explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

I worked for a guy that was muslim. Sweetheart of a guy. Knew him for years cuz he owns a couple of the local mini markets and gas station where we used to live. One day I asked if he was hiring and he said sure. So..he hired me. But I noticed that one of his many cousins (they were all from Syria) was not counting money people would give him for money orders and told him they were not counting and they should cuz that 400 buck money order may be only 300 handed to him in cash. Oops. Women should know their place and never question another muslim..especially a family member. Sure enough..my til was short one day...and of course it had to be me..not the cousin clerk. He was not so sweet any more. He said women are to work, not comment on things beyond their understanding. And he fired me for theft. Funny thing that was not funny ha ha is...other women that worked for him later on they told him the same thing and were also fired.

No thanks. Sweet as pie. Until a female said the wrong thing to protect HIM and his business.

That's fucked up.
But it's patriarchy -- the idea of male domination. And that's a social construct, not a religious one, which is an important distinction. This one happens within and without Islam or any other religion, depending on cultural history.

I keep noting this over and over --- culture will always trump religion. If there's a conflict between the two, the cultural drive usually prevails. Religion is taught at the most from an early age when a child can understand communication in religious teachihng, but culture is taught from birth 24/7 in everything.

F'rinstance somebody yesterday brought up a hypothetical "honor killing". That's done by Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, followers of other religions, and followers of no religion. All of those religions prohibit it. So again, where there's a conflict between religion and culture, the latter prevails unless the religion can muster up enough influence to stop it.

This particular cultural artifact (patriarchy) unfortunately is virtually universal worldwide.
It's craaaaaaaazy how you know all of this and the so called conservatives don't know it. They don't go to the same schools? They don't read the right books? Right sources? Or is it just FOX and Rush they listen to.

I grow up in a muslin country not once I've heard of honor killing and it's forbidden in Islam. It's purely cultural in some parts of the world and has nothing to do with religion.

I did study anthropology but it's nothing anyone can't find out IF they honestly want factual knowledge. But that's a big IF. I've posted the same point dozens of times over the years on these same pages but if it doesn't fit the hate agenda they just go :lalala: and continue to wallow in their own ignorance.
Cuz wheeze allz knowz islam is the religion of peace. Or is it pieces.
Good for you. Plus I'm too busy with my kids activities to have a pet.

I love them but me and my daughter are allergic to pets. BTW dogs are mentioned in the Koran and the first pets clinic was under Islamic empire. Google it my friend.

Dude I've lived half of my life in a Muslim country and the other half touring the world while living in the US.
Most arabs and Muslims are the nicest most compassionate and the most hospitable people on earth. They care for each other, they help each other.
If we see an elderly with a heavy loaded bag we rush to help.
Someone died in the neighborhood everyone is off to help with the funeral and we collect money for the family.
If a woman is being disrespected we rush to help.
When my parent went to work and there was no school, I stayed with the neighbors that I consider my second family they fed me and took care of me like their own.
When I travel to a different city, everyone is welcoming to their house.
Kids play on the streets with 0 fear, everyone watches after them.
We have free education, free health care.
If by reforming islam, you mean we become selfish and greedy, no thank you.

He bashed the Saudis? Not that I recall. What I would like to see is the Arab League strong enough to remove nasties like Daesh but supportive of Human Rights and Western values. They do need a Reformation and many who settle in the West indeed effectively have done so on a personal level. It does, however, need to happen on a Whole of Faith level. One must recall that the Catholics were once quite militant. That has basically NOT been the case for about four hundred years. You guys are a tad behind but I do hope that it doesn't take another four hundred years for the Islamic Reformation to take place. And no; I don't mean the Reformation of Luther; I mean the Reformation WITHIN the Church.


Do you like dogs? Do you have a dog?

I'm allergic to many animals, however I am not allergic to Yorkshires, Bichons, Shih Tzus, because they don't shed and they don't create the dander, they have a fur and not hair.

Do you know what a 'Happy Meal' is ?
WOW - CNN blamed the Manchester suicide bombing on a "right wing false flag" - these people are DERANGED!
I worked for a guy that was muslim. Sweetheart of a guy. Knew him for years cuz he owns a couple of the local mini markets and gas station where we used to live. One day I asked if he was hiring and he said sure. So..he hired me. But I noticed that one of his many cousins (they were all from Syria) was not counting money people would give him for money orders and told him they were not counting and they should cuz that 400 buck money order may be only 300 handed to him in cash. Oops. Women should know their place and never question another muslim..especially a family member. Sure enough..my til was short one day...and of course it had to be me..not the cousin clerk. He was not so sweet any more. He said women are to work, not comment on things beyond their understanding. And he fired me for theft. Funny thing that was not funny ha ha is...other women that worked for him later on they told him the same thing and were also fired.

No thanks. Sweet as pie. Until a female said the wrong thing to protect HIM and his business.

That's fucked up.
But it's patriarchy -- the idea of male domination. And that's a social construct, not a religious one, which is an important distinction. This one happens within and without Islam or any other religion, depending on cultural history.

I keep noting this over and over --- culture will always trump religion. If there's a conflict between the two, the cultural drive usually prevails. Religion is taught at the most from an early age when a child can understand communication in religious teachihng, but culture is taught from birth 24/7 in everything.

F'rinstance somebody yesterday brought up a hypothetical "honor killing". That's done by Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, followers of other religions, and followers of no religion. All of those religions prohibit it. So again, where there's a conflict between religion and culture, the latter prevails unless the religion can muster up enough influence to stop it.

This particular cultural artifact (patriarchy) unfortunately is virtually universal worldwide.
What's wrong with Patriarchy? I spend 95% of my income on other people; I hear those mortal words repeatedly.."hey daa-aad"......and so on. Sheesh; even my study doubles as a second sewing room. If that's "Patriarchy" then don't leave out the bill paying aspects.


You've apparently got a knack for twisting a post into something it was never about. First calling out another poster's dishonesty somehow gets twisted into "extreme vetting of refugees", and here we morph to "hey daa-aad, pay the bills".

I didn't say patriarchy was "wrong"; I simply identified it as the cultural causation for the misogynistic culture articulated in the anecdote by the previous (female) poster. The point being that it's cultural, and not religious.
Katy Perry commenting on the recent terror attack: "No barriers, no borders, we all need to coexist." Here's the front of her mansion:


Yep, and probably just one of her guarded mansions.
I was reading an article recently about Johnny Dep, and how he has a staff of 47 people on his payroll. Doubt most of these people would ever be in much danger.
DHS Chief says to expect a lot more Manchester style Muslim terror attacks. Wake up world.
Lax border security is the problem Katy. This is why I've always been Team Swift

Hey Brits, don't be shocked and don't be sad. Get angry. Very, very angry at what did this to you. Stay angry. Don't grieve. Respond.
Hashtags and sympathies are nice and make us feel 'connected and together.' Much rather use brute force and come together to defeat ideology

The raw ANGER at the ideology that killed 22 innocents should be much greater than the longing for "all to get along."
3 more arrested. Manchester terrorist was part of a Muslim terror network. Wake up.

Non-Western immigrants consume 59% of Manchester's tax revenue. Wake up.
The world shows its solidarity with Manchester How about instead we all join in solidarity to defeat Muslim terror?
I've heard enough talking heads saying they're 'stunned' or 'shocked' by Muslim terrorist attacks. Sun also rises every day, celebs. Wake up

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