explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

From the same article, makes you wonder-

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.

“They have not been there for quite a while. Different people come and go,” said Alan Kinsey, 52, a car-delivery driver who lives across the street. Mr Kinsey’s wife, Frances, 48, a care worker, said she believed that the parents had left before Christmas and just one or two young men had been living in the property.

Don't tell Pogo, they were very religious. He claims the attack has nothing to do with religion.
I wouldn't want you to burst his illusion.

You don't have an inkling of a clue in the world what the term "causation" means, do you?
He's the garden variety liberal. He has no choice but to defend, deflect, protect Islam and it's followers. He can't admit the truth, that in the world today Islam and it's nutjobs are the problem. All's he's got is to point to the IRA of decades ago, or the Crusades of centuries ago to make the lame claim that Islam is no different.
No, no, these people are NOT liberal. They're "progressives", that's two different things.

They'll spin and deflect for jihadist slaughters of innocent children, they'll shut down debate in our colleges (of all places), and they'll attack you with everything they have if you dare to disagree with them.

That is NOT liberal.

As above --- I've posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" and I've never "shut down debate in our colleges". Rather, I'm calling out the bad logic.

Meanwhile you still have no answer. There's no "there" here. Guess that means you have no point.
Whelp --- I did give you three chances. You came up empty.
Keep going. You prove my point, and the point of this honest liberal, beautifully.

Yyyyeah I already *DID* prove my point, Chuckles. I posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" or about "islam" [sic] at all, gave the Dickhead Derelict all day to prove me wrong, and he came back with zero. As did you. So you're both liars.
You're a good and obedient Regressive Lefty.

Keep spinning & deflecting & attacking for your pet constituent religion. You have to live with that, not me.

I don't have to live with jack shit. You're the liars here, not me.
Nor do I have a "pet constituent religion". Go ahead --- prove me wrong. Quote something.

Didn't think so, lying hack. :fu:
You care to share it?
I bet you believed when he said that Muslims in new Jersey were celebrating after 9/11.

correct-----in Paterson, New Jersey and in Jersey City, New Jersey. They were celebrating THE SAME
DAY. From both places the Twin Towers were VISIBLE -----I grew up in that area of the world and
was so informed by friends------the SAME DAY. I had lived in Paterson, NJ------the first muslim I knew
as a child was from Paterson, NJ-----I am also familiar with Jersey city . Both are now muslim enclaves---
like ATLANTIC AVE-----which I witnessed the same day. There are even people who deny the fact of
celebrations on Atlantic Avenue. The disgusting pig SHAYKH OMAR ABDEL RAHMAN did his planning in
a mosque in Jersey City
Read up on salafism, dear. There are radical Islamists. Period.
From the same article, makes you wonder-

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.

“They have not been there for quite a while. Different people come and go,” said Alan Kinsey, 52, a car-delivery driver who lives across the street. Mr Kinsey’s wife, Frances, 48, a care worker, said she believed that the parents had left before Christmas and just one or two young men had been living in the property.

-- And the Klan burns crosses too, but that doesn't make Jesus responsible for lynching black people.

Apparently there walk among us those who haven't yet got the word that individual people are responsible for their own actions.
No, no, these people are NOT liberal. They're "progressives", that's two different things.

They'll spin and deflect for jihadist slaughters of innocent children, they'll shut down debate in our colleges (of all places), and they'll attack you with everything they have if you dare to disagree with them.

That is NOT liberal.

As above --- I've posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" and I've never "shut down debate in our colleges". Rather, I'm calling out the bad logic.

Meanwhile you still have no answer. There's no "there" here. Guess that means you have no point.
Whelp --- I did give you three chances. You came up empty.
Keep going. You prove my point, and the point of this honest liberal, beautifully.

Yyyyeah I already *DID* prove my point, Chuckles. I posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" or about "islam" [sic] at all, gave the Dickhead Derelict all day to prove me wrong, and he came back with zero. As did you. So you're both liars.
You're a good and obedient Regressive Lefty.

Keep spinning & deflecting & attacking for your pet constituent religion. You have to live with that, not me.

I don't have to live with jack shit. You're the liars here, not me.
Nor do I have a "pet constituent religion". Go ahead --- prove me wrong. Quote something.

Didn't think so, lying hack. :fu:
I don't know how you folks live with yourselves.

20 innocent kids, slaughtered, and you do this stuff.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Wikipedia pages can be written and edited by anyone.

True - both sides. But if there were massive celebrations around the Muslim world there ought to be evidence for it.

There is evidence for it, it was caught on camera by a variety of international news teams.

Links then?

Remember I said in my comment that it was the Muslim world that had celebrations, that established idiot Issa is rambling about New Jersey being the established idiot he is.

Here's one from Fox News, Palestinians celebrating in East Jerusalem on September 11th as The Twin Towers fell.

In case the Leftists say oh it's Fox News, here's the same footage but from MSNBC News.


So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Go fuck yourself.

You just demonstrated his point, you lying perverted hack.
As above --- I've posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" and I've never "shut down debate in our colleges". Rather, I'm calling out the bad logic.

Meanwhile you still have no answer. There's no "there" here. Guess that means you have no point.
Whelp --- I did give you three chances. You came up empty.
Keep going. You prove my point, and the point of this honest liberal, beautifully.

Yyyyeah I already *DID* prove my point, Chuckles. I posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" or about "islam" [sic] at all, gave the Dickhead Derelict all day to prove me wrong, and he came back with zero. As did you. So you're both liars.
You're a good and obedient Regressive Lefty.

Keep spinning & deflecting & attacking for your pet constituent religion. You have to live with that, not me.

I don't have to live with jack shit. You're the liars here, not me.
Nor do I have a "pet constituent religion". Go ahead --- prove me wrong. Quote something.

Didn't think so, lying hack. :fu:
I don't know how you folks life with yourselves.

20 innocent kids, slaughtered, and you do this stuff.

"Do" what "stuff"? Call out bullshit and false acccusation?

Damn straight. I can't believe you lying hacks come up with it in the first place.
Honey, I dated a Persian years ago, whose family had to flee. And while they were trying to get out safely, it was pure hell. I was with him at the time, so don't go preaching what you don't know.
From the same article, makes you wonder-

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.

“They have not been there for quite a while. Different people come and go,” said Alan Kinsey, 52, a car-delivery driver who lives across the street. Mr Kinsey’s wife, Frances, 48, a care worker, said she believed that the parents had left before Christmas and just one or two young men had been living in the property.

Don't tell Pogo, they were very religious. He claims the attack has nothing to do with religion.
I wouldn't want you to burst his illusion.

You don't have an inkling of a clue in the world what the term "causation" means, do you?

Wikipedia pages can be written and edited by anyone.

True - both sides. But if there were massive celebrations around the Muslim world there ought to be evidence for it.

There is evidence for it, it was caught on camera by a variety of international news teams.

Links then?

Remember I said in my comment that it was the Muslim world that had celebrations, that established idiot Issa is rambling about New Jersey being the established idiot he is.

Here's one from Fox News, Palestinians celebrating in East Jerusalem on September 11th as The Twin Towers fell.

In case the Leftists say oh it's Fox News, here's the same footage but from MSNBC News.

See that's the one I was aware of, and that isn't a massive celebration nor is it "the Muslim World" it's one country, a handful of people. That might have been another but that's about it. Most of the Muslim world did not.
Keep going. You prove my point, and the point of this honest liberal, beautifully.

Yyyyeah I already *DID* prove my point, Chuckles. I posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" or about "islam" [sic] at all, gave the Dickhead Derelict all day to prove me wrong, and he came back with zero. As did you. So you're both liars.
You're a good and obedient Regressive Lefty.

Keep spinning & deflecting & attacking for your pet constituent religion. You have to live with that, not me.

I don't have to live with jack shit. You're the liars here, not me.
Nor do I have a "pet constituent religion". Go ahead --- prove me wrong. Quote something.

Didn't think so, lying hack. :fu:
I don't know how you folks life with yourselves.

20 innocent kids, slaughtered, and you do this stuff.

"Do" what "stuff"? Call out bullshit and false acccusation?

Damn straight. I can't believe you lying hacks come up with it in the first place.
All your posts here about the innocent kids who were slaughtered are touching.

Just kidding, we both know you don't care. Unless there's political advantage in it.
And there are billions of Muslims. Do the math.

If you get MadCow disease into the herd.........the whole herd must be eliminated.
A few sick Chickens into a Massive Chicken farm will cause death to all the flock (for the good of mankind).
So if a Fundamentalist Christian goes into a concert and murders dozens of people, would that mean all of Christendom would need to be eradicated too?

Not sure I follow the logic here...

Zackly. When Robert Dear goes on a sniper spree, the Composition Fallacies suddenly go on vacation.

Having it both ways -- Priceless.
Wikipedia pages can be written and edited by anyone.

True - both sides. But if there were massive celebrations around the Muslim world there ought to be evidence for it.

There is evidence for it, it was caught on camera by a variety of international news teams.

Links then?

Remember I said in my comment that it was the Muslim world that had celebrations, that established idiot Issa is rambling about New Jersey being the established idiot he is.

Here's one from Fox News, Palestinians celebrating in East Jerusalem on September 11th as The Twin Towers fell.

In case the Leftists say oh it's Fox News, here's the same footage but from MSNBC News.

See that's the one I was aware of, and that isn't a massive celebration nor is it "the Muslim World" it's one country, a handful of people. That might have been another but that's about it. Most of the Muslim world did not.

Also known as "thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops in Jersey City". :eusa_shifty:
Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Oh-----not EVERYWHERE------I know only that which I saw-----the celebrations on
Atlantic Avenue which islamo philes completely deny. I know also that which people who
witnessed the joyful response both in Paterson NJ and Jersey City, NJ told me on the same
day------the celebrations which islamo philes DENY VEHEMENTLY------ That which fascinates
me is the VEHEMENT DENIAL, Wiki is not a source.

Yes. They deny it because it's bogus and has been debunked multiple times by multiple people.

It has never been debunked. I witnessed the celebrating on atlantic avenue-------dancing and passing around of sweets. DAMASCUS BAKERY RAN OUT OF MAMOUL. It is silly to deny the facts------do you also
believe that the footage of the planes striking the towers was an ANIMATION?. I did not have a camera
handy so go right ahead and repeat the ANIMATION explanation
From the same article, makes you wonder-

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.

“They have not been there for quite a while. Different people come and go,” said Alan Kinsey, 52, a car-delivery driver who lives across the street. Mr Kinsey’s wife, Frances, 48, a care worker, said she believed that the parents had left before Christmas and just one or two young men had been living in the property.

-- And the Klan burns crosses too, but that doesn't make Jesus responsible for lynching black people.

Apparently there walk among us those who haven't yet got the word that individual people are responsible for their own actions.

Actions of the Klan were not individual actions, they're organized by Democrat party. Lynching laws were enforced in states run by the Democrats. When are they going to take responsibility for their actions?
As above --- I've posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" and I've never "shut down debate in our colleges". Rather, I'm calling out the bad logic.

Meanwhile you still have no answer. There's no "there" here. Guess that means you have no point.
Whelp --- I did give you three chances. You came up empty.
Keep going. You prove my point, and the point of this honest liberal, beautifully.

Yyyyeah I already *DID* prove my point, Chuckles. I posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" or about "islam" [sic] at all, gave the Dickhead Derelict all day to prove me wrong, and he came back with zero. As did you. So you're both liars.
You're a good and obedient Regressive Lefty.

Keep spinning & deflecting & attacking for your pet constituent religion. You have to live with that, not me.

I don't have to live with jack shit. You're the liars here, not me.
Nor do I have a "pet constituent religion". Go ahead --- prove me wrong. Quote something.

Didn't think so, lying hack. :fu:
I don't know how you folks live with yourselves.

20 innocent kids, slaughtered, and you do this stuff.


It's like what happened with Sandy Hook. Only the pet constituent was rightwing gun owners. The thing is no one - NO ONE here is defending extremism and violence and terrorism. Not a single person. But the noise is so loud no one can hear.

So go and keep yelling louder about Islam and conflating an entire religion with the acts of extremists. I don't see how it solves anything to name call people who refuse to jump on that train as "regressive lefties".
Yyyyeah I already *DID* prove my point, Chuckles. I posted nothing about "jihadist slaughters" or about "islam" [sic] at all, gave the Dickhead Derelict all day to prove me wrong, and he came back with zero. As did you. So you're both liars.
You're a good and obedient Regressive Lefty.

Keep spinning & deflecting & attacking for your pet constituent religion. You have to live with that, not me.

I don't have to live with jack shit. You're the liars here, not me.
Nor do I have a "pet constituent religion". Go ahead --- prove me wrong. Quote something.

Didn't think so, lying hack. :fu:
I don't know how you folks life with yourselves.

20 innocent kids, slaughtered, and you do this stuff.

"Do" what "stuff"? Call out bullshit and false acccusation?

Damn straight. I can't believe you lying hacks come up with it in the first place.
All your posts here about the innocent kids who were slaughtered are touching.

Just kidding, we both know you don't care. Unless there's political advantage in it.

Again --- go forth and learn how to read, 'cause I haven't posted about politics here either. Just logic and fallacies. If that kind of exposure makes you uncomfortable, too fuckin' bad.

Stop lying, and you won't get called out for it. Not rocket surgery.
You're a good and obedient Regressive Lefty.

Keep spinning & deflecting & attacking for your pet constituent religion. You have to live with that, not me.

I don't have to live with jack shit. You're the liars here, not me.
Nor do I have a "pet constituent religion". Go ahead --- prove me wrong. Quote something.

Didn't think so, lying hack. :fu:
I don't know how you folks life with yourselves.

20 innocent kids, slaughtered, and you do this stuff.

"Do" what "stuff"? Call out bullshit and false acccusation?

Damn straight. I can't believe you lying hacks come up with it in the first place.
All your posts here about the innocent kids who were slaughtered are touching.

Just kidding, we both know you don't care. Unless there's political advantage in it.

Again --- go forth and learn how to read, 'cause I haven't posted about politics here either. Just logic and fallacies. If that kind of exposure makes you uncomfortable, too fuckin' bad.

Stop lying, and you won't get called out for it. Not rocket surgery.
From the same article, makes you wonder-

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.

“They have not been there for quite a while. Different people come and go,” said Alan Kinsey, 52, a car-delivery driver who lives across the street. Mr Kinsey’s wife, Frances, 48, a care worker, said she believed that the parents had left before Christmas and just one or two young men had been living in the property.

-- And the Klan burns crosses too, but that doesn't make Jesus responsible for lynching black people.

Apparently there walk among us those who haven't yet got the word that individual people are responsible for their own actions.

Actions of the Klan were not individual actions, they're organized by Democrat party. Lynching laws were enforced in states run by the Democrats. When are they going to take responsibility for their actions?

Of course the actions of a group are not individual. Fucking DUH. But nor was the Klan ever run by a political party.

The point sails right over your head. The Klan claims it's directed by Christianity, DAESH claims it's driven by Islam. Both are holding up a puppet to evade their own responsibility.

Again -- you can't have it both ways. If you propose that "Islam" is responsible for blowing people up, then you must hold that "Christianity" is responsible for lynching black people. Same logic. Bases of argument do not come with an on/off switch.
So go and keep yelling louder about Islam and conflating an entire religion with the acts of extremists.
I always know nailed it when you folks have to resort to dishonest straw man arguments. Thanks.
I don't see how it solves anything to name call people who refuse to jump on that train as "regressive lefties".
The term "Regressive Left" was coined by an honest liberal named Maajid Nawaz, a brave Muslim Brit who used to belong to an Islamist organization, and who now risks his life every day, trying to push for a badly-needed Reformation of Islam.

The term is now also used regularly by other honest liberals such as Dave Rubin and Sam Harris, as they try to expose the nasty authoritarian zealots who have taken over their end of the political spectrum.

So, nice try. The Regressive Left is not liberal, it is most illiberal, hateful and dishonest. As we see here, on this thread.
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