brothers and sisters. They were so happy as they headed for their homes afterwards – but some of them never made it. A Muslim suicide bomber killed them in the belief that his religion ordained it, that it would speed his journey to paradise, and that this was the kind of thing he and his brethren should carry on doing until the whole world submits to Islam.

Now you’ll note that at no stage was Katie Hopkins – or indeed any other spokesman for conservative causes – involved in the planning or execution of this atrocity. You’ll also be well aware – if you’ve read round the subject – that nothing Katie Hopkins or anyone else says or does is going to stop these things happenings. As Islamic State, the main force behind this wave of violence, make perfectly clear in their literature, they’re going to keep on hating us whatever we do.

The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you. No doubt, we would stop fighting you then as we would stop fighting any disbelievers who enter into a covenant with us, but we would not stop hating you…The gist of the matter is that there is indeed a rhyme to our terrorism, warfare, ruthlessness, and brutality.

You might have hoped after London, Mumbai, Boston, Paris, Nice, Berlin, and Stockholm that the message would have begun to filter through by now: that we’ve got the watches, but they’ve got the time and that they’re planning on continuing till they’ve won.

So why, every time, without fail, do we get the same achingly predictable response on social media from the useful idiots of the progressive left? Why do they insist on focusing their rage on people like Katie Hopkins when clearly this has nothing whatsoever to do with people like Katie Hopkins?

DELINGPOLE: How Social Media's Useful Idiots Responded to the Manchester Suicide Bomb - Breitbart
They were so looking forward to seeing Ariana Grande with their friends or their mums and dads or brothers and sisters. They were so happy as they headed for their homes afterwards – but some of them never made it. A Muslim suicide bomber killed them in the belief that his religion ordained it, that it would speed his journey to paradise, and that this was the kind of thing he and his brethren should carry on doing until the whole world submits to Islam.

Now you’ll note that at no stage was Katie Hopkins – or indeed any other spokesman for conservative causes – involved in the planning or execution of this atrocity. You’ll also be well aware – if you’ve read round the subject – that nothing Katie Hopkins or anyone else says or does is going to stop these things happenings. As Islamic State, the main force behind this wave of violence, make perfectly clear in their literature, they’re going to keep on hating us whatever we do.

The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you. No doubt, we would stop fighting you then as we would stop fighting any disbelievers who enter into a covenant with us, but we would not stop hating you…The gist of the matter is that there is indeed a rhyme to our terrorism, warfare, ruthlessness, and brutality.

You might have hoped after London, Mumbai, Boston, Paris, Nice, Berlin, and Stockholm that the message would have begun to filter through by now: that we’ve got the watches, but they’ve got the time and that they’re planning on continuing till they’ve won.

So why, every time, without fail, do we get the same achingly predictable response on social media from the useful idiots of the progressive left? Why do they insist on focusing their rage on people like Katie Hopkins when clearly this has nothing whatsoever to do with people like Katie Hopkins?

DELINGPOLE: How Social Media's Useful Idiots Responded to the Manchester Suicide Bomb - Breitbart
Right-wing commentators will use the Manchester atrocity to justify their hate, racism, and poison.
They were so looking forward to seeing Ariana Grande with their friends or their mums and dads or brothers and sisters. They were so happy as they headed for their homes afterwards – but some of them never made it. A Muslim suicide bomber killed them in the belief that his religion ordained it, that it would speed his journey to paradise, and that this was the kind of thing he and his brethren should carry on doing until the whole world submits to Islam.

Now you’ll note that at no stage was Katie Hopkins – or indeed any other spokesman for conservative causes – involved in the planning or execution of this atrocity. You’ll also be well aware – if you’ve read round the subject – that nothing Katie Hopkins or anyone else says or does is going to stop these things happenings. As Islamic State, the main force behind this wave of violence, make perfectly clear in their literature, they’re going to keep on hating us whatever we do.

The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you. No doubt, we would stop fighting you then as we would stop fighting any disbelievers who enter into a covenant with us, but we would not stop hating you…The gist of the matter is that there is indeed a rhyme to our terrorism, warfare, ruthlessness, and brutality.

You might have hoped after London, Mumbai, Boston, Paris, Nice, Berlin, and Stockholm that the message would have begun to filter through by now: that we’ve got the watches, but they’ve got the time and that they’re planning on continuing till they’ve won.

So why, every time, without fail, do we get the same achingly predictable response on social media from the useful idiots of the progressive left? Why do they insist on focusing their rage on people like Katie Hopkins when clearly this has nothing whatsoever to do with people like Katie Hopkins?

DELINGPOLE: How Social Media's Useful Idiots Responded to the Manchester Suicide Bomb - Breitbart
Right-wing commentators will use the Manchester atrocity to justify their hate, racism, and poison.

to what "hate" "racism" and "poison" do you refer?
They were so looking forward to seeing Ariana Grande with their friends or their mums and dads or brothers and sisters. They were so happy as they headed for their homes afterwards – but some of them never made it. A Muslim suicide bomber killed them in the belief that his religion ordained it, that it would speed his journey to paradise, and that this was the kind of thing he and his brethren should carry on doing until the whole world submits to Islam.

Now you’ll note that at no stage was Katie Hopkins – or indeed any other spokesman for conservative causes – involved in the planning or execution of this atrocity. You’ll also be well aware – if you’ve read round the subject – that nothing Katie Hopkins or anyone else says or does is going to stop these things happenings. As Islamic State, the main force behind this wave of violence, make perfectly clear in their literature, they’re going to keep on hating us whatever we do.

The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you. No doubt, we would stop fighting you then as we would stop fighting any disbelievers who enter into a covenant with us, but we would not stop hating you…The gist of the matter is that there is indeed a rhyme to our terrorism, warfare, ruthlessness, and brutality.

You might have hoped after London, Mumbai, Boston, Paris, Nice, Berlin, and Stockholm that the message would have begun to filter through by now: that we’ve got the watches, but they’ve got the time and that they’re planning on continuing till they’ve won.

So why, every time, without fail, do we get the same achingly predictable response on social media from the useful idiots of the progressive left? Why do they insist on focusing their rage on people like Katie Hopkins when clearly this has nothing whatsoever to do with people like Katie Hopkins?

DELINGPOLE: How Social Media's Useful Idiots Responded to the Manchester Suicide Bomb - Breitbart
Right-wing commentators will use the Manchester atrocity to justify their hate, racism, and poison.

Western Countries should BAN islam, burka, mosque, night-shirts, and koran. Maybe they will all go peacefully back to muslim countries. If not start forcing them out.

How do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time.

I was ready for massive action after Fort Hood. Enough with these lunatics.
Look guys....growing up as a Muslim we are not taught to hate or to kill.
We are just like everyone else in this world, we work, we hustle and we want to live.

In my opinion greed is the problem. All these wars, invasions, bombings had to result in retaliations.
If you bomb a country of 30 million one or two might try and slep in and bomb you back.
I see no one try and bomb Japan, Korea, New Zealand, singapore....ect. why?
Since a young age I've been say: if you want the honey be ready for the stinging.

The west is giving the sick minded the opportunity to hate. Stop invading and toppling regimes and I guarantee you the terrorists will have no funding and no one to recruit.

Exactly. Yet all the self proclaimed Quran experts who's knowledge was attained post 9-11 will insist differently.

As to the other part - it's not so simple. You can't excuse terrorism away like that.

But the more we react to and direct rhetoric against Muslim minorities in our countries who are part of those same communities, whenever something like this happens -- the more we give power to Apocolyptic death cults like ISIS. Power to recruit. Power to declare the West is at War with Islam. Power to exploit divisions.
Western Countries should BAN islam, burka, mosque, night-shirts, and koran. Maybe they will all go peacefully back to muslim countries. If not start forcing them out.

How do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time.

I was ready for massive action after Fort Hood. Enough with these lunatics.

You would force American citizens out of their own country? Ban an entire religion?

So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

As Mark Steyn put it:

ManchesterStrong" means a limp passivity of flowers and candlelight vigils and teddy bears for a couple of days before we all forget it until the next "strong" "united" community gets blown apart.
Nah you are just a bigot. Millions of Muslims are fom those countries. How many committed a bombing?. 0.001% or 0.00001%?
In the other hand the governments did bomb Iraq, lybia, Afghanistan, Syria ect....
The greed is helping the terrorists spread their hate and recruiting and your bigotry adds to it.

You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

Suicide bomber and co-conspirators were what religion again?

This isn't rocket surgery.

"Moderate" Muslims just aren't devout enough to gear up and kill the Kafir.

However, they may kill their own in honor killings even if they don't want to go full jihad.
Nah you are just a bigot. Millions of Muslims are fom those countries. How many committed a bombing?. 0.001% or 0.00001%?
In the other hand the governments did bomb Iraq, lybia, Afghanistan, Syria ect....
The greed is helping the terrorists spread their hate and recruiting and your bigotry adds to it.

So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

Just heard about body parts flying around during an attack in Jakarta.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

there are idiots on this board who insist that Islamic hatred and murder of "crusaders" and "jooos" and
"hindoos" got invented because of the internet. Before Al Gore invented the internet----EVERYONE
LIVED IN HAPPY PEACE AND JOY. There is another idiot on this board who insists that muslims never
heard a negative word about Christians, jooos, or hindoos -----or Zoroastrians UNTIL "the west"----
"started bombing muslim countries"? There is another idiot on this board who insist nobody knows
anything about islam or the Koran until PROPAGANDA began to flow in cyberspace AFTER 9-11-01
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.
So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

As Mark Steyn put it:

ManchesterStrong" means a limp passivity of flowers and candlelight vigils and teddy bears for a couple of days before we all forget it until the next "strong" "united" community gets blown apart.

If someone is pointing a gun at you and/or about to blow themselves up handing them flowers isn't going to save you.

Offering flowers, candlelight vigils, teddy bears, holding hands singing Kumbaya and rambling about how "diversity is our strength" and "they won't change our way of life" and "we stand together as a community" and all the other bullshit the morons ramble isn't going to save them and the Islamists after every atrocity look at all of this faggotry and just laugh at the morons.

The Kumbaya approach is a danger to the community as a whole only they're too ignorant to realise it.

You win by fighting fire with fire, you don't win by rolling over and carrying on as normal, because what used to be normal doesn't exist anymore, the goalposts have been moved.

You win by taking revenge and hitting back at the POS.

Revenge is a natural human reaction.

Flowers, candlelight vigils and teddy bears isn't.

It's simple, either you kill them or they'll keep killing more of your people.
Nah you are just a bigot. Millions of Muslims are fom those countries. How many committed a bombing?. 0.001% or 0.00001%?
In the other hand the governments did bomb Iraq, lybia, Afghanistan, Syria ect....
The greed is helping the terrorists spread their hate and recruiting and your bigotry adds to it.

you are comparing apples and oranges. There are millions of people in "the west" How many have
engaged in terrorist actions against muslim children?
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

Suicide bomber and co-conspirators were what religion again?

This isn't rocket surgery.

"Moderate" Muslims just aren't devout enough to gear up and kill the Kafir.

However, they may kill their own in honor killings even if they don't want to go full jihad.

And the victims, what religion are they?

All religions.

It's not Islam. It's radicalization and terrorists. If you use that as an excuse to attack or persecute innocent Muslims, you feed ISIS and you ignore the real problems - fighting radicalization on line, what to do with people who travel to those countries and return, how to continue working with the Muslim communities in order to flush out problems before they manifest in violence.
So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

Islam has declared war on the west, it's time the west declared war on them.

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