explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
If history is repeating itself......it is the Radicals wanting another Grand Caliphate movement to take over the World.

If History repeats itself.........It will be the West conquering it to stop it's spread.

The cycle of History has a habit of happening again...........Sooner or later the Terrorist will commit an attack that will so anger the Western World that the Western World will invade the entire Middle East.

Which is what the Death Cult Wants.

It is exactly what ISIS wants. Armegeddon.


The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
I think Lucy was suggesting something along the lines of 'your disgusting beliefs are not compatible with those of the West so if you wish to cling to them, do so among like minded people'. But that's just a guess. She certainly did not suggest genocide.

Think what you will then. But the words "exterminate", "eradicate", and "destroy" suggest genocide.

You'd rather Islamists exterminate you first? :cuckoo:

I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
If the shoe fits...........wear it...............if not.........then you aren't the problem.

I grow tired of the straw man argument that we condemn you all every time we talk about terrorist attacks and Radical Islam. Every time someone says we paint you all as evil. It is BS, and I am tired of it.
You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
It is exactly what ISIS wants. Armegeddon.


The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
Think what you will then. But the words "exterminate", "eradicate", and "destroy" suggest genocide.

You'd rather Islamists exterminate you first? :cuckoo:

I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
If the shoe fits...........wear it...............if not.........then you aren't the problem.

I grow tired of the straw man argument that we condemn you all every time we talk about terrorist attacks and Radical Islam. Every time someone says we paint you all as evil. It is BS, and I am tired of it.

The corpses had hardly gone cold in Manchester, and the apologies to the Moslem community were coming in thick and fast.
Here's a nice little collection, from the first few pages of this thread alone, of how the Regressive Left will always spin, deflect and attack after a jihadist atrocity. One thread out so many, and so many examples.

And remember, these comments were made before the bodies of the innocent, slaughtered children were even cold:
Whelp -- you had it right the first time. Ain't no religion with blowing shit up as a sacrament. Unless of course you can show us the same video of "aaaaand it's Christians" when Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh, Ted Kazinsky or the IRA did their thing. Yeah, didn't think so.
What's the IRA up to these days?
it's such a shame Trump cancelled Obama's planned op to invade ISIS HQ, Raqqa
oh well, there goes another 'promise'........uuuge surprise!
It wasn't personal when the US managed to royally fuck up Iraq getting potentially 1 million people killed?
No, I have an opinion, instead of someone like you who tries to shut people down with idiotic attacks. You don't have to like what I say, but you aren't going to get away with nonsense like that.
The US went to Iraq and caused chaos, they made a political vacuum that got potentially 1 million people killed. Perhaps 20-30 people get killed in Manchester and someone this is much worse than the US going and getting 1 million people killed. Sorry, my math isn't so good, but I'm thinking 1 million is much higher than 30.
Yes, 30 is a tragedy, but had Bush no invaded Iraq, then 1 million people in Iraq and 30 people in Manchester, and people in Brussels, Paris, Boston, San Bernadino etc etc would NOT BE DEAD.
Pop quiz: Name the religions of Bobby Joe Rogers, Ted Kaczynsky and Eric Rudolph.
Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this? Nobody can answer that. Was anyone calling for "nuke the Vatican" after the Atlanta Olympics bombing? help ---- same thing.
Yuh huh. Member how Christianism was a world-domination plan masquerading as a religion" because Eric Rudolph was Catholic? Nor do I. Having it both ways --- priceless. Ignorant hacks.
Was England on trumps ban list ?

This is an example of people not being able to understand, or even wanting to understand what is being said, but instead just using everything they have to try and spin things to make sure their sick view of the world gets across.

1 million people die in Iraq, but 22 people die in Manchester, and you're willing to accept and even like the 1 million dying, but then use 22 people dying to force people to say what you want them to say, otherwise you'll attack them.
And you do it again.

As I always say, you people literally can't help yourselves.
I watch the news.............see a white man who brutally rapes a women, tortures and kills her. Then I say........We should hang his ass................

Does this mean I hate all whites...............

I see a Mexican who does the same dang thing.........Then I say We should hang his ass.............

Does this mean I hate all Mexicans..........

I see a black man.......robs, rapes and kills.........Then I say We should hang his ass.............

Does this mean I hate all Blacks............

I see a Radical Islamic Terrorist.....He kills and maims.............Then I say we should hang his ass........

Does this mean I hate all Muslims...

As I have already stated...............I am tired of the Straw man argument that when we condemn Terrorist Attacks that we condemn all Muslims when we say so............To those who continue this LAME argument...you can kiss my ass. When those Radicalized kill in our country or another.............I will again say we should wipe the floor with Radical Islam and those who choose to conduct Terrorist Attacks around the World.

I will FURTHER CONDEMN nations in the Middle East that openly support Terrorist Groups......Fund them......arm them....train them..........and give money to the families of those who lose a family member conducting an act of Terrorism.........Iran being a perfect example as they fund terror groups around the globe.

I am ex military...........Did tours in the Persian Gulf and Somalia............We went there to save starving people....including starving Muslims........from Radical Muslims and Warlords................we went to a country to drive invading Muslims out of another Muslim Nation........In Europe.............we went after the Serbs............who were guess what...........killing Muslims............We now go there because countries funded and protected Radical Terrorist who conducted Terror attacks against our people, our country, and our Way of Life...................

When the countries over there stop SUPPORTING TERRORIST...........then someone like me will not be at your doorstep with firepower to remind you that WE ARE WATCHING YOU............Should these countries or these Terrorist groups...........DO HARM to our people and our allies we will be there to pound you into the ground like a Tent Post..........

The Middle Eastern Nations need to clean out the garbage there............They need to stop funding, training, and arming terrorist groups............Until they do...............We will be on your doorstep................Should you go to far or groups go to far.........we will be forced to pound you...............And While your at it.............Stop chanting Death to America ........because one day.......someone like me.............will in front of you...........saying I'm here.........Kill me..........

We are tired of the Islamic BS and terror attacks around the globe................and tired of those condemning us for saying something about it..................Should this continue.......and it will.............the West will be forced to fight a regional war in the Middle East.
Nailbomb of Peace.
I kinda doubt it was a "nail bomb"------was it?
Kinda doubt you did any research.
What a 'nail bomb' is and why they are terrifying improvised weapons

Kinda doubt you have a brain------the details were not yet reported when I posted. I am
fully aware of the function and purpose of nail bombs------and even the nature of the wounds and
manner of death for which they are responsible. ------I have seen both autopsy findings and
intraoperative videos-------try not to presume
Nailbomb of Peace.
I kinda doubt it was a "nail bomb"------was it?
Kinda doubt you did any research.
What a 'nail bomb' is and why they are terrifying improvised weapons

Witnesses at the scene recall pulling nails out of injured children's faces.

that is NOW------my post refected that which has already been reported in the media about
the event------"NAILS" ? are you sure they said "NAILS" usually the nail bombs are loaded
with bolts and screws. Do some research
Nailbomb of Peace.
I kinda doubt it was a "nail bomb"------was it?
Kinda doubt you did any research.
What a 'nail bomb' is and why they are terrifying improvised weapons

Witnesses at the scene recall pulling nails out of injured children's faces.

that is NOW------my post refected that which has already been reported in the media about
the event------"NAILS" ? are you sure they said "NAILS" usually the nail bombs are loaded
with bolts and screws. Do some research

The burden of proof is on you. You do the research.
Nailbomb of Peace.
I kinda doubt it was a "nail bomb"------was it?
Kinda doubt you did any research.
What a 'nail bomb' is and why they are terrifying improvised weapons

Witnesses at the scene recall pulling nails out of injured children's faces.

that is NOW------my post reflected that which has already been reported in the media about
the event------"NAILS" ? are you sure they said "NAILS" usually the nail bombs are loaded
with bolts and screws. Do some research

The burden of proof is on you. You do the research.

"the burden of proof " for WHAT?? you ignorant lump of shit
I kinda doubt it was a "nail bomb"------was it?
Kinda doubt you did any research.
What a 'nail bomb' is and why they are terrifying improvised weapons

Witnesses at the scene recall pulling nails out of injured children's faces.

that is NOW------my post reflected that which has already been reported in the media about
the event------"NAILS" ? are you sure they said "NAILS" usually the nail bombs are loaded
with bolts and screws. Do some research

The burden of proof is on you. You do the research.

"the burden of proof " for WHAT?? you ignorant lump of shit
Huh?? Mindful isn't shit, Rosie. That is a BIG load right there.

I kinda doubt it was a "nail bomb"------was it?
Kinda doubt you did any research.
What a 'nail bomb' is and why they are terrifying improvised weapons

Witnesses at the scene recall pulling nails out of injured children's faces.

that is NOW------my post reflected that which has already been reported in the media about
the event------"NAILS" ? are you sure they said "NAILS" usually the nail bombs are loaded
with bolts and screws. Do some research

The burden of proof is on you. You do the research.

"the burden of proof " for WHAT?? you ignorant lump of shit

Nail bombs.

Witnesses at the scene recall pulling nails out of injured children's faces.

that is NOW------my post reflected that which has already been reported in the media about
the event------"NAILS" ? are you sure they said "NAILS" usually the nail bombs are loaded
with bolts and screws. Do some research

The burden of proof is on you. You do the research.

"the burden of proof " for WHAT?? you ignorant lump of shit
Huh?? Mindful isn't shit, Rosie. That is a BIG load right there.


usually he is not shit-----but his comment about my post was shit

Witnesses at the scene recall pulling nails out of injured children's faces.

that is NOW------my post reflected that which has already been reported in the media about
the event------"NAILS" ? are you sure they said "NAILS" usually the nail bombs are loaded
with bolts and screws. Do some research

The burden of proof is on you. You do the research.

"the burden of proof " for WHAT?? you ignorant lump of shit

Nail bombs.

nail bombs are loaded with metal bits------not necessarily NAILs. Usually bits of hardware like screws and nuts or even little metal "balls" or just shards of scrap metal
and bolts
Witnesses at the scene recall pulling nails out of injured children's faces.

that is NOW------my post reflected that which has already been reported in the media about
the event------"NAILS" ? are you sure they said "NAILS" usually the nail bombs are loaded
with bolts and screws. Do some research

The burden of proof is on you. You do the research.

"the burden of proof " for WHAT?? you ignorant lump of shit

Nail bombs.

nail bombs are loaded with metal bits------not necessarily NAILs. Usually bits of hardware like screws and nuts or even little metal "balls" or just shards of scrap metal
and bolts

If you want to nitpick, go ahead.
Here's a nice little collection, from the first few pages of this thread alone, of how the Regressive Left will always spin, deflect and attack after a jihadist atrocity. One thread out so many, and so many examples.

And remember, these comments were made before the bodies of the innocent, slaughtered children were even cold:
Whelp -- you had it right the first time. Ain't no religion with blowing shit up as a sacrament. Unless of course you can show us the same video of "aaaaand it's Christians" when Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh, Ted Kazinsky or the IRA did their thing. Yeah, didn't think so.
What's the IRA up to these days?
it's such a shame Trump cancelled Obama's planned op to invade ISIS HQ, Raqqa
oh well, there goes another 'promise'........uuuge surprise!
It wasn't personal when the US managed to royally fuck up Iraq getting potentially 1 million people killed?
No, I have an opinion, instead of someone like you who tries to shut people down with idiotic attacks. You don't have to like what I say, but you aren't going to get away with nonsense like that.
The US went to Iraq and caused chaos, they made a political vacuum that got potentially 1 million people killed. Perhaps 20-30 people get killed in Manchester and someone this is much worse than the US going and getting 1 million people killed. Sorry, my math isn't so good, but I'm thinking 1 million is much higher than 30.
Yes, 30 is a tragedy, but had Bush no invaded Iraq, then 1 million people in Iraq and 30 people in Manchester, and people in Brussels, Paris, Boston, San Bernadino etc etc would NOT BE DEAD.
Pop quiz: Name the religions of Bobby Joe Rogers, Ted Kaczynsky and Eric Rudolph.
Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this? Nobody can answer that. Was anyone calling for "nuke the Vatican" after the Atlanta Olympics bombing? help ---- same thing.
Yuh huh. Member how Christianism was a world-domination plan masquerading as a religion" because Eric Rudolph was Catholic? Nor do I. Having it both ways --- priceless. Ignorant hacks.
Was England on trumps ban list ?

This is an example of people not being able to understand, or even wanting to understand what is being said, but instead just using everything they have to try and spin things to make sure their sick view of the world gets across.

1 million people die in Iraq, but 22 people die in Manchester, and you're willing to accept and even like the 1 million dying, but then use 22 people dying to force people to say what you want them to say, otherwise you'll attack them.
And you do it again.

As I always say, you people literally can't help yourselves.

Another attack, another nothing post. Wow.
Who funded Isis? Who wanted Assad out and create chaos in Syria for Isis to take control of some parts if Syria and Iraq?

And BTW AL qaeda was trained by the CIA to fight the soviets...but I guess some didn't learn from that.

And have you also asked yourselves, why there are refugees in the 1st place? And who were those responsible for it and why?

Don't tell me you're blaming the wealthy West?? lmao The pull factor of wealth is one thing old boy but the Assad regime's slaughter accounts for many as well.


So this excuses a Useful Idiot blowing up people in Manchester??

There will be a price to pay.


See, you are getting the same feedback from Isis as I got. That is why I called him out. His false equivalency shows he is sympathetic to the terrorists.
Here's a nice little collection, from the first few pages of this thread alone, of how the Regressive Left will always spin, deflect and attack after a jihadist atrocity. One thread out so many, and so many examples.

And remember, these comments were made before the bodies of the innocent, slaughtered children were even cold:
Whelp -- you had it right the first time. Ain't no religion with blowing shit up as a sacrament. Unless of course you can show us the same video of "aaaaand it's Christians" when Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh, Ted Kazinsky or the IRA did their thing. Yeah, didn't think so.
What's the IRA up to these days?
it's such a shame Trump cancelled Obama's planned op to invade ISIS HQ, Raqqa
oh well, there goes another 'promise'........uuuge surprise!
It wasn't personal when the US managed to royally fuck up Iraq getting potentially 1 million people killed?
No, I have an opinion, instead of someone like you who tries to shut people down with idiotic attacks. You don't have to like what I say, but you aren't going to get away with nonsense like that.
The US went to Iraq and caused chaos, they made a political vacuum that got potentially 1 million people killed. Perhaps 20-30 people get killed in Manchester and someone this is much worse than the US going and getting 1 million people killed. Sorry, my math isn't so good, but I'm thinking 1 million is much higher than 30.
Yes, 30 is a tragedy, but had Bush no invaded Iraq, then 1 million people in Iraq and 30 people in Manchester, and people in Brussels, Paris, Boston, San Bernadino etc etc would NOT BE DEAD.
Pop quiz: Name the religions of Bobby Joe Rogers, Ted Kaczynsky and Eric Rudolph.
Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this? Nobody can answer that. Was anyone calling for "nuke the Vatican" after the Atlanta Olympics bombing? help ---- same thing.
Yuh huh. Member how Christianism was a world-domination plan masquerading as a religion" because Eric Rudolph was Catholic? Nor do I. Having it both ways --- priceless. Ignorant hacks.
Was England on trumps ban list ?

This is an example of people not being able to understand, or even wanting to understand what is being said, but instead just using everything they have to try and spin things to make sure their sick view of the world gets across.

1 million people die in Iraq, but 22 people die in Manchester, and you're willing to accept and even like the 1 million dying, but then use 22 people dying to force people to say what you want them to say, otherwise you'll attack them.
And you do it again.

As I always say, you people literally can't help yourselves.

Another attack, another nothing post. Wow.

He "attacked" you? Seriously, you call it an attack? Wow!
Here's a nice little collection, from the first few pages of this thread alone, of how the Regressive Left will always spin, deflect and attack after a jihadist atrocity. One thread out so many, and so many examples.

And remember, these comments were made before the bodies of the innocent, slaughtered children were even cold:
Whelp -- you had it right the first time. Ain't no religion with blowing shit up as a sacrament. Unless of course you can show us the same video of "aaaaand it's Christians" when Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh, Ted Kazinsky or the IRA did their thing. Yeah, didn't think so.
What's the IRA up to these days?
it's such a shame Trump cancelled Obama's planned op to invade ISIS HQ, Raqqa
oh well, there goes another 'promise'........uuuge surprise!
It wasn't personal when the US managed to royally fuck up Iraq getting potentially 1 million people killed?
No, I have an opinion, instead of someone like you who tries to shut people down with idiotic attacks. You don't have to like what I say, but you aren't going to get away with nonsense like that.
The US went to Iraq and caused chaos, they made a political vacuum that got potentially 1 million people killed. Perhaps 20-30 people get killed in Manchester and someone this is much worse than the US going and getting 1 million people killed. Sorry, my math isn't so good, but I'm thinking 1 million is much higher than 30.
Yes, 30 is a tragedy, but had Bush no invaded Iraq, then 1 million people in Iraq and 30 people in Manchester, and people in Brussels, Paris, Boston, San Bernadino etc etc would NOT BE DEAD.
Pop quiz: Name the religions of Bobby Joe Rogers, Ted Kaczynsky and Eric Rudolph.
Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this? Nobody can answer that. Was anyone calling for "nuke the Vatican" after the Atlanta Olympics bombing? help ---- same thing.
Yuh huh. Member how Christianism was a world-domination plan masquerading as a religion" because Eric Rudolph was Catholic? Nor do I. Having it both ways --- priceless. Ignorant hacks.
Was England on trumps ban list ?

This is an example of people not being able to understand, or even wanting to understand what is being said, but instead just using everything they have to try and spin things to make sure their sick view of the world gets across.

1 million people die in Iraq, but 22 people die in Manchester, and you're willing to accept and even like the 1 million dying, but then use 22 people dying to force people to say what you want them to say, otherwise you'll attack them.
And you do it again.

As I always say, you people literally can't help yourselves.

Another attack, another nothing post. Wow.

He "attacked" you? Seriously, you call it an attack? Wow!
I make a point, they race in to illustrate it.


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