explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

As Mark Steyn put it:

ManchesterStrong" means a limp passivity of flowers and candlelight vigils and teddy bears for a couple of days before we all forget it until the next "strong" "united" community gets blown apart.

If someone is pointing a gun at you and/or about to blow themselves up handing them flowers isn't going to save you.

Offering flowers, candlelight vigils, teddy bears, holding hands singing Kumbaya and rambling about how "diversity is our strength" and "they won't change our way of life" and "we stand together as a community" and all the other bullshit the morons ramble isn't going to save them and the Islamists after every atrocity look at all of this faggotry and just laugh at the morons.

The Kumbaya approach is a danger to the community as a whole only they're too ignorant to realise it.

You win by fighting fire with fire, you don't win by rolling over and carrying on as normal, because what used to be normal doesn't exist anymore, the goalposts have been moved.

You win by taking revenge and hitting back at the POS.

Revenge is a natural human reaction.

Flowers, candlelight vigils and teddy bears isn't.

It's simple, either you kill them or they'll keep killing more of your people.

Kill who?

Your Muslim neighbors in Manchester?

You fight fire with fire - agree. But if in doing so you irreparibly fracture communities, then groups like ISIS win.

They can't win when they're all dead.

PS: it's "irreparably"

Oh don't go all spelling nazi on me .... pttthww.

I wouldn't mind seeing ISIS annhilated, but like cockroaches I doubt it's that easy. Successfully getting rid of them, in this age of internet and social media, is not going to be easy. We should not be feeding them or giving them propoganda.

I do not accept the notion that ISIS depends on being "FED" by "THE WEST" The concept of CALIPHATE was not invented recently. It precedes the invention of the USA by more than 1000 years.
I heard about it as a NOBLE CAUSE from muslims LONG BEFORE 9-11-01. The MUGHAL EMPIRE
was a caliphate. For fun----talk to some Pakistani about it and be prepared to hear about its
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

From the NYPD article:
Since the 9/11 attacks, the NYPD has opened at least a dozen "terrorism enterprise investigations" into mosques, according to interviews and confidential police documents. The TEI, as it is known, is a police tool intended to help investigate terrorist cells and the like.

A dozen in 12 years....(since article was 2013)

The Boston one mentions two mosques.

Your statement claimed "A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities."

Come on Marion....that isn't a "large percentage by any means". That's like claiming a large number of anti-abortion activists support violence like bombings.

How many have been investigated? Hmm?

Not so many in the US, but the findings in other countries are that the mosques breed terrorism.

Tunisia to shutter 80 mosques after terror attack

France Is Scrambling To Close 160 Questionable Mosques

Hamas Using Mosques as Front for Terrorism

I agree - but each country has it's own unique set of problems including all too often a powerful religious influence on government- and, imo - any mosque (or church or other religious institution) that preaches violence, overthrow of the government, etc - needs to be under observation.
As Mark Steyn put it:

ManchesterStrong" means a limp passivity of flowers and candlelight vigils and teddy bears for a couple of days before we all forget it until the next "strong" "united" community gets blown apart.

If someone is pointing a gun at you and/or about to blow themselves up handing them flowers isn't going to save you.

Offering flowers, candlelight vigils, teddy bears, holding hands singing Kumbaya and rambling about how "diversity is our strength" and "they won't change our way of life" and "we stand together as a community" and all the other bullshit the morons ramble isn't going to save them and the Islamists after every atrocity look at all of this faggotry and just laugh at the morons.

The Kumbaya approach is a danger to the community as a whole only they're too ignorant to realise it.

You win by fighting fire with fire, you don't win by rolling over and carrying on as normal, because what used to be normal doesn't exist anymore, the goalposts have been moved.

You win by taking revenge and hitting back at the POS.

Revenge is a natural human reaction.

Flowers, candlelight vigils and teddy bears isn't.

It's simple, either you kill them or they'll keep killing more of your people.

Kill who?

Your Muslim neighbors in Manchester?

You fight fire with fire - agree. But if in doing so you irreparibly fracture communities, then groups like ISIS win.

They can't win when they're all dead.

PS: it's "irreparably"

Oh don't go all spelling nazi on me .... pttthww.

I wouldn't mind seeing ISIS annhilated, but like cockroaches I doubt it's that easy. Successfully getting rid of them, in this age of internet and social media, is not going to be easy. We should not be feeding them or giving them propoganda.

I do not accept the notion that ISIS depends on being "FED" by "THE WEST" The concept of CALIPHATE was not invented recently. It precedes the invention of the USA by more than 1000 years.
I heard about it as a NOBLE CAUSE from muslims LONG BEFORE 9-11-01. The MUGHAL EMPIRE
was a caliphate. For fun----talk to some Pakistani about it and be prepared to hear about its

What do you think feeds ISIS' propoganda machine? Selling the concept that the west is at war with Islam and ISIS is the solution.

From the NYPD article:
Since the 9/11 attacks, the NYPD has opened at least a dozen "terrorism enterprise investigations" into mosques, according to interviews and confidential police documents. The TEI, as it is known, is a police tool intended to help investigate terrorist cells and the like.

A dozen in 12 years....(since article was 2013)

The Boston one mentions two mosques.

Your statement claimed "A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities."

Come on Marion....that isn't a "large percentage by any means". That's like claiming a large number of anti-abortion activists support violence like bombings.

How many have been investigated? Hmm?

Not so many in the US, but the findings in other countries are that the mosques breed terrorism.

Tunisia to shutter 80 mosques after terror attack

France Is Scrambling To Close 160 Questionable Mosques

Hamas Using Mosques as Front for Terrorism

I agree - but each country has it's own unique set of problems including all too often a powerful religious influence on government- and, imo - any mosque (or church or other religious institution) that preaches violence, overthrow of the government, etc - needs to be under observation.

No, I disagree. Needs to be under a bulldozer.
Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?
Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.
Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.
Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

How do you excuse what's happening in Jakarta?
"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.

It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?
Where I live there were no protest,to join. We are too busy , unlike you sitting on your ass spreading hatred.
It's very simple We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians.

Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.
If someone is pointing a gun at you and/or about to blow themselves up handing them flowers isn't going to save you.

Offering flowers, candlelight vigils, teddy bears, holding hands singing Kumbaya and rambling about how "diversity is our strength" and "they won't change our way of life" and "we stand together as a community" and all the other bullshit the morons ramble isn't going to save them and the Islamists after every atrocity look at all of this faggotry and just laugh at the morons.

The Kumbaya approach is a danger to the community as a whole only they're too ignorant to realise it.

You win by fighting fire with fire, you don't win by rolling over and carrying on as normal, because what used to be normal doesn't exist anymore, the goalposts have been moved.

You win by taking revenge and hitting back at the POS.

Revenge is a natural human reaction.

Flowers, candlelight vigils and teddy bears isn't.

It's simple, either you kill them or they'll keep killing more of your people.

Kill who?

Your Muslim neighbors in Manchester?

You fight fire with fire - agree. But if in doing so you irreparibly fracture communities, then groups like ISIS win.

They can't win when they're all dead.

PS: it's "irreparably"

Oh don't go all spelling nazi on me .... pttthww.

I wouldn't mind seeing ISIS annhilated, but like cockroaches I doubt it's that easy. Successfully getting rid of them, in this age of internet and social media, is not going to be easy. We should not be feeding them or giving them propoganda.

I do not accept the notion that ISIS depends on being "FED" by "THE WEST" The concept of CALIPHATE was not invented recently. It precedes the invention of the USA by more than 1000 years.
I heard about it as a NOBLE CAUSE from muslims LONG BEFORE 9-11-01. The MUGHAL EMPIRE
was a caliphate. For fun----talk to some Pakistani about it and be prepared to hear about its

What do you think feeds ISIS' propoganda machine? Selling the concept that the west is at war with Islam and ISIS is the solution.

why do you cite "ISIS PROPAGANDA MACHINE" the concept that "THE WEST IS AT WAR
WITH ISLAM" precedes ISIS by more than 1000 years. I heard it since about 50 years ago----
but only because I am not 1000 years old-----yet. A basic principle of islam is----NON MUSLIMS LIVE AND
BREATHE A DESIRE TO DESTROY ISLAM. It is so preached in mosques. I heard it in a mosque right
here in the USA -----50 years ago----specifically the entire MOTIVE of the NEW TESTAMENT is the DESTRUCTION OF ISLAM ----it was a khutbah jumaat delivered by a visiting GENIUS IMAM---on a GOOD
FRIDAY-----(actually 49 years ago but I rounded the figure). (NT <<< pile of filthy lies written by perverse
liars-------ENEMEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM) 49 years ago preceded the invasion into Iraq,, and the
bombing of Lybia and---action in Afghanistan. In fact----back then most people in my town had no idea
that there is a difference between Hinduism and Islam or ever heard of the Koran or cared. The information
was clearly not NEWS to the people in the mosque------they nodded agreement at every word (whilst I
struggled to keep from vomiting on the carpet)
Where I live there were no protest,to join. We are too busy , unlike you sitting on your ass spreading hatred.
It's very simple We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians.

Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.

30,000 and counting Islamist Terrorist attacks ALL committed by Muslims.
It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.
Where I live there were no protest,to join. We are too busy , unlike you sitting on your ass spreading hatred.
It's very simple We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians.

Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.

"...We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians."

That's it. In a nutshell.

So instead of going around demonizing one another, we should be going after the real culprits and putting our resources into finding ways to stop radicalization before it becomes a violent act, to recognize those who might be vulnerable and intervene, to vet those who have traveled to those countries and might have participated in fighting.
It's extremism and terrorism we should be afraid of and that we should react to - in ways that recognize all members of our community as part of the solution. That's my thought.

You know, we went through this tragedy in 2012 when Adam Lanza fatally shot and killed 20 - TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. 20 parents sent their kids to school, a place they should have been safe and secure, and never saw them alive again. And that wasn't the first mass shooting of young people in a school or event or the last. And there was a lot of anger and potential to rip the community apart because the killer was a member of that community, as was his mother who had naively encouraged him to learn how to shoot and ended up one of the victims.

There is no "pathological altruism" in recognizing that demonizing an entire group for the actions of extremists is wrong. Nor does such recognition mean an "acceptance" of terrorism as some here would imply. Muslims are just as much a part of our communities as Christians. As Athiests. As Jews. This was certainly realized in the responses in Manchester - a city with many different communities, that came together in response to this vile act.

If we're to have any kind of solution to the problem of terrorism - we need to involve all affected communities, for one and we need to make sure we aren't FEEDING Isis for another. That's my opinion - we're all in this together.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

she thinks it's NICE. Remember the dictum----"if you don't have something NICE to say----
don't say anything at all" As to reaction to ISIS in particular-------such a stat is useless.
ISIS is a faction-------something like a sect--------sectarian strife is UBIQUITOUS in muslim
societies. Each faction is rejected by MOST. The statement that MAJORITIES ALL OVER
an issue-------at issue is TERRORISM-----and then ---the DEFINITION OF TERRORISM
A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.
Where I live there were no protest,to join. We are too busy , unlike you sitting on your ass spreading hatred.
It's very simple We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians.

Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.

"...We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians."

That's it. In a nutshell.

So instead of going around demonizing one another, we should be going after the real culprits and putting our resources into finding ways to stop radicalization before it becomes a violent act, to recognize those who might be vulnerable and intervene, to vet those who have traveled to those countries and might have participated in fighting.

30,000 and counting terrorist attacks ALL committed by Muslims.

How many Christian terrorist attacks have you got in relation to the above massive 30,000 Muslim one?

Yes thats right, only a handful.

Strawman argument and a mega fail one at that.
According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Another attack or two and they're about to be dead in the USA. Alongside them will be leftist Muslim apologists.
According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.

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