explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

The coalition did. First it was WMD, then to liberate the poor Iraqis and Libyans.
If we need to eradicate terrorism we need to tckle all sides not just the end result.
Do you guys feEl the same , when Iraqi kidd were dying? I guess not, because they were brown kids in the middle of the desert.

Who went out there and deliberately targeted them?

Is this the time for moral equivalence?
Terror expert on CNN: "I've been in places like Manchester. Muslims there are completely isolated from British society." That's the problem
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
If history is repeating itself......it is the Radicals wanting another Grand Caliphate movement to take over the World.

If History repeats itself.........It will be the West conquering it to stop it's spread.

The cycle of History has a habit of happening again...........Sooner or later the Terrorist will commit an attack that will so anger the Western World that the Western World will invade the entire Middle East.

Which is what the Death Cult Wants.

It is exactly what ISIS wants. Armegeddon.


The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
I think Lucy was suggesting something along the lines of 'your disgusting beliefs are not compatible with those of the West so if you wish to cling to them, do so among like minded people'. But that's just a guess. She certainly did not suggest genocide.

Think what you will then. But the words "exterminate", "eradicate", and "destroy" suggest genocide.

You'd rather Islamists exterminate you first? :cuckoo:

I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
You want to play the one who knows everything? You say this :
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days
But who are you to pretend That it is false and there is no evil commited, you have seen the horrors they have committed in this world? The multiple attacks and the suffering of the peoples? Did you saw the wounds of the children in Manchester arena? i could show you if you want ,if not then close your big mouth
Buy a ticket and go to Manchester to see for yourself :)....unless if you're like most bigots, you've never travelled and never came across a Muslim.
I'll tell you what you gonna find in Manchester...lot of English men and women, one are christians, some are jews, some are Muslims, some are sikhs, ect....they can all be anything, from a doctor to a janitor.
Amazing isn't it?
Terror expert on CNN: "I've been in places like Manchester. Muslims there are completely isolated from British society." That's the problem
Simply cause we MUSLIMS we know very well that Killin innocent civilians is forbidden ....so these terrorist's to us are not Muslim...is this hard to understand?

You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
It is exactly what ISIS wants. Armegeddon.


The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
Think what you will then. But the words "exterminate", "eradicate", and "destroy" suggest genocide.

You'd rather Islamists exterminate you first? :cuckoo:

I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
You want to play the one who knows everything? You say this :
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days
But who are you to pretend That it is false and there is no evil commited, you have seen the horrors they have committed in this world? The multiple attacks and the suffering of the peoples? Did you saw the wounds of the children in Manchester aréna? i could show you if you want ,if not then close your big mouth
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
It is exactly what ISIS wants. Armegeddon.


The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
Think what you will then. But the words "exterminate", "eradicate", and "destroy" suggest genocide.

You'd rather Islamists exterminate you first? :cuckoo:

I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
You want to play the one who knows everything? You say this :
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days
But who are you to pretend That it is false and there is no evil commited, you have seen the horrors they have committed in this world? The multiple attacks and the suffering of the peoples? Did you saw the wounds of the children in Manchester arena? i could show you if you want ,if not then close your big mouth

Some wacko group claiming to operate "in the name of Islam" doesn't make Islam their causation --- any more than the wacko Ku Klux Klan or a Hitler claiming to operate "in the name of Jesus" makes Christianity THEIR causation.

Saying so doesn't make it so.

Anybody can hold up any religion they want to use as a crutch for atrocities. That's been going on as long as there have been religions.

We have known all this for CENTURIES.
Buy a ticket and go to Manchester to see for yourself :)....unless if you're like most bigots, you've never travelled and never came across a Muslim.
I'll tell you what you gonna find in Manchester...lot of English men and women, one are christians, some are jews, some are Muslims, some are sikhs, ect....they can all be anything, from a doctor to a janitor.
Amazing isn't it?
Terror expert on CNN: "I've been in places like Manchester. Muslims there are completely isolated from British society." That's the problem
So i guess you didn't see the horror and you don't care about that it show in your response you are scare of seeing it. your are a Sissy with a big mouth who blow air.
Is every Muslim a terrorist?


Is almost every terrorist a Muslim?


Again -- NO. Not even close.

You don't seem to have ever grasped this concept but simply typing something on a fucking message board doesn't magically make it a real thing.

See how my words above are in red? That's called a "link". That's how you make a point real.
Of course I did, and of course it breaks my heart, and of course I pray for those hurt and affected and would love to help.
Now , what are you after?

Buy a ticket and go to Manchester to see for yourself :)....unless if you're like most bigots, you've never travelled and never came across a Muslim.
I'll tell you what you gonna find in Manchester...lot of English men and women, one are christians, some are jews, some are Muslims, some are sikhs, ect....they can all be anything, from a doctor to a janitor.
Amazing isn't it?
Terror expert on CNN: "I've been in places like Manchester. Muslims there are completely isolated from British society." That's the problem
So i guess you didn't see the horror and you don't care about that it show in your response you are scare of seeing it. your are a Sissy with a big mouth who blow air.
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.

The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
You'd rather Islamists exterminate you first? :cuckoo:

I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
You want to play the one who knows everything? You say this :
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days
But who are you to pretend That it is false and there is no evil commited, you have seen the horrors they have committed in this world? The multiple attacks and the suffering of the peoples? Did you saw the wounds of the children in Manchester arena? i could show you if you want ,if not then close your big mouth

Some wacko group claiming to operate "in the name of Islam" doesn't make Islam their causation --- any more than the wacko Ku Klux Klan or a Hitler claiming to operate "in the name of Jesus" makes Christianity THEIR causation.

Saying so doesn't make it so.

Anybody can hold up any religion they want to use as a crutch for atrocities. That's been going on as long as there have been religions.

We have known all this for CENTURIES.
We are talking about Isis why always come running defending them it is pretty chocking peoples who are inciting to defend those monsters ISIS
Buy a ticket and go to Manchester to see for yourself :)....unless if you're like most bigots, you've never travelled and never came across a Muslim.
I'll tell you what you gonna find in Manchester...lot of English men and women, one are christians, some are jews, some are Muslims, some are sikhs, ect....they can all be anything, from a doctor to a janitor.
Amazing isn't it?
Terror expert on CNN: "I've been in places like Manchester. Muslims there are completely isolated from British society." That's the problem
So i guess you didn't see the horror and you don't care about that it show in your response you are scare of seeing it. your are a Sissy with a big mouth who blow air.

The degree of horror in the incident -- or the body count -- or any other emotional basis brought in --- has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fallacy of false causation. It's entirely irrelevant.
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
You want to play the one who knows everything? You say this :
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days
But who are you to pretend That it is false and there is no evil commited, you have seen the horrors they have committed in this world? The multiple attacks and the suffering of the peoples? Did you saw the wounds of the children in Manchester arena? i could show you if you want ,if not then close your big mouth

Some wacko group claiming to operate "in the name of Islam" doesn't make Islam their causation --- any more than the wacko Ku Klux Klan or a Hitler claiming to operate "in the name of Jesus" makes Christianity THEIR causation.

Saying so doesn't make it so.

Anybody can hold up any religion they want to use as a crutch for atrocities. That's been going on as long as there have been religions.

We have known all this for CENTURIES.
We are talking about Isis why always come running defending them it is pretty chocking peoples who are inciting to defend those monsters ISIS

No one in this entire thread has "defended ISIS" at all.

Nor do we know what "choking" means. :dunno:
Who defended Isis? Show me a quote, I'll wa it for it.

You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
You want to play the one who knows everything? You say this :
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days
But who are you to pretend That it is false and there is no evil commited, you have seen the horrors they have committed in this world? The multiple attacks and the suffering of the peoples? Did you saw the wounds of the children in Manchester arena? i could show you if you want ,if not then close your big mouth

Some wacko group claiming to operate "in the name of Islam" doesn't make Islam their causation --- any more than the wacko Ku Klux Klan or a Hitler claiming to operate "in the name of Jesus" makes Christianity THEIR causation.

Saying so doesn't make it so.

Anybody can hold up any religion they want to use as a crutch for atrocities. That's been going on as long as there have been religions.

We have known all this for CENTURIES.
We are talking about Isis why always come running defending them it is pretty chocking peoples who are inciting to defend those monsters ISIS
BTW Dalia , your president said not to call them monsters , but call them losers.
Of course I did, and of course it breaks my heart, and of course I pray for those hurt and affected and would love to help.
Now , what are you after?

Buy a ticket and go to Manchester to see for yourself :)....unless if you're like most bigots, you've never travelled and never came across a Muslim.
I'll tell you what you gonna find in Manchester...lot of English men and women, one are christians, some are jews, some are Muslims, some are sikhs, ect....they can all be anything, from a doctor to a janitor.
Amazing isn't it?
Terror expert on CNN: "I've been in places like Manchester. Muslims there are completely isolated from British society." That's the problem
So i guess you didn't see the horror and you don't care about that it show in your response you are scare of seeing it. your are a Sissy with a big mouth who blow air.
Wrong, you have not seen the wounds ... you do not have see the explosion, you have not seen innocent people being shot at the bataclan and in the bistros of Paris
Who defended Isis? Show me a quote, I'll wa it for it.

You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
Islam is radical.
You want to play the one who knows everything? You say this :
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days
But who are you to pretend That it is false and there is no evil commited, you have seen the horrors they have committed in this world? The multiple attacks and the suffering of the peoples? Did you saw the wounds of the children in Manchester arena? i could show you if you want ,if not then close your big mouth

Some wacko group claiming to operate "in the name of Islam" doesn't make Islam their causation --- any more than the wacko Ku Klux Klan or a Hitler claiming to operate "in the name of Jesus" makes Christianity THEIR causation.

Saying so doesn't make it so.

Anybody can hold up any religion they want to use as a crutch for atrocities. That's been going on as long as there have been religions.

We have known all this for CENTURIES.
We are talking about Isis why always come running defending them it is pretty chocking peoples who are inciting to defend those monsters ISIS
You defend them because you don't have Nothing to say about what happen in Manchester it is all about you, you and as a Muslim that the way you are you Muslim people it is always, Me, me and me Fuck you Ok it is clear enough for you ?
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
Islam is radical.
You want to play the one who knows everything? You say this :
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days
But who are you to pretend That it is false and there is no evil commited, you have seen the horrors they have committed in this world? The multiple attacks and the suffering of the peoples? Did you saw the wounds of the children in Manchester arena? i could show you if you want ,if not then close your big mouth

Some wacko group claiming to operate "in the name of Islam" doesn't make Islam their causation --- any more than the wacko Ku Klux Klan or a Hitler claiming to operate "in the name of Jesus" makes Christianity THEIR causation.

Saying so doesn't make it so.

Anybody can hold up any religion they want to use as a crutch for atrocities. That's been going on as long as there have been religions.

We have known all this for CENTURIES.
We are talking about Isis why always come running defending them it is pretty chocking peoples who are inciting to defend those monsters ISIS

No one in this entire thread has "defended ISIS" at all.

Nor do we know what "choking" means. :dunno:
Yes for me it is shocking that some member Minimizes the bombing that was done by a Isis soldier the thread is about that.
Same that most Jews would do or Christians for that matter.
I married a non practicing christian, my parents had 0 issues with it. Her parents one catholic the other is Mormon were against it....the irony both they had problem with their parents accepting their marriage.
My wife after 1 year she decide to convert, although she is not practicing but she dentifies herself as a Muslim.

Dude I've lived half of my life in a Muslim country and the other half touring the world while living in the US.
Most arabs and Muslims are the nicest most compassionate and the most hospitable people on earth. They care for each other, they help each other.
If we see an elderly with a heavy loaded bag we rush to help.
Someone died in the neighborhood everyone is off to help with the funeral and we collect money for the family.
If a woman is being disrespected we rush to help.
When my parent went to work and there was no school, I stayed with the neighbors that I consider my second family they fed me and took care of me like their own.
When I travel to a different city, everyone is welcoming to their house.
Kids play on the streets with 0 fear, everyone watches after them.
We have free education, free health care.
If by reforming islam, you mean we become selfish and greedy, no thank you.

All great. You're talking about "most Arabs".

Here is the question: What would most Arabs do if their daughter wants to marry a Jew?

I'm not buying it.

Why would non practicing Christian convert to non practicing Muslim? It doesn't make sense.

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