explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?

No, not across the Muslim world.

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Oh-----not EVERYWHERE------I know only that which I saw-----the celebrations on
Atlantic Avenue which islamo philes completely deny. I know also that which people who
witnessed the joyful response both in Paterson NJ and Jersey City, NJ told me on the same
day------the celebrations which islamo philes DENY VEHEMENTLY------ That which fascinates
me is the VEHEMENT DENIAL, Wiki is not a source.

Yes. They deny it because it's bogus and has been debunked multiple times by multiple people.

I will remind you that you also DEBUNKED the dhimmia orphan law in your SICK MIND
Look guys....growing up as a Muslim we are not taught to hate or to kill.
We are just like everyone else in this world, we work, we hustle and we want to live.

In my opinion greed is the problem. All these wars, invasions, bombings had to result in retaliations.
If you bomb a country of 30 million one or two might try and slep in and bomb you back.
I see no one try and bomb Japan, Korea, New Zealand, singapore....ect. why?
Since a young age I've been say: if you want the honey be ready for the stinging.

The west is giving the sick minded the opportunity to hate. Stop invading and toppling regimes and I guarantee you the terrorists will have no funding and no one to recruit.

Are you talking about the terror attack 1972? Was that because the US invaded Iraq in 2002?

Sorry but your excuses for your fellow Muslims that kill innocent children is repulsive.

You keep claiming how peaceful Muslims are and then excuse the violence.

Sorry, 911 is still fresh, this and California and France and the pirate ships and on and on and on and on and on. There is a lot of hate.

Here are terror attacks, please make an excuse for you fellow Muslim brothers.
List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

Most Muslims are peaceful, but what floors me is the lack of condemning these attacks from you "peace loving" Muslims. You will always condemn and then add a but and that is a sign you really aren't condemning anyone.

Oh fucking bullshit. Your selective hearing is no one's problem but yours.

Are you actually so fucking full of yourself that you think a billion Muslims around the world OWE YOU an explanation because a few wags on an interenet message board can't swim their way out of a Composition Fallacy? Really?
The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

We're seeing the Regressive Left act out, right on cue, in this thread. Their standard reaction to the latest jihadist atrocity will follow at least one of the following strategies:
  • Deflection ("the Crusades, the Crusades!")
  • Moral Equivalence ("all religions are bad, Christianity is just as bad as jihadism")
  • Personal Insults and name-calling (of course, lots of that on this thread)
  • Completely change the subject & make it about other posters (as we see on this thread)
  • Some combination therein
Whatever they can do to protect their pet constituent religion. That's how distorted and mutated that end of the spectrum has become. They don't care that they effectively align themselves with the most brutal, violent, hateful, illiberal group on the planet.
Look guys....growing up as a Muslim we are not taught to hate or to kill.
We are just like everyone else in this world, we work, we hustle and we want to live.

In my opinion greed is the problem. All these wars, invasions, bombings had to result in retaliations.
If you bomb a country of 30 million one or two might try and slep in and bomb you back.
I see no one try and bomb Japan, Korea, New Zealand, singapore....ect. why?
Since a young age I've been say: if you want the honey be ready for the stinging.

The west is giving the sick minded the opportunity to hate. Stop invading and toppling regimes and I guarantee you the terrorists will have no funding and no one to recruit.

Are you talking about the terror attack 1972? Was that because the US invaded Iraq in 2002?

Sorry but your excuses for your fellow Muslims that kill innocent children is repulsive.

You keep claiming how peaceful Muslims are and then excuse the violence.

Sorry, 911 is still fresh, this and California and France and the pirate ships and on and on and on and on and on. There is a lot of hate.

Here are terror attacks, please make an excuse for you fellow Muslim brothers.
List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

Most Muslims are peaceful, but what floors me is the lack of condemning these attacks from you "peace loving" Muslims. You will always condemn and then add a but and that is a sign you really aren't condemning anyone.

I call complete bullshit on this often repeated lie.

There has been a multitude of condemnations from Muslims on terrorist attacks, including this latest one. Examples are given (without a "but") and routinely ignored.
I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
How about you get somewhat closer to this century.

how close? Josef Goebbels and his faithful wife Magda were church going adherent catholics
in good standing-------observant of CANON law as elaborated by JUSTINIAN (grandson of
Emperor of the first Reich--CONSTANTINE)
And they murdered in the name of Catholicism?
Your rationalizing makes you a terrorist.

Eric Rudolph did. Robert Dear and John Salvi and Jimmy and Kathy Simmons and Kay Wiggins and Matt Goldsby and Paul Jennings Hill and Scott Roeder and a host of others, not to re-mention the Klan, murdered in the name of Christianism of whichever denomination.

So what?

What's more, Christians in the world reacted and defeated the Nazis.

Indeed they did.... in a way ---- that is, OF THE two sides a predominant number would by chance have been Christians on both sides, just as a predominant number on both sides of DAESH are by chance Muslim.

Again -- so what? Does the Nazi religion category somehow make the religion responsible for it?

If so --- how come when the so-frequently-posted topic of immigration from Mexico is posted -------- nobody refers to it as a "Catholic" action?

Same thing.
Last edited:
The Koran itself is radical and terroristic
Most simply choose to not follow it literally
Enough do choose to follow it literally to be an ever present danger
The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

We're seeing the Regressive Left act out, right on cue, in this thread. Their standard reaction to the latest jihadist atrocity will follow at least one of the following strategies:
  • Deflection ("the Crusades, the Crusades!")
  • Moral Equivalence ("all religions are bad, Christianity is just as bad as jihadism")
  • Personal Insults and name-calling (of course, lots of that on this thread)
  • Completely change the subject & make it about other posters (as we see on this thread)
  • Some combination therein
Whatever they can do to protect their pet constituent religion. That's how distorted and mutated that end of the spectrum has become. They don't care that they effectively align themselves with the most brutal, violent, hateful, illiberal group on the planet.

Oh stop spamming the same deflection. Come on Mac, you're doing the same thing here. :rolleyes:

If someone objects to demonizing an entire religion as opposed to the acts of extremists you bring this out.
I knew you were gonna pull that one out. So massive elevations in Muslim world? Lol
56 Muslim countries, 1.5 billion Muslims and u came up with this ? Lol
I'm done , busy out here making America great. You keep on hating and live mesirable.

Wikipedia pages can be written and edited by anyone.

True - both sides. But if there were massive celebrations around the Muslim world there ought to be evidence for it.

There is evidence for it, it was caught on camera by a variety of international news teams.

Links then?

Remember I said in my comment that it was the Muslim world that had celebrations, that established idiot Issa is rambling about New Jersey being the established idiot he is.

Here's one from Fox News, Palestinians celebrating in East Jerusalem on September 11th as The Twin Towers fell.

In case the Leftists say oh it's Fox News, here's the same footage but from MSNBC News.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

We're seeing the Regressive Left act out, right on cue, in this thread. Their standard reaction to the latest jihadist atrocity will follow at least one of the following strategies:
  • Deflection ("the Crusades, the Crusades!")
  • Moral Equivalence ("all religions are bad, Christianity is just as bad as jihadism")
  • Personal Insults and name-calling (of course, lots of that on this thread)
  • Completely change the subject & make it about other posters (as we see on this thread)
  • Some combination therein
Whatever they can do to protect their pet constituent religion. That's how distorted and mutated that end of the spectrum has become. They don't care that they effectively align themselves with the most brutal, violent, hateful, illiberal group on the planet.

Oh stop spamming the same deflection. Come on Mac, you're doing the same thing here. :rolleyes:

If someone objects to demonizing an entire religion as opposed to the acts of extremists you bring this out.
Just pointing out what many honest liberals are pointing out. Fortunately that number appears to be growing.
Look guys....growing up as a Muslim we are not taught to hate or to kill.
We are just like everyone else in this world, we work, we hustle and we want to live.

In my opinion greed is the problem. All these wars, invasions, bombings had to result in retaliations.
If you bomb a country of 30 million one or two might try and slep in and bomb you back.
I see no one try and bomb Japan, Korea, New Zealand, singapore....ect. why?
Since a young age I've been say: if you want the honey be ready for the stinging.

The west is giving the sick minded the opportunity to hate. Stop invading and toppling regimes and I guarantee you the terrorists will have no funding and no one to recruit.

Are you talking about the terror attack 1972? Was that because the US invaded Iraq in 2002?

Sorry but your excuses for your fellow Muslims that kill innocent children is repulsive.

You keep claiming how peaceful Muslims are and then excuse the violence.

Sorry, 911 is still fresh, this and California and France and the pirate ships and on and on and on and on and on. There is a lot of hate.

Here are terror attacks, please make an excuse for you fellow Muslim brothers.
List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

Most Muslims are peaceful, but what floors me is the lack of condemning these attacks from you "peace loving" Muslims. You will always condemn and then add a but and that is a sign you really aren't condemning anyone.

I call complete bullshit on this often repeated lie.

There has been a multitude of condemnations from Muslims on terrorist attacks, including this latest one. Examples are given (without a "but") and routinely ignored.

no argument-----Your statement is true----there have been lots of condemnations of
specific terrorist actions-------the part YOU LEAVE OUT ----is the celebrations thereof
and the lauding of the SHAHIDS that accomplish the noble deeds for allah. You
also leave out the fact that terrorist actions are ENCOURAGED in mosques
From the same article, makes you wonder-

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.

“They have not been there for quite a while. Different people come and go,” said Alan Kinsey, 52, a car-delivery driver who lives across the street. Mr Kinsey’s wife, Frances, 48, a care worker, said she believed that the parents had left before Christmas and just one or two young men had been living in the property.

-- And the Klan burns crosses too, but that doesn't make Jesus responsible for lynching black people.

Apparently there walk among us those who haven't yet got the word that individual people are responsible for their own actions.

Actions of the Klan were not individual actions, they're organized by Democrat party. Lynching laws were enforced in states run by the Democrats. When are they going to take responsibility for their actions?

Of course the actions of a group are not individual. Fucking DUH. But nor was the Klan ever run by a political party.

The point sails right over your head. The Klan claims it's directed by Christianity, DAESH claims it's driven by Islam. Both are holding up a puppet to evade their own responsibility.

Again -- you can't have it both ways. If you propose that "Islam" is responsible for blowing people up, then you must hold that "Christianity" is responsible for lynching black people. Same logic. Bases of argument do not come with an on/off switch.

Klan was enforcing arm of the Democrat party.

You said that individuals are responsible for their own actions. True.
Individuals with similar interest form groups with certain agenda and use religion as excuse for their actions. Klan's agenda was hate toward blacks, not Christianity.

Now, where have I proposed that Islam is responsible for blowing people up?
I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
How about you get somewhat closer to this century.

how close? Josef Goebbels and his faithful wife Magda were church going adherent catholics
in good standing-------observant of CANON law as elaborated by JUSTINIAN (grandson of
Emperor of the first Reich--CONSTANTINE)
And they murdered in the name of Catholicism?
Your rationalizing makes you a terrorist.

Eric Rudolph did. Robert Dear and John Salvi and Jimmy and Kathy Simmons and Kay Wiggins and Matt Goldsby and Paul Jennings Hill and Scott Roeder and a host of others, not to re-mention the Klan, murdered in the name of Christianism of whichever denomination.

So what?
Now do the basic algebra and consider the resulting disparate degree of probability.
The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

We're seeing the Regressive Left act out, right on cue, in this thread. Their standard reaction to the latest jihadist atrocity will follow at least one of the following strategies:
  • Deflection ("the Crusades, the Crusades!")
  • Moral Equivalence ("all religions are bad, Christianity is just as bad as jihadism")
  • Personal Insults and name-calling (of course, lots of that on this thread)
  • Completely change the subject & make it about other posters (as we see on this thread)
  • Some combination therein
Whatever they can do to protect their pet constituent religion. That's how distorted and mutated that end of the spectrum has become. They don't care that they effectively align themselves with the most brutal, violent, hateful, illiberal group on the planet.

Oh stop spamming the same deflection. Come on Mac, you're doing the same thing here. :rolleyes:

If someone objects to demonizing an entire religion as opposed to the acts of extremists you bring this out.
Just pointing out what many honest liberals are pointing out. Fortunately that number appears to be growing.

Let me ask this...before we further degenerate into mud slinging (maybe we can avert it).

ALL religions (of the book) have a lot of nasty crap in their written texts. The only salvation is their followers no longer follow it literally - they've either found ways to bypass it, ignore it, or interpret it. Yes or no? Islam is regularly accused of being unique in it's written nasty crap because everything they do is in their book. So is it "moral equivalence" to point out that is not true?

Your listing of points that you've directed at the "regressive left" also seems to be in play with the (what do you call the opposing team?) - certainly Points 3, 4, and 5.

You have people here calling for an extermination of Muslims, the killing of innocent people, stripping away their rights, magically making a 1200 year old world wide religion a non-religion for the purpose of persecuting them - all because extremists in that religion are committing vile acts. Don't you think this is a regressive mindset?
You have people here calling for an extermination of Muslims, the killing of innocent people, stripping away their rights, magically making a 1200 year old world wide religion a non-religion for the purpose of persecuting them - all because extremists in that religion are committing vile acts. Don't you think this is a regressive mindset?
That's exactly what the tens of millions of current Muslim terrorists and supporters want.
I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

Terrorists are blowing kids up. Terrorists who have hijacked a religion. They don't actually represent Islam; they just say they do.They are warped and have a warped interpretation of Islam. If you can't understand that, you haven't got a brain.

I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


Obviously if you are in an all Muslim country they would seem "normal". Next time you meet a new Muslim, tell them you are a Jew. See how civilized they are then.

This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

This might be the most woefully retarded post in this thread yet, and that's saying a lot considering the volume.

------------------------- You're actually suggesting that people who have a religion in common have some kind of mental telepathy going on? Wtf??

You're actually suggesting that some random Christian or atheist or Buddhist or Jew would have had no idea, while the Muslim standing next to them would have known all along --- because they're Muslim???

Why weren't the churches warning about Klan activities then? They must have known, both being Christian.

Holy SHIT. I've heard it all now.
Nah you are just a bigot. Millions of Muslims are fom those countries. How many committed a bombing?. 0.001% or 0.00001%?
In the other hand the governments did bomb Iraq, lybia, Afghanistan, Syria ect....
The greed is helping the terrorists spread their hate and recruiting and your bigotry adds to it.

In other words, it's America's fault.
So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.
Nah you are just a bigot. Millions of Muslims are fom those countries. How many committed a bombing?. 0.001% or 0.00001%?
In the other hand the governments did bomb Iraq, lybia, Afghanistan, Syria ect....
The greed is helping the terrorists spread their hate and recruiting and your bigotry adds to it.

So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.
Nah you are just a bigot. Millions of Muslims are fom those countries. How many committed a bombing?. 0.001% or 0.00001%?
In the other hand the governments did bomb Iraq, lybia, Afghanistan, Syria ect....
The greed is helping the terrorists spread their hate and recruiting and your bigotry adds to it.

So, we go against the very foundations of our nation and start singling out a faith and their worshipers? Isn't that...dare I say it...what the Nazis did to the Jews?

I'm confused here. Don't conservatives pride themselves on defending the right to free practice of religion?

This is wrong.
You should be confused. We prohibit the practice of religion when that practice is killing little girls thst went to a concert. We don't allow human sacrifice.

Muslims can sit in a basenent and imagine killing people to practice their religion, they just can't actually do it.
That's funny. Most Muslims I knew didn't adhere to such a twisted version of Islam.

Your attitude is stereotypical and emotional. You get angry when someone tries to pin a mass murder on a Christian and therefore all Christians. But oh hey, it's okay for you to blame more than a billion people for the acts of one radical.

I can't begin to tell you how hypocritical that is. Sigh.

Sometimes I can't tell a liberal or conservative apart. Same stereotypical attitudes about different religions. Overly ruled by emotion and hardly grounded in fact.

Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time. Fear of the other. And when most of your knowledge of the other comes from an echo chamber - it's not surprising. Why is anti-semitism so rife in the ME? Social media echo chambers feed it. Why is Islamophobia so rife in this country? Same reason. Eric Rudolph is labeled as representative of "Christian Fundies" and that's sold as truth in the echo chambers. Much easier then trying to unravel what is in reality complex problems with no clear cut villians and individuals using religion as a weapon.

"Hate is fueled by fear and ignorance a lot of the time."

We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

We are not ignorant, we are fully aware of the situation.

The Leftists are the ones who are afraid and also who are ignorant, it partly manifests in the pathological altruism they display.
Attacks are more viscous and more frequent. If the spineless "leaders" had put them out of business long ago we would not be pulling Nails out of 12 year old girls eyes.

If you put off a problem, it becomes bigger. Certainly don't invite more of them to live around your Children. Land O' Goshen!

Obama gave Nukes to his butt-buddies in Iran......guaranteeing war with Israel coming soon. Obama gave them Billions, also. huh?
The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

We're seeing the Regressive Left act out, right on cue, in this thread. Their standard reaction to the latest jihadist atrocity will follow at least one of the following strategies:
  • Deflection ("the Crusades, the Crusades!")
  • Moral Equivalence ("all religions are bad, Christianity is just as bad as jihadism")
  • Personal Insults and name-calling (of course, lots of that on this thread)
  • Completely change the subject & make it about other posters (as we see on this thread)
  • Some combination therein
Whatever they can do to protect their pet constituent religion. That's how distorted and mutated that end of the spectrum has become. They don't care that they effectively align themselves with the most brutal, violent, hateful, illiberal group on the planet.

Oh stop spamming the same deflection. Come on Mac, you're doing the same thing here. :rolleyes:

If someone objects to demonizing an entire religion as opposed to the acts of extremists you bring this out.
Just pointing out what many honest liberals are pointing out. Fortunately that number appears to be growing.

Let me ask this...before we further degenerate into mud slinging (maybe we can avert it).

ALL religions (of the book) have a lot of nasty crap in their written texts. The only salvation is their followers no longer follow it literally - they've either found ways to bypass it, ignore it, or interpret it. Yes or no? Islam is regularly accused of being unique in it's written nasty crap because everything they do is in their book. So is it "moral equivalence" to point out that is not true?

Your listing of points that you've directed at the "regressive left" also seems to be in play with the (what do you call the opposing team?) - certainly Points 3, 4, and 5.

You have people here calling for an extermination of Muslims, the killing of innocent people, stripping away their rights, magically making a 1200 year old world wide religion a non-religion for the purpose of persecuting them - all because extremists in that religion are committing vile acts. Don't you think this is a regressive mindset?
While your questions have nothing to do with what happened in Manchester, and would fall under the category of delfection, I'm still happy to answer.

Anyone who is calling for the extermination of Muslims, the killing of innocent people, and the other things you mention are definitely also wrong, guilty of terribly shallow thinking, and probably need to spend some serious personal time away from talk radio and internet "news" sites. If you want to use the term "regressive", great.

My use of the term "regressive" is specific to the term used by Mr. Nawaaz, the man who coined the term and who makes the specific case below, at the bottom.

I wish I could get you and others to give serious thought to the following videos by honest, civil, sincere liberals Dave Rubin, Maajid Nawaz and Sam Harris:

God, you people are stupid. Full of hate and ignorance. Satan's children.
Yeah, these are the kind of people who would bomb little girls if they didn't share their world-view!

Eight year-old crusaders against the religion of peace is what they were!

That's exactly what the Klan did at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham.


And yet ------ nobody started jumping up and down blaming "Christians", did they.

Why is that?
Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

what does "DEATH TO AMERICA" mean when a million pilgrims to Mecca chant it for a few hours?

Time to nuke Mecca? :dunno:

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