explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Then you are advocating for religious genocide. Genocide is wrong. Period.

My entire post just went right over your head didn't it?

Yes, you obviously are not intellectual capable of understanding anything I wrote in that post.

So, to help me understand you insult me instead. Not very genuine.

I'll copy and paste my entire post for you again, I shouldn't have to help you or anyone else to understand, my below comments are very easy to understand as written:

Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Unless Islam itself is modernised and unless ALL the multiple passages in The Qur'an are removed where Mohammed instructs all Muslims to go and kill all Infidels, then Islam itself must be exterminated.

Now we know that Islam cannot be modernised and we know that The Qur'an cannot have all those multiple passages removed, this is because Mohammed himself in the eyes of Muslims would be being desecrated and any Muslim who dared to suggest modernisation or the removal of any of Mohammed's instructions would very probably have his head hacked off, there certainly would be a Fatwa issued on him.

You should buy a copy of The Qur'an and read it, there are multiple passages where Mohammed instructs his followers to go and kill all Infidels.

You should also read the Hadith which goes along side The Qur'an in what Islam refers to as the Fiqh, which is Islamic Jurisprudence.

The Muslims believe that Sharia is the representation of the divine law as set in The Qur'an and also the Sunnah which is the exact word of Mohammed and also his manner of life, traditions, objections etc which all Muslim males are expected to emulate to the word in the leading of their own lives.

Fiqh is a human understanding of Sharia including the expanding of it's entire interpretation of The Qur'an and the Sunnah by the Islamist Mufti's who are Islamic Jurists which in turn they use in their decisions and/or rulings ie. Fatwa.

So in order to understand The Qu'ran you should also read the Hadith.
Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Then you are advocating for religious genocide. Genocide is wrong. Period.
Actually no. Islam is a (fake) religion, an ideology. You can't genocide ideas. You seem to be putting words in Lucy's mouth here.
Unless Islam itself is modernised and unless ALL the multiple passages in The Qur'an are removed where Mohammed instructs all Muslims to go and kill all Infidels, then Islam itself must be exterminated.

The Quran would be reduced to a pamphlet :eek:
You just being idiotic so say the least. I would give my life defending those girls and any innocent human being if I have to.
I like to tackle the problem and point out why we have this chaos...and you just fail to see that and you just wanna blame an entire 1.5 bilion Muslims and excuse the west interventions that helped this mess.

Delusional much? Justifying the killing of girls? Are you stable or you like to lie and believe yourself?

I do condemn all killings, I'm against all atrocities commuted by individuals, groups or states.
Is my English clear so far?
But we also need to recognize that Isis, AL qaeda flourished due to the chaos created in the Arab world by the west intervention.
Got it, or I can explain it in another language or manner?

Look guys....growing up as a Muslim we are not taught to hate or to kill.
We are just like everyone else in this world, we work, we hustle and we want to live.

In my opinion greed is the problem. All these wars, invasions, bombings had to result in retaliations.
If you bomb a country of 30 million one or two might try and slep in and bomb you back.
I see no one try and bomb Japan, Korea, New Zealand, singapore....ect. why?
Since a young age I've been say: if you want the honey be ready for the stinging.

The west is giving the sick minded the opportunity to hate. Stop invading and toppling regimes and I guarantee you the terrorists will have no funding and no one to recruit.

Are you talking about the terror attack 1972? Was that because the US invaded Iraq in 2002?

Sorry but your excuses for your fellow Muslims that kill innocent children is repulsive.

You keep claiming how peaceful Muslims are and then excuse the violence.

Sorry, 911 is still fresh, this and California and France and the pirate ships and on and on and on and on and on. There is a lot of hate.

Here are terror attacks, please make an excuse for you fellow Muslim brothers.
List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

Most Muslims are peaceful, but what floors me is the lack of condemning these attacks from you "peace loving" Muslims. You will always condemn and then add a but and that is a sign you really aren't condemning anyone.

Oh fucking bullshit. Your selective hearing is no one's problem but yours.

Are you actually so fucking full of yourself that you think a billion Muslims around the world OWE YOU an explanation because a few wags on an interenet message board can't swim their way out of a Composition Fallacy? Really?

Muslims don't owe me a thing but this guy claims he is peaceful then justifies the killing of 22 innocent kids, I am challenging his BS, I also will continue to call his BS.
View attachment 128680
And what part did this little girl and the others play in the shitehole that is the ME.
You do realise you have again been unable to condemn the POS Muslim child murderer without qualification and 'but...but...but'?
You see, this is why the 'condemnations' from you and your ilk are worthless and are recognised as such by thinking people.
You just being idiotic so say the least. I would give my life defending those girls and any innocent human being if I have to.
I like to tackle the problem and point out why we have this chaos...and you just fail to see that and you just wanna blame an entire 1.5 bilion Muslims and excuse the west interventions that helped this mess.

Delusional much? Justifying the killing of girls? Are you stable or you like to lie and believe yourself?

I do condemn all killings, I'm against all atrocities commuted by individuals, groups or states.
Is my English clear so far?
But we also need to recognize that Isis, AL qaeda flourished due to the chaos created in the Arab world by the west intervention.
Got it, or I can explain it in another language or manner?

Are you talking about the terror attack 1972? Was that because the US invaded Iraq in 2002?

Sorry but your excuses for your fellow Muslims that kill innocent children is repulsive.

You keep claiming how peaceful Muslims are and then excuse the violence.

Sorry, 911 is still fresh, this and California and France and the pirate ships and on and on and on and on and on. There is a lot of hate.

Here are terror attacks, please make an excuse for you fellow Muslim brothers.
List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

Most Muslims are peaceful, but what floors me is the lack of condemning these attacks from you "peace loving" Muslims. You will always condemn and then add a but and that is a sign you really aren't condemning anyone.

Oh fucking bullshit. Your selective hearing is no one's problem but yours.

Are you actually so fucking full of yourself that you think a billion Muslims around the world OWE YOU an explanation because a few wags on an interenet message board can't swim their way out of a Composition Fallacy? Really?

Muslims don't owe me a thing but this guy claims he is peaceful then justifies the killing of 22 innocent kids, I am challenging his BS, I also will continue to call his BS.
View attachment 128680
And what part did this little girl and the others play in the shitehole that is the ME.
You do realise you have again been unable to condemn the POS Muslim child murderer without qualification and 'but...but...but'?
You see, this is why the 'condemnations' from you and your ilk are worthless and are recognised as such by thinking people.
There is no excuse for terrorism and murdering innocent children, but all you do is offer excuses whilst trying to peddle your offerings as condemnation.
You still haven't condemned your POS brother unequivocally, and I suspect you can't because you KNOW this POS was indeed a devout Muslim - one of your brethren.
Try again.
Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Then you are advocating for religious genocide. Genocide is wrong. Period.

Religion is not a race.

Definition of RELIGION


I didn't say anything about race... if you would kindly read my post again.
Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Then you are advocating for religious genocide. Genocide is wrong. Period.
Actually no. Islam is a (fake) religion, an ideology. You can't genocide ideas. You seem to be putting words in Lucy's mouth here.

No, I'm not.

Lucy's words, not mine, and I quote:

"Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists"
Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Then you are advocating for religious genocide. Genocide is wrong. Period.

There are a number of people here who seem fully supportive of exterminating an entire group of people. Of removing their freedoms, civil rights and liberties for no other reason than the faith they follow - not for what they've done, not even for what they believe because they don't really know. You have one Muslim in this thread and he gets lynched for stating that most Muslims aren't thinking about killing people but getting to work, raising their families etc. Seriously? That's an attack-worthy comment?

It's nothing more than a lynch mob mentality. And that mentality is exactly the kind that leaves strange fruit in it's wake.

What is the difference between the sentiments some people here attribute to Muslims in general and the people here? Not much.
Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Then you are advocating for religious genocide. Genocide is wrong. Period.

Religion is not a race.

Definition of RELIGION


I didn't say anything about race... if you would kindly read my post again.

I'll pass, thx. :) Genocide implies race.
Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Then you are advocating for religious genocide. Genocide is wrong. Period.
Actually no. Islam is a (fake) religion, an ideology. You can't genocide ideas. You seem to be putting words in Lucy's mouth here.

No, I'm not.

Lucy's words, not mine, and I quote:

"Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists"
Yes ISLAM (ideas) Muslims (people). See the difference?
Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Then you are advocating for religious genocide. Genocide is wrong. Period.

Religion is not a race.

Definition of RELIGION


I didn't say anything about race... if you would kindly read my post again.

I'll pass, thx. :) Genocide implies race.

Just as an fyi...genocide doesn't have to be about race ;)
Where I live there were no protest,to join. We are too busy , unlike you sitting on your ass spreading hatred.
It's very simple We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians.

Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

According to who?

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.
Our most recent scumbag pos Muslim terrorist child murderer was raised a muslim and was indeed a devout Muslim. Stamping your little trotters and denying that won't change a thing. But it does show you are yet another example of a Muslim who will say whatever it takes to spin for your 'religion' of hatred.

People who blow themselves up to kill others obviously are doing so because of their religion. They feel superior to those they seek to kill, and they feel their actions will place them in a special place with their god that is reserved only for the holiest of warriors.
Stupid dumbfucks like Pogo and his apologist brethren continue to be what the Islamists would call a "useful stooge".
An update:

Police believe Manchester Arena bomb maker is still at large after 'finding NO trace of explosives or equipment at attacker's house'
  • Salman Abedi killed 22 and maimed dozens of others in Manchester bomb attack
  • Police now fear that the bomb maker who gave him the explosive is still at large
  • There are also fears a bomb expert is preparing to mastermind further atrocities
  • It is thought experts found no traces of explosives or equipment at Abedi's house
By Julian Robinson for MailOnline and David Williams For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 15:00, 24 May 2017 | UPDATED: 17:47, 24 May 2017

Read more: Manchester Arena bomb maker may still be at large | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
And another. God help them.

More than 24 hours on, desperate families still search forlornly for their missing mothers, sisters, sons and daughters who disappeared in bomb chaos
  • Families are still desperately searching for loved ones missing in Manchester
  • Six people - including teenagers - remain missing following the terror attack
  • Relatives desperately scoured hospitals and hotels in bid to locate their family
By Chris Greenwood And Arthur Martin For The Daily Mail and Abe Hawken For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 01:00, 24 May 2017 | UPDATED: 16:42, 24 May 2017

Read more: Families still searching for missing Manchester loved ones | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Were the Nazis stopped with love?

They were obliterated, as should the radicals.

But what I'm seeing people here say is they want an entire religion and its followers to be eradicated.

Clear something up for me. What part of Islam do you want gone? Islam, or radical Islam? I sincerely hope you recognize the difference between the two.

Sure don't. Why don't you go ahead and define that for us. Good Luck.
Okay, look up the word radical in the dictionary and get back to me.
Islam is radical.
By that token, if we judge Christianity by the actions of the Crusaders, then so is Christianity.

Cannot believe I had to reach that far down into the barrel.

Lol !! Look folks, the Crusades card has been played !! LMFAO!!
Where I live there were no protest,to join. We are too busy , unlike you sitting on your ass spreading hatred.
It's very simple We Muslims we don't consider terrorists Muslims same goes for Christian extremists they don't represent christians.

Because we Muslims we don't consider terrorist's Muslims, they don't represent us....why we have to be singled out. We don't see you marching when white supremacists commit hate crimes or mass shootings.

There are 200 million Muslims in the world, why don't we ever see mega marches in all Western capital cities of say 150,000 Muslims marching in every city with banners stating "NOT IN OUR NAME" whenever their fellow Muslims blow people up and/or mow people down with vehicles?

Why don't we ever see any mega marches across the world of hundreds of thousands of Muslims after every atrocity? And DON'T bring Christians or ANY other religion into this, the question is Muslims and Islam.

Could it be because perhaps the majority of Muslims while not wanting to actually be a suicide attacker are though sympathetic to the cause of the suicide attackers who are killing OUR peoples?

Hey idiot I said NOT to bring OTHER situations into this, it's about Muslims and Islam.

Idiots like you might get away with pulling your deflection crap on others, but you don't get away with it with me.

Either answer the fucking question, and no the response you gave is pure bullshit like all your other comments in this thread, so either get on the steets with your Muslims friends after after Muslim atrocity on OUR peoples and march and hold banners saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" or just STFU and get called a terrorist sympathiser.
Our most recent scumbag pos Muslim terrorist child murderer was raised a muslim and was indeed a devout Muslim. Stamping your little trotters and denying that won't change a thing. But it does show you are yet another example of a Muslim who will say whatever it takes to spin for your 'religion' of hatred.

People who blow themselves up to kill others obviously are doing so because of their religion. They feel superior to those they seek to kill, and they feel their actions will place them in a special place with their god that is reserved only for the holiest of warriors.
Stupid dumbfucks like Pogo and his apologist brethren continue to be what the Islamists would call a "useful stooge".

People who do these kind of acts are extremists. Terrorists. No one is "apologizing" for them. They are scum.

But THEY are not the majority of Muslims.

Eradicating an entire faith? Seriously?
Islam itself needs exterminating, if you don't take Islam down then it'll keep breeding new generations of Islamist Terrorists, they are getting their philosophy from The Qur'an as preached by Mohammed and as preached in turn his words from the Imans in the Mosques.

Then you are advocating for religious genocide. Genocide is wrong. Period.

Religion is not a race.

Definition of RELIGION


I didn't say anything about race... if you would kindly read my post again.

I'll pass, thx. :) Genocide implies race.

Eh, fine, whatever. But you're still wrong.

Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part.

Genocide - Wikipedia
People who do these kind of acts are extremists. Terrorists. No one is "apologizing" for them. They are scum.

But THEY are not the majority of Muslims.

Eradicating an entire faith? Seriously?
Look into the teachings of Islam. Islam is the root of all this violence, because their prophet commands it.

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