explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Maybe you oughta put a bit more time into taking some tiny bit of responsibility for the lies you've been plopping here, and less looking for irrelevant videos to deflect that responsibility away. Ain't nobody gonna sit and watch your film festival just because you can't articulate a point.
I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.

Nor would I expect someone like you to demonstrate any respect for Nawaaz, Rubin or Harris.

Nawaaz, Rubin and Harris are completely irrelevant here, nor do they post here. YOU do. And you're using them a deflector shields because you can't take responsibility for your own lying.

Pogo you have posted in this thread since the other night, not one of your many posts has mentioned the innocent children and teenagers who were blown to pieces and the huge amount of those who survived but have life threatening injuries and still could die.

But you've had time to post multiple posts all deflecting away from the Islamist waste of human skin who in the name of his RELIGION Islam assembled and then strapped a suicide vest to himself and walked into a music venue and blew himself up in the name of his RELIGION Islam and committed this grotesque atrocity on these innocent children and teenagers.

Terrible, you have lost your moral compass like all the other Leftist Islamist Apologists.
These people have become so committed to protecting their pet constituent religion that you can no more easily communicate with them than you could with a wild-eyed teenage boy on the streets of Damascus.

Look at the various threads on this topic, they're all like this. Deflection and personal attacks. They can't even bring themselves to honestly confront what happened, because at some level they know what they're doing is illiberal and wrong.

Maybe that's why they get so damn mad.

I have stopped long ago attempting to have any type of discussion with most of them, it's like attempting to talk to someone while being underwater, it's impossible.

They are a combination of brainwashed, in denial and also some are obviously deeply pro-Islam for the reason that like the Islamists they despise Western values so are attaching their Leftist Agenda to Islam as they think it's the best way to bring down Western values.

The whole thing is sick and perverted, they are sick and perverted.

They will not win, their Islamist pets won't win, when the SHTF as it's going to all this crowd better get out of the way because they are going to be in the firing line and taken down with their Islamist pets.

Funny you had no answer for my post 1029 huh. Even though the next few posts demonstrated exactly what I was talking about.

Honesty is rarely the easiest course Oosie. It means doing/saying the right thing even when it might not be popular. It means having the guts to stand up and say 'this is wrong' even if you're the only voice saying so.

Do you have those guts? You used to.
Where I live there were no protest,to join. We are too busy , unlike you sitting on your ass spreading hatred.
It's very simple We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians.

Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

The problem is Islam.

Their religion is incompatible with America. You can't walk into a bank with your face covered.

That's just ridiculous.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.
Our most recent scumbag pos Muslim terrorist child murderer was raised a muslim and was indeed a devout Muslim. Stamping your little trotters and denying that won't change a thing. But it does show you are yet another example of a Muslim who will say whatever it takes to spin for your 'religion' of hatred.
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I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.

Nor would I expect someone like you to demonstrate any respect for Nawaaz, Rubin or Harris.

Nawaaz, Rubin and Harris are completely irrelevant here, nor do they post here. YOU do. And you're using them a deflector shields because you can't take responsibility for your own lying.

Pogo you have posted in this thread since the other night, not one of your many posts has mentioned the innocent children and teenagers who were blown to pieces and the huge amount of those who survived but have life threatening injuries and still could die.

But you've had time to post multiple posts all deflecting away from the Islamist waste of human skin who in the name of his RELIGION Islam assembled and then strapped a suicide vest to himself and walked into a music venue and blew himself up in the name of his RELIGION Islam and committed this grotesque atrocity on these innocent children and teenagers.

Terrible, you have lost your moral compass like all the other Leftist Islamist Apologists.
These people have become so committed to protecting their pet constituent religion that you can no more easily communicate with them than you could with a wild-eyed teenage boy on the streets of Damascus.

Look at the various threads on this topic, they're all like this. Deflection and personal attacks. They can't even bring themselves to honestly confront what happened, because at some level they know what they're doing is illiberal and wrong.

Maybe that's why they get so damn mad.

I have stopped long ago attempting to have any type of discussion with most of them, it's like attempting to talk to someone while being underwater, it's impossible.

They are a combination of brainwashed, in denial and also some are obviously deeply pro-Islam for the reason that like the Islamists they despise Western values so are attaching their Leftist Agenda to Islam as they think it's the best way to bring down Western values.

The whole thing is sick and perverted, they are sick and perverted.

They will not win, their Islamist pets won't win, when the SHTF as it's going to all this crowd better get out of the way because they are going to be in the firing line and taken down with their Islamist pets.

Funny you had no answer for my post 1029 huh. Even though the next few posts demonstrated exactly what I was talking about.

Honesty is rarely the easiest course Oosie. It means doing/saying the right thing even when it might not be popular. It means having the guts to stand up and say 'this is wrong' even if you're the only voice saying so.

Do you have those guts? You used to.

"It means doing/saying the right thing even when it might not be popular."

What is the right thing? Is it deflecting away from the innocent children and teenagers who have been blown to pieces and the multitude of children and teenagers who have life threatening injuries?

Is that the right thing to do? Deflect.

To be in complete denial that any of this has no connection to a specific religion Islam, when it's being committed in the name of Islam and 100% of the perpetrators shout Allahu Akbar before they blow everyone up.

We see this in all of these threads everytime the latest Islamist Terror attack happens, we see the same and in cases identical deflection:

Nothing to do with Islam.

Nothing to do with Muslims.

What about Christians?

What about Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph?

What about the Ku Klux Klan they were Christians?

"It means having the guts to stand up and say 'this is wrong' even if you're the only voice saying so.

Do you have those guts? You used to."

I still have the guts ogo and it is wrong to strap a suicide vest on and walk into a music venue or a theatre and blow up innocent people, it's also wrong to get in a vehicle and mow down innocent people.
Convert or kill the infidel-Koran

Love thy neighbor as thyself-Jesus

Which philosophy is causing trouble?
I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

what does "DEATH TO AMERICA" mean when a million pilgrims to Mecca chant it for a few hours?

Time to nuke Mecca? :dunno:
I hope you realize you're calling for the genocide of billions of people. Just thought I'd let you know.

Just some lines I'm not willing to cross.
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Pogo you have posted in this thread since the other night, not one of your many posts has mentioned the innocent children and teenagers who were blown to pieces and the huge amount of those who survived but have life threatening injuries and still could die.

True. Many other posts have reported on that, such as Dalia's right above. There's nothing to debate about it. I've been following it on the news. There isn't anything I can add, not being there.

So what I've addressed that DOES need desperately to be addressed, is the mob-mentality hatestorm generated by absurd fallacies. As I've noted to others, everything I've posted here has been about that abject logical failure. That's exactly why the emotional nutballs who try to paint me as "apologist", or "defending a religion" or having "pet constituent", immediately get challenged to prove it, and inevitably fail.

Because it doesn't exist. If it did --- they could quote it.

I don't know why they pull those lies out of their asses --- I would guess they're so enslaved to their own hate that they can't read.

But you've had time to post multiple posts all deflecting away from the Islamist waste of human skin who in the name of his RELIGION Islam assembled and then strapped a suicide vest to himself and walked into a music venue and blew himself up in the name of his RELIGION Islam and committed this grotesque atrocity on these innocent children and teenagers.

I don't know that that's true, but assuming it is, it doesn't equate to a causation---- see the Klan bombing post above for an example. THAT -- the false causation Composition Fallacy --- is what I've actually been posting about while the emotional basket cases go :lalala:

Terrible, you have lost your moral compass like all the other Leftist Islamist Apologists.

Not at all. I'm demanding the same trait here that I applauded you for when you got here --- honesty. It's about 90 percent of what I do on this site. "Nuke Mecca" is not honest. Neither is "you're an apologist with pet fucking constituents". That's naught more than the bleating of the butthurt who have been called out for their dishonesty .

So my posts here have nothing to do with "Islam" or "the left" or "terrorists" or their victims. They have entirely to do with USMB posters. The dishonest ones.

"I've been following it on the news. There isn't anything I can add, not being there."

The majority of people are not there, you don't have to be there. So you're saying that unless you're there you cannot condemn the Islamic Terrorist attack that has blown up children and teenagers?
Are they done with random mass murder attacks on Europe or USA soil? Is this the final suicide bomber?

put out your flowers. light your candles. MU has a match coming up. forget about it. no worries mate. Can't have any "backlash" against the religion of peace....har har har har

btw: when do we get to fight back? Is that time now? Or after the next one?
And yet ------ nobody started jumping up and down blaming "Christians", did they.

Why is that?

What year was that again when the 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed?

In case hadn't noticed, it was Democrats who bombed a Christian church and that was over half a century ago.
We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

Hate leads to more hate. Hate can be driven by fear. And when you repay hate with hate, usually that hate comes in the form of violent expression. Reacting out of fear can lead to violence as well. Hence terrorism, hence your calling for Islam to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.

I thought we learned this lesson in the past, via the Nazis, that trying to exterminate an ethnicity or religion is an atrocity, a crime against humanity, not a benefit to anyone. And you think eradicating Islam will be beneficial to us now?
Are they done with random mass murder attacks on Europe or USA soil? Is this the final suicide bomber?

put out your flowers. light your candles. MU has a match coming up. forget about it. no worries mate.

"MU has a match coming up."

The English Premier League season has now finished until later this year.

They did play last night though Manchester United won the Europa League Final played in Stockholm.

FT Ajax 0 Manchester United 2 (Paul Pogba at 18 minutes and Henrikh Mkhitaryan at 48 minutes (Henrikh Mkhitaryan is Armenian and used to be at BVB (Borussia Dortmund) he joined Manchester United last year)
Yet another study in abject ignorance:

Suicide bomber and co-conspirators were what religion again?

Eric Rudolph and Tim McVeigh and Robert Dear and the Klan were what religion again?

Oh wait -- we never asked that question. Because there was no reason to .


This isn't rocket surgery.

Hey, that's MY line. I'd better have a royalty check in my mailbox by Monday.

"Moderate" Muslims just aren't devout enough to gear up and kill the Kafir.

However, they may kill their own in honor killings even if they don't want to go full jihad.

Doubling down on abject ignorance. "Honor killing" is a social construct. Has no religious function, and it's a cultural artifact way way WAY older than religion. When it happens it happens in spite of religion, not because of it.

Just thought I'd point that out since you seem to think religion is behind everything, except of course when it's your own.

A large percentage of mosques in America are used for terrorist activities.

A "large number" huh? Like what number? Link?

The problem is Islam.

No, the fundamental problem is the abject ignorance that Ignorami like you have been posting here.

Islam has declared war on the west.

Again ----------------------- link?

Muslim Brotherhood ‘declares war’ on U.S.

How the Islamic State Declared War on the World

Articles: Islam: At war with the world (and itself)

Islamic mali declares war on west

:fu: You're a leftist Muslim apologist turd.
Just a reminder for the utter pigs on this thread who have been excusing, deflecting and obfuscating for Islam again, then denying they are doing this - as they are actually doing it (as usual),

It was YET ANOTHER POS MUSLIM FOLLOWER of the fake 'religion' called Islam that has slaughtered innocent people just going about their business.

So Please take a moment to look at the face of this beautiful innocent little girl who has been savagely murdered and taken from her family. If seeing this doesn't help you to stop your spinning for Islam, I guess nothing will.


Anyone one who knows me would refer to me as a pacifist, and indeed I don't condone violence, but I'm beginning to hope there is actually a hell, because then the POS who destroyed so many lives on Monday will hopefully enjoy an eternity there, and the pigs on here who've managed to keep up their disgusting deflections in the face of the murder of innocent children like the one above, might roast in it for eternity too, because you are basically aiders and abettors imho.
You are truly disgusting and despicable people, so I find myself really hoping Karma is a thing too.
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Are they done with random mass murder attacks on Europe or USA soil? Is this the final suicide bomber?

put out your flowers. light your candles. MU has a match coming up. forget about it. no worries mate. Can't have any "backlash" against the religion of peace....har har har har

btw: when do we get to fight back? Is that time now? Or after the next one?
Why would they be finished when it's so much fun to laugh at us lighting candles and singing kumbaya?
We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

Hate leads to more hate. Hate can be driven by fear. And when you repay hate with hate, usually that hate comes in the form of violent expression. Reacting out of fear can lead to violence as well. Hence terrorism, hence your calling for Islam to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.

I thought we learned this lesson in the past, via the Nazis, that trying to exterminate an ethnicity or religion is an atrocity, a crime against humanity, not a benefit to anyone. And you think eradicating Islam will be beneficial to us now?
Were the Nazis stopped with love?
Sad that people think it's okay to commit genocide...

I'll be going now.

It won't take Genocide. Banish them from Western Countries. Ban the Koran, burka, mosque etc. Isolate them in their own surroundings where they will be more comfortable. If they venture out........kill them. They cannot live around normal human beings at this time. Too many are rabid. Enough already. Take steps now. Make it easier later on for the Western Children.
We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

Hate leads to more hate. Hate can be driven by fear. And when you repay hate with hate, usually that hate comes in the form of violent expression. Reacting out of fear can lead to violence as well. Hence terrorism, hence your calling for Islam to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.

I thought we learned this lesson in the past, via the Nazis, that trying to exterminate an ethnicity or religion is an atrocity, a crime against humanity, not a benefit to anyone. And you think eradicating Islam will be beneficial to us now?
Were the Nazis stopped with love?

They were obliterated, as should the radicals.

But what I'm seeing people here say is they want an entire religion and its followers to be eradicated.

Clear something up for me. What part of Islam do you want gone? Islam, or radical Islam? I sincerely hope you recognize the difference between the two.
Sad that people think it's okay to commit genocide...

I'll be going now.

It won't take Genocide. Banish them from Western Countries. Ban the Koran, burka, mosque etc. Isolate them in their own surroundings where they will be more comfortable. If they venture out........kill them. They cannot live around normal human beings at this time. Too many are rabid.

This is not American behavior. Did we learn nothing from the Japanese internment camps?
We don't fear them, we hate because they want to slaughter our peoples, what are we supposed to do tell them we love them?

Hate leads to more hate. Hate can be driven by fear. And when you repay hate with hate, usually that hate comes in the form of violent expression. Reacting out of fear can lead to violence as well. Hence terrorism, hence your calling for Islam to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.

I thought we learned this lesson in the past, via the Nazis, that trying to exterminate an ethnicity or religion is an atrocity, a crime against humanity, not a benefit to anyone. And you think eradicating Islam will be beneficial to us now?
Were the Nazis stopped with love?

They were obliterated, as should the radicals.

But what I'm seeing people here say is they want an entire religion and its followers to be eradicated.

Clear something up for me. What part of Islam do you want gone? Islam, or radical Islam? I sincerely hope you recognize the difference between the two.
There is only one Islam, just like there's only one Quran. And I'm of the opinion that there is no place for this supremacist cult masquerading as a religion in the West at this time.

Face it, nobody, including Muslims themselves (apparently), can anticipate when, what, how so many of their number lose it and decide to go on murder sprees. Maybe you don't feel it so keenly right now in America, but I'm in Europe and I'm literally SICK TO DEATH of it.
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