explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

From the guardian-

Abedi used triacetone triperoxide (TATP), the explosive used in the 7 July 2005 attacks on the London transport network, according to the Republican congressman Mike McCaul, chairman of the House homeland security committee. TATP is highly combustible and dangerous to manufacture, but can be made from easily acquired chemicals.

Ramadan Abedi, 51
Father. Detained in Tripoli on Tuesday
Fled Gaddafi regime in the early 90s and worked at Didsbury mosque. Returned to Libya to fight with anti-Gaddafi Islamist militia which is proscribed by US and UK because of alleged links to al-Qaida

Samia Tabba, 50
Mother. Left Libya with her husband in the 90s and later returned. Reportedly a close college friend of the wife of prominent jihadi Abu Anas al-Liby who spent time in Manchester before returning to Libya where he died in 2015

His aunt and uncle have also been arrested.
They all had ties to a number of jihadis
Salman Abedi: why Manchester bomber fits profile of other terrorists

Scroll down the page to see the other links
Here's a nice little collection, from the first few pages of this thread alone, of how the Regressive Left will always spin, deflect and attack after a jihadist atrocity. One thread out so many, and so many examples.

And remember, these comments were made before the bodies of the innocent, slaughtered children were even cold:
Whelp -- you had it right the first time. Ain't no religion with blowing shit up as a sacrament. Unless of course you can show us the same video of "aaaaand it's Christians" when Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh, Ted Kazinsky or the IRA did their thing. Yeah, didn't think so.
What's the IRA up to these days?
it's such a shame Trump cancelled Obama's planned op to invade ISIS HQ, Raqqa
oh well, there goes another 'promise'........uuuge surprise!
It wasn't personal when the US managed to royally fuck up Iraq getting potentially 1 million people killed?
No, I have an opinion, instead of someone like you who tries to shut people down with idiotic attacks. You don't have to like what I say, but you aren't going to get away with nonsense like that.
The US went to Iraq and caused chaos, they made a political vacuum that got potentially 1 million people killed. Perhaps 20-30 people get killed in Manchester and someone this is much worse than the US going and getting 1 million people killed. Sorry, my math isn't so good, but I'm thinking 1 million is much higher than 30.
Yes, 30 is a tragedy, but had Bush no invaded Iraq, then 1 million people in Iraq and 30 people in Manchester, and people in Brussels, Paris, Boston, San Bernadino etc etc would NOT BE DEAD.
Pop quiz: Name the religions of Bobby Joe Rogers, Ted Kaczynsky and Eric Rudolph.
Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this? Nobody can answer that. Was anyone calling for "nuke the Vatican" after the Atlanta Olympics bombing? help ---- same thing.
Yuh huh. Member how Christianism was a world-domination plan masquerading as a religion" because Eric Rudolph was Catholic? Nor do I. Having it both ways --- priceless. Ignorant hacks.
Was England on trumps ban list ?

This is an example of people not being able to understand, or even wanting to understand what is being said, but instead just using everything they have to try and spin things to make sure their sick view of the world gets across.

1 million people die in Iraq, but 22 people die in Manchester, and you're willing to accept and even like the 1 million dying, but then use 22 people dying to force people to say what you want them to say, otherwise you'll attack them.
You just told us that you are a bigot.

56 Muslim countries, 1.5 billion Muslims are represented by few wackos.
Following your logic, every white person should be prosecuted for the KKK, IRA crimes.

When all the problems come from one place it does not matter that the rest are great folks
From the guardian-

Abedi used triacetone triperoxide (TATP), the explosive used in the 7 July 2005 attacks on the London transport network, according to the Republican congressman Mike McCaul, chairman of the House homeland security committee. TATP is highly combustible and dangerous to manufacture, but can be made from easily acquired chemicals.

Ramadan Abedi, 51
Father. Detained in Tripoli on Tuesday
Fled Gaddafi regime in the early 90s and worked at Didsbury mosque. Returned to Libya to fight with anti-Gaddafi Islamist militia which is proscribed by US and UK because of alleged links to al-Qaida

Samia Tabba, 50
Mother. Left Libya with her husband in the 90s and later returned. Reportedly a close college friend of the wife of prominent jihadi Abu Anas al-Liby who spent time in Manchester before returning to Libya where he died in 2015

His aunt and uncle have also been arrested.
They all had ties to a number of jihadis
Salman Abedi: why Manchester bomber fits profile of other terrorists

Scroll down the page to see the other links
They all breed and can be found under rocks.
You just told us that you are a bigot.

56 Muslim countries, 1.5 billion Muslims are represented by few wackos.
Following your logic, every white person should be prosecuted for the KKK, IRA crimes.

When all the problems come from one place it does not matter that the rest are great folks

Got a link to your claim of 99.9%?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yep, and more on his father
Bomber's dad praised 'lion' Al Qaida commander in chilling Facebook post
From the guardian-

Abedi used triacetone triperoxide (TATP), the explosive used in the 7 July 2005 attacks on the London transport network, according to the Republican congressman Mike McCaul, chairman of the House homeland security committee. TATP is highly combustible and dangerous to manufacture, but can be made from easily acquired chemicals.

Ramadan Abedi, 51
Father. Detained in Tripoli on Tuesday
Fled Gaddafi regime in the early 90s and worked at Didsbury mosque. Returned to Libya to fight with anti-Gaddafi Islamist militia which is proscribed by US and UK because of alleged links to al-Qaida

Samia Tabba, 50
Mother. Left Libya with her husband in the 90s and later returned. Reportedly a close college friend of the wife of prominent jihadi Abu Anas al-Liby who spent time in Manchester before returning to Libya where he died in 2015

His aunt and uncle have also been arrested.
They all had ties to a number of jihadis
Salman Abedi: why Manchester bomber fits profile of other terrorists

Scroll down the page to see the other links
They all breed and can be found under rocks.
This is how they deal with it in the Philippines.

Breitbart reports:

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to expand a 60-day state of emergency in southern Mindanao to the whole country should the Maute group, a terrorist organization that has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), expand its killing spree beyond the island.
Duterte, who arrived home from an abbreviated trip to Russia Wednesday, elaborated on the implications of martial law on the island. The president suspended the writ of habeas corpus and announced that police would no longer require a warrant on the island to arrest anyone suspected of being a member of the terrorist group.
And have you also asked yourselves, why there are refugees in the 1st place? And who were those responsible for it and why?

Don't tell me you're blaming the wealthy West?? lmao The pull factor of wealth is one thing old boy but the Assad regime's slaughter accounts for many as well.

Who funded Isis? Who wanted Assad out and create chaos in Syria for Isis to take control of some parts if Syria and Iraq?

And BTW AL qaeda was trained by the CIA to fight the soviets...but I guess some didn't learn from that.

And have you also asked yourselves, why there are refugees in the 1st place? And who were those responsible for it and why?

Don't tell me you're blaming the wealthy West?? lmao The pull factor of wealth is one thing old boy but the Assad regime's slaughter accounts for many as well.

Who funded Isis? Who wanted Assad out and create chaos in Syria for Isis to take control of some parts if Syria and Iraq?

And BTW AL qaeda was trained by the CIA to fight the soviets...but I guess some didn't learn from that.

And have you also asked yourselves, why there are refugees in the 1st place? And who were those responsible for it and why?

Don't tell me you're blaming the wealthy West?? lmao The pull factor of wealth is one thing old boy but the Assad regime's slaughter accounts for many as well.


So this excuses a Useful Idiot blowing up people in Manchester??

There will be a price to pay.

Why do you guys have to always call it excuse?
We all agree the terrorists needs to be eradicated. But first you need to understand what makes them recruit and how.

Who funded Isis? Who wanted Assad out and create chaos in Syria for Isis to take control of some parts if Syria and Iraq?

And BTW AL qaeda was trained by the CIA to fight the soviets...but I guess some didn't learn from that.

And have you also asked yourselves, why there are refugees in the 1st place? And who were those responsible for it and why?

Don't tell me you're blaming the wealthy West?? lmao The pull factor of wealth is one thing old boy but the Assad regime's slaughter accounts for many as well.


So this excuses a Useful Idiot blowing up people in Manchester??

There will be a price to pay.

No excuse, but France has to stop meddling in Muslim countries business, they distabilized Lybia and helped remove Ghadafi and now Isis is thriving in Lybia, where this terrorist went to get training.
When Ghadafi was around there was no terrorist groups in there.
Why do you guys have to always call it excuse?
We all agree the terrorists needs to be eradicated. But first you need to understand what makes them recruit and how.

Who funded Isis? Who wanted Assad out and create chaos in Syria for Isis to take control of some parts if Syria and Iraq?

And BTW AL qaeda was trained by the CIA to fight the soviets...but I guess some didn't learn from that.

And have you also asked yourselves, why there are refugees in the 1st place? And who were those responsible for it and why?

Don't tell me you're blaming the wealthy West?? lmao The pull factor of wealth is one thing old boy but the Assad regime's slaughter accounts for many as well.


So this excuses a Useful Idiot blowing up people in Manchester??

There will be a price to pay.


That they feel justified in their own minds is at the basis of it. Once convinced at that level the West has only one option really.

I didn't see your answer about Saddam's mass murdering carnage. Or Assad's.

No excuse, but France has to stop meddling in Muslim countries business, they distabilized Lybia and helped remove Ghadafi and now Isis is thriving in Lybia, where this terrorist went to get training.
When Ghadafi was around there was no terrorist groups in there.

Daffy lost the support of the people. It was THEY who killed him. BTW: Hillary GLOATED about it. You a Hillary supporter?

Greg ,So this excuses a Useful Idiot blowing up people also in my country France !

What happened in France was just as disgusting as Manchester and on an even larger scale. I will be interested to se if Macron can deal with this effectively.


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