explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

I'm just glad I don't live among bigots like you. Life is good.
There you go again justifying. Man, you are predictable you so called man of "peace". Lol!

I don't justify killing people. Like I said not one post did you flat out condemn the killings without adding a but. Not one and you have the nerve to call someone else a bigot? Give me a break, you have no credibility. I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human. You add a but, see the difference?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.

You failed to know that European countries were aware that some joined the fight against the Assad regime, they even helped the anti assad fighters by supplying them with weapons. But then they realized that some joined Isis. And then they started scrambling and asking to investigate all those who fought in Syria.

As Farage said, anyone trying to re enter the UK from visiting Syria, should be denied entry.
You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

I'm just glad I don't live among bigots like you. Life is good.
There you go again justifying. Man, you are predictable you so called man of "peace". Lol!

I don't justify killing people. Like I said not one post did you flat out condemn the killings without adding a but. Not one and you have the nerve to call someone else a bigot? Give me a break, you have no credibility. I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human. You add a but, see the difference?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


You supported Hillary?

Then my friend you have a selective memory....
Trump attacked Saudi Arabia non stop during the campaign YouTube is your friend.

So you want Arab countried to turn to a western civilisation, so you can be happy?
What kind of logic is this? And what's that you don't like about their culture that you want to change. I'm sure they don't like some parts of your culture, but they don't ask you to change it.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

I'm just glad I don't live among bigots like you. Life is good.

I don't justify killing people. Like I said not one post did you flat out condemn the killings without adding a but. Not one and you have the nerve to call someone else a bigot? Give me a break, you have no credibility. I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human. You add a but, see the difference?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.

You failed to know that European countries were aware that some joined the fight against the Assad regime, they even helped the anti assad fighters by supplying them with weapons. But then they realized that some joined Isis. And then they started scrambling and asking to investigate all those who fought in Syria.

As Farage said, anyone trying to re enter the UK from visiting Syria, should be denied entry.

Once they involve themselves in a conflict abroad then frankly they can stay there. They have committed themselves to a cause.

Nope !!!

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

I'm just glad I don't live among bigots like you. Life is good.

I don't justify killing people. Like I said not one post did you flat out condemn the killings without adding a but. Not one and you have the nerve to call someone else a bigot? Give me a break, you have no credibility. I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human. You add a but, see the difference?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


You supported Hillary?

We should say the same with American forces abroad?

You failed to know that European countries were aware that some joined the fight against the Assad regime, they even helped the anti assad fighters by supplying them with weapons. But then they realized that some joined Isis. And then they started scrambling and asking to investigate all those who fought in Syria.

As Farage said, anyone trying to re enter the UK from visiting Syria, should be denied entry.

Once they involve themselves in a conflict abroad then frankly they can stay there. They have committed themselves to a cause.

Then my friend you have a selective memory....
Trump attacked Saudi Arabia non stop during the campaign YouTube is your friend.

So you want Arab countried to turn to a western civilisation, so you can be happy?
What kind of logic is this? And what's that you don't like about their culture that you want to change. I'm sure they don't like some parts of your culture, but they don't ask you to change it.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

I don't justify killing people. Like I said not one post did you flat out condemn the killings without adding a but. Not one and you have the nerve to call someone else a bigot? Give me a break, you have no credibility. I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human. You add a but, see the difference?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.


Nonsense. This "non-stop" thing is factually nonsense. President Trump called it quite correctly; the Sauds have shown that they are willing to work with a strong leader. President Trump is such a leader. They will work together with the best outcome stability in the region. That is no longer a pipedream.

Now this is too funny!!

"Can't speak for others but the quotes from me are, as I've already noted, entirely about logic. Specifically, calling out the fallacies rampant in this thread, which started not only before the proverbial bodies were cold but right there in the beginning."
We should say the same with American forces abroad?

You failed to know that European countries were aware that some joined the fight against the Assad regime, they even helped the anti assad fighters by supplying them with weapons. But then they realized that some joined Isis. And then they started scrambling and asking to investigate all those who fought in Syria.

As Farage said, anyone trying to re enter the UK from visiting Syria, should be denied entry.

Once they involve themselves in a conflict abroad then frankly they can stay there. They have committed themselves to a cause.


Are you saying that US Forces should permanently occupy conquered territory? lol. I'd like to see that. Iraq the 51st State.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

I'm just glad I don't live among bigots like you. Life is good.
There you go again justifying. Man, you are predictable you so called man of "peace". Lol!

I don't justify killing people. Like I said not one post did you flat out condemn the killings without adding a but. Not one and you have the nerve to call someone else a bigot? Give me a break, you have no credibility. I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human. You add a but, see the difference?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


Please learn to use the QUOTE feature properly.
Is this regressive?
He's is not to waste his time with bigots. I don't blame him

One talks about Taqqiyah, the other keeps calling me a bigot and he is the bigot. You guys are sick minded.
Muslims in the west are doctors, engineers, nurses, policemen, FBI agents, chefs, basketball players, singers, baseball players, politicians, congressmen.....you name it. Couple of nutjobs do a hate crime and you talking about eradicating everyone. Why we don't say the same about whites committing all the mass shootings? Why don't we label all catholics as rapists? Why don't we label all evangelicals as uneducated and racists?
Simply because idiots adhere to every group, and we shouldn't put all in the same basket.

Just because a Muslim's a doctor, it doesn't mean he won't try to cut his daughter's head off with a sword if she wants to marry a non-Muslim.

And just because he's Muslim doesn't mean he will.
Is this regressive?
He's is not to waste his time with bigots. I don't blame him

One talks about Taqqiyah, the other keeps calling me a bigot and he is the bigot. You guys are sick minded.
Muslims in the west are doctors, engineers, nurses, policemen, FBI agents, chefs, basketball players, singers, baseball players, politicians, congressmen.....you name it. Couple of nutjobs do a hate crime and you talking about eradicating everyone. Why we don't say the same about whites committing all the mass shootings? Why don't we label all catholics as rapists? Why don't we label all evangelicals as uneducated and racists?
Simply because idiots adhere to every group, and we shouldn't put all in the same basket.

Just because a Muslim's a doctor, it doesn't mean he won't try to cut his daughter's head off with a sword if she wants to marry a non-Muslim.

And just because he's Muslim doesn't mean he will.

It certainly increases the chances by a huge percent.

By the way, that was my first experience with Islam.

The neighbor's daughter came banging on my door in the middle of the night, asked me to hide her.

I got her in and shut all the lights back off, and here came her dad with sword in hand, I had a rifle in mine and played like he had woke me up.

Took her to the airport next AM and don't know what happened from there.
Is this regressive?
He's is not to waste his time with bigots. I don't blame him

One talks about Taqqiyah, the other keeps calling me a bigot and he is the bigot. You guys are sick minded.
Muslims in the west are doctors, engineers, nurses, policemen, FBI agents, chefs, basketball players, singers, baseball players, politicians, congressmen.....you name it. Couple of nutjobs do a hate crime and you talking about eradicating everyone. Why we don't say the same about whites committing all the mass shootings? Why don't we label all catholics as rapists? Why don't we label all evangelicals as uneducated and racists?
Simply because idiots adhere to every group, and we shouldn't put all in the same basket.

Just because a Muslim's a doctor, it doesn't mean he won't try to cut his daughter's head off with a sword if she wants to marry a non-Muslim.

And just because he's Muslim doesn't mean he will.

It certainly increases the chances by a huge percent.

By the way, that was first experience with Islam.

The neighbor's daughter came banging on my door in the middle of the night, asked me to hide her.

I got her in and shut all the lights back off, and here came her dad with sword in hand, I had a rifle in mine and played like he had woke me up.

Took her to the airport next AM and don't know what happened from there.

Domestic violence is a huge issue for many women in the US, including non-Muslim. I don't think simply being a Muslim increases or decreases the chance of being a victim. Culture and individual upbringing play a role. Religious communities that are very insular and parternalistic can have high rates of domestic violence. People joke about the Amish and being non-violence but actually - both domestic violence and rape are well-hidden problems in their community.
Dude I've lived half of my life in a Muslim country and the other half touring the world while living in the US.
Most arabs and Muslims are the nicest most compassionate and the most hospitable people on earth. They care for each other, they help each other.
If we see an elderly with a heavy loaded bag we rush to help.
Someone died in the neighborhood everyone is off to help with the funeral and we collect money for the family.
If a woman is being disrespected we rush to help.
When my parent went to work and there was no school, I stayed with the neighbors that I consider my second family they fed me and took care of me like their own.
When I travel to a different city, everyone is welcoming to their house.
Kids play on the streets with 0 fear, everyone watches after them.
We have free education, free health care.
If by reforming islam, you mean we become selfish and greedy, no thank you.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

I'm just glad I don't live among bigots like you. Life is good.

I don't justify killing people. Like I said not one post did you flat out condemn the killings without adding a but. Not one and you have the nerve to call someone else a bigot? Give me a break, you have no credibility. I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human. You add a but, see the difference?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.

Dude I've lived half of my life in a Muslim country and the other half touring the world while living in the US.
Most arabs and Muslims are the nicest most compassionate and the most hospitable people on earth. They care for each other, they help each other.
If we see an elderly with a heavy loaded bag we rush to help.
Someone died in the neighborhood everyone is off to help with the funeral and we collect money for the family.
If a woman is being disrespected we rush to help.
When my parent went to work and there was no school, I stayed with the neighbors that I consider my second family they fed me and took care of me like their own.
When I travel to a different city, everyone is welcoming to their house.
Kids play on the streets with 0 fear, everyone watches after them.
We have free education, free health care.
If by reforming islam, you mean we become selfish and greedy, no thank you.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

I don't justify killing people. Like I said not one post did you flat out condemn the killings without adding a but. Not one and you have the nerve to call someone else a bigot? Give me a break, you have no credibility. I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human. You add a but, see the difference?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.


Do you like dogs? Do you have a dog?
I love them but me and my daughter are allergic to pets. BTW dogs are mentioned in the Koran and the first pets clinic was under Islamic empire. Google it my friend.

Dude I've lived half of my life in a Muslim country and the other half touring the world while living in the US.
Most arabs and Muslims are the nicest most compassionate and the most hospitable people on earth. They care for each other, they help each other.
If we see an elderly with a heavy loaded bag we rush to help.
Someone died in the neighborhood everyone is off to help with the funeral and we collect money for the family.
If a woman is being disrespected we rush to help.
When my parent went to work and there was no school, I stayed with the neighbors that I consider my second family they fed me and took care of me like their own.
When I travel to a different city, everyone is welcoming to their house.
Kids play on the streets with 0 fear, everyone watches after them.
We have free education, free health care.
If by reforming islam, you mean we become selfish and greedy, no thank you.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.


Do you like dogs? Do you have a dog?
Dude I've lived half of my life in a Muslim country and the other half touring the world while living in the US.
Most arabs and Muslims are the nicest most compassionate and the most hospitable people on earth. They care for each other, they help each other.
If we see an elderly with a heavy loaded bag we rush to help.
Someone died in the neighborhood everyone is off to help with the funeral and we collect money for the family.
If a woman is being disrespected we rush to help.
When my parent went to work and there was no school, I stayed with the neighbors that I consider my second family they fed me and took care of me like their own.
When I travel to a different city, everyone is welcoming to their house.
Kids play on the streets with 0 fear, everyone watches after them.
We have free education, free health care.
If by reforming islam, you mean we become selfish and greedy, no thank you.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

I don't justify killing people. Like I said not one post did you flat out condemn the killings without adding a but. Not one and you have the nerve to call someone else a bigot? Give me a break, you have no credibility. I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human. You add a but, see the difference?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.


Like I said, 99% of Muslims are fine people, you just fall in the 1%, not to tough to figure out.
Lol you are funny. Actually 99.99%

Dude I've lived half of my life in a Muslim country and the other half touring the world while living in the US.
Most arabs and Muslims are the nicest most compassionate and the most hospitable people on earth. They care for each other, they help each other.
If we see an elderly with a heavy loaded bag we rush to help.
Someone died in the neighborhood everyone is off to help with the funeral and we collect money for the family.
If a woman is being disrespected we rush to help.
When my parent went to work and there was no school, I stayed with the neighbors that I consider my second family they fed me and took care of me like their own.
When I travel to a different city, everyone is welcoming to their house.
Kids play on the streets with 0 fear, everyone watches after them.
We have free education, free health care.
If by reforming islam, you mean we become selfish and greedy, no thank you.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.


Like I said, 99% of Muslims are fine people, you just fall in the 1%, not to tough to figure out.
Dude I've lived half of my life in a Muslim country and the other half touring the world while living in the US.
Most arabs and Muslims are the nicest most compassionate and the most hospitable people on earth. They care for each other, they help each other.
If we see an elderly with a heavy loaded bag we rush to help.
Someone died in the neighborhood everyone is off to help with the funeral and we collect money for the family.
If a woman is being disrespected we rush to help.
When my parent went to work and there was no school, I stayed with the neighbors that I consider my second family they fed me and took care of me like their own.
When I travel to a different city, everyone is welcoming to their house.
Kids play on the streets with 0 fear, everyone watches after them.
We have free education, free health care.
If by reforming islam, you mean we become selfish and greedy, no thank you.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

His "but" does not refer to religion. It refers to "ISIS" (I call them DAESH), which is a radial political movement. He's making the distinction that you're refusing to make, because you're dishonest enough to traffic in Association Fallacies. As exemplified in your own example above ---

"I will flat out condemn any pretend Christian that kills an abortionist. I will flat out condemn anyone pretend Christian that causes the death of another living human."​

Sure, but you don't then try to plunk the blame on Christianity FOR those radicals. When it's your own backyard they become "pretend Christians". When "we" do it they're "outliers" -- when "they" do it they're faithfully executing the tenets of their religon.

That's having it both ways, and that's a Double Standard, and that's dishonest.

Issa's making the same distinction I've been making throughout this thread -- that Double Standard. Said this many times before, saying it again --- if you want to base your arguments on Association Fallacies then at least be consistent with it.

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.


Like I said, 99% of Muslims are fine people, you just fall in the 1%, not to tough to figure out.
I love them but me and my daughter are allergic to pets. BTW dogs are mentioned in the Koran and the first pets clinic was under Islamic empire. Google it my friend.

Dude I've lived half of my life in a Muslim country and the other half touring the world while living in the US.
Most arabs and Muslims are the nicest most compassionate and the most hospitable people on earth. They care for each other, they help each other.
If we see an elderly with a heavy loaded bag we rush to help.
Someone died in the neighborhood everyone is off to help with the funeral and we collect money for the family.
If a woman is being disrespected we rush to help.
When my parent went to work and there was no school, I stayed with the neighbors that I consider my second family they fed me and took care of me like their own.
When I travel to a different city, everyone is welcoming to their house.
Kids play on the streets with 0 fear, everyone watches after them.
We have free education, free health care.
If by reforming islam, you mean we become selfish and greedy, no thank you.

You still believe Trump? Lol
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night during the campaign. 15 of the hijackers were Saudis and he didn't ban the Saudis in his ban. And he went on to do business deals to benefit him, his family and friends. Are you guys this blind?

Extreme vetting is the answer of course. In this day and age it is necessary. Glad you support President Trump on that.


He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.


Do you like dogs? Do you have a dog?

I'm allergic to many animals, however I am not allergic to Yorkshires, Bichons, Shih Tzus, because they don't shed and they don't create the dander, they have a fur and not hair.

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