explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.
There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Another attack or two and they're about to be dead in the USA. Alongside them will be leftist Muslim apologists.

Leftist Islamic Apologists are the Fifth Column in Western nations. Traitors to their own people who they hate, along with Western values in general.

Leftists see Islam and joining forces with Islam as a way to destroy the Western values they despise and with that open to the door to what the stupid Leftists haven't considered and that's their Islamist pets then turning on their Leftist Apologist Enablers themselves.
Where I live there were no protest,to join. We are too busy , unlike you sitting on your ass spreading hatred.
It's very simple We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians.

Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.

"...We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians."

That's it. In a nutshell.

So instead of going around demonizing one another, we should be going after the real culprits and putting our resources into finding ways to stop radicalization before it becomes a violent act, to recognize those who might be vulnerable and intervene, to vet those who have traveled to those countries and might have participated in fighting.

OH----its news to me that muslims consider terrorists to be NOT MUSLIMS. Of course it depends on
the definition of "terrorist" I wonder if ISSA will tell me that he considers the female SHAHIDA
WAFA IDRIS to be a DISGUSTING NON MUSLIM CRIMINAL BITCH ??? (Issa ---if you forgot the
name Wafa Idris------just google)
We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?
We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

what does "DEATH TO AMERICA" mean when a million pilgrims to Mecca chant it for a few hours?
Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

she will deny this fact.
Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia
I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Wikipedia pages can be written and edited by anyone.
Mohammad the pedophile prophet was the greatest Muslim terrorist of them all. The Quran and Hadiths preach violence, murder, rape, and war. PEW has demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and theocratic with large percentages supporting honor killings and terrorist organizations; such as, AQ that number is considerably larger for their support of Hezbollah and Hamas. Islam is not compatible with liberal democracy as can be seen by the results whenever the death cult gets to hold free and fair elections. Muslims have no place in the west and must be made to feel as such, they should leave while they still have the legs to carry them.
Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Wikipedia pages can be written and edited by anyone.

True - both sides. But if there were massive celebrations around the Muslim world there ought to be evidence for it.
There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see that?

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

We see a lot of marches, denunciations and movements - we just choose not to notice them. Unlike any other group or religion there is this expectation that they should untie around the world and demonstrate to our satisfaction (which will never be satisfied).

When they're pointed out - critics say, oh they aren't big enough. Yet, according to PEW Research significant majorities of Muslims around the world hold a very low opinion on ISIS and majorities in Muslim majority country's reject suicide bombings as rarely or never justified.

It's not like it's going to change anyone's minds. Minds are made up.

Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Another attack or two and they're about to be dead in the USA. Alongside them will be leftist Muslim apologists.

Are you advocating killing innocent American citizens?
Hundreds of mass shootings, you are more likely to be killed by a terrorist and I don't see you going around crying about that.

AL qaeda and Isis were both financial and in AL qaeda''s case trained by American and European intelogence.
Isis and AL qaeda didn't dare to train in Iraq and Lybia, I oder who topple regimes in those countries and create a sage heaven for the terrorists. We Muslims we didn't have in it, we wake up everyday to work and go on with our lives. Go ask those who are really involved in the mess and court marshal them if you can.

Where I live there were no protest,to join. We are too busy , unlike you sitting on your ass spreading hatred.
It's very simple We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians.

Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.

"...We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians."

That's it. In a nutshell.

So instead of going around demonizing one another, we should be going after the real culprits and putting our resources into finding ways to stop radicalization before it becomes a violent act, to recognize those who might be vulnerable and intervene, to vet those who have traveled to those countries and might have participated in fighting.

30,000 and counting terrorist attacks ALL committed by Muslims.

How many Christian terrorist attacks have you got in relation to the above massive 30,000 Muslim one?

Yes thats right, only a handful.

Strawman argument and a mega fail one at that.
Last edited:
Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Wikipedia pages can be written and edited by anyone.

True - both sides. But if there were massive celebrations around the Muslim world there ought to be evidence for it.

There is evidence for it, it was caught on camera by a variety of international news teams.
And where is that?
I doubt that I could get you to understand. Or more accurately, get you to admit that you understand.

He's the garden variety liberal. He has no choice but to defend, deflect, protect Islam and it's followers. He can't admit the truth, that in the world today Islam and it's nutjobs are the problem. All's he's got is to point to the IRA of decades ago, or the Crusades of centuries ago to make the lame claim that Islam is no different.
No, no, these people are NOT liberal. They're "progressives", that's two different things.

They'll spin and deflect for jihadist slaughters of innocent children, they'll shut down debate in our colleges (of all places), and they'll attack you with everything they have if you dare to disagree with them.

That is NOT liberal.

As above --- I've posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" and I've never "shut down debate in our colleges". Rather, I'm calling out the bad logic.

Meanwhile you still have no answer. There's no "there" here. Guess that means you have no point.
Whelp --- I did give you three chances. You came up empty.
Keep going. You prove my point, and the point of this honest liberal, beautifully.

Yyyyeah I already *DID* prove my point, Chuckles. I posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" or about "islam" [sic] at all, gave the Dickhead Derelict all day to prove me wrong, and he came back with zero. As did you. So you're both liars.
I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Oh-----not EVERYWHERE------I know only that which I saw-----the celebrations on
Atlantic Avenue which islamo philes completely deny. I know also that which people who
witnessed the joyful response both in Paterson NJ and Jersey City, NJ told me on the same
day------the celebrations which islamo philes DENY VEHEMENTLY------ That which fascinates
me is the VEHEMENT DENIAL, Wiki is not a source.
You care to share it?
I bet you believed Trump when he said that Muslims in new Jersey were celebrating after 9/11.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Wikipedia pages can be written and edited by anyone.

True - both sides. But if there were massive celebrations around the Muslim world there ought to be evidence for it.

There is evidence for it, it was caught on camera by a variety of international news teams.
Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Oh-----not EVERYWHERE------I know only that which I saw-----the celebrations on
Atlantic Avenue which islamo philes completely deny. I know also that which people who
witnessed the joyful response both in Paterson NJ and Jersey City, NJ told me on the same
day------the celebrations which islamo philes DENY VEHEMENTLY------ That which fascinates
me is the VEHEMENT DENIAL, Wiki is not a source.

Yes. They deny it because it's bogus and has been debunked multiple times by multiple people.

Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Wikipedia pages can be written and edited by anyone.

True - both sides. But if there were massive celebrations around the Muslim world there ought to be evidence for it.

There is evidence for it, it was caught on camera by a variety of international news teams.

Links then?
From the same article, makes you wonder-

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.

“They have not been there for quite a while. Different people come and go,” said Alan Kinsey, 52, a car-delivery driver who lives across the street. Mr Kinsey’s wife, Frances, 48, a care worker, said she believed that the parents had left before Christmas and just one or two young men had been living in the property.

-- And the Klan burns crosses too, but that doesn't make Jesus responsible for lynching black people.

Apparently there walk among us those who haven't yet got the word that individual people are responsible for their own actions.
I doubt that I could get you to understand. Or more accurately, get you to admit that you understand.

He's the garden variety liberal. He has no choice but to defend, deflect, protect Islam and it's followers. He can't admit the truth, that in the world today Islam and it's nutjobs are the problem. All's he's got is to point to the IRA of decades ago, or the Crusades of centuries ago to make the lame claim that Islam is no different.
No, no, these people are NOT liberal. They're "progressives", that's two different things.

They'll spin and deflect for jihadist slaughters of innocent children, they'll shut down debate in our colleges (of all places), and they'll attack you with everything they have if you dare to disagree with them.

That is NOT liberal.

As above --- I've posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" and I've never "shut down debate in our colleges". Rather, I'm calling out the bad logic.

Meanwhile you still have no answer. There's no "there" here. Guess that means you have no point.
Whelp --- I did give you three chances. You came up empty.
Keep going. You prove my point, and the point of this honest liberal, beautifully.

Yyyyeah I already *DID* prove my point, Chuckles. I posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" or about "islam" [sic] at all, gave the Dickhead Derelict all day to prove me wrong, and he came back with zero. As did you. So you're both liars.
You're a good and obedient Regressive Lefty.

Keep spinning & deflecting & attacking for your pet constituent religion. You have to live with that, not me.

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