Exposing The Biggest Lie In History

The problem with the article is referring to terminology the average American do not understand or relate to.

Fabianism? I thought he was a teen idol singer and movie actor.

And what on earth does Argentina have to do with the USA?

This is great for ideologues but the average folk will be lost by it.

They'll all be familiar with the Perons. Just conjure up an image of Madonna and go from there :)

dimocraps aren't just Nazis in theory, they are Nazis in practice --

Gay Businessman Who Hosted Ted Cruz Event Terrorized I am shaken to my bones by the e-mails texts postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake Jammie Wearing Fools

Gay Businessman Who Hosted Ted Cruz Event Terrorized: “I am shaken to my bones by the e-mails, texts, postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake”
Posted by Jammie on Apr 26, 2015 at 8:06 pm

Welcome to America in 2015, where mere associattion with the “wrong people” will have youliving in fear.

Ian Reisner, one of the two gay hoteliers facing boycott calls for hosting an event for Senator Ted Cruz, who is adamantly opposed to gay marriage, apologized to the gay community for showing “poor judgment.”

Mr. Reisner put the apology on Facebook, where a page calling for a boycott of his properties, the gay-friendly OUT NYC hotel and his Fire Island Pines holdings, had gotten more than 8,200 “likes” by Sunday evening.

“I am shaken to my bones by the e-mails, texts, postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake,” wrote Mr. Reisner.

If we weren’t mistaken, we’d think liberals are intolerant.

Mr. Cruz faced some backlash among conservatives over the event – but it was nothing compared to the criticism both Mr. Reisner and Mr. Weiderpass faced from the gay community.

He did? Weird, but they don’t point to any.

“I was ignorant, naive and much too quick in accepting a request to co-host a dinner with Cruz at my home without taking the time to completely understand all of his positions on gay rights,” Mr. Reisner said.

“I’ve spent the past 24 hours reviewing videos of Cruz’ statements on gay marriage and I am shocked and angry. I sincerely apologize for hurting the gay community and so many of our friends, family, allies, customers and employees. I will try my best to make up for my poor judgement. Again, I am deeply sorry.”

In addition to the boycott calls, Broadway Cares, a charity that focuses on curing AIDS, canceled an annual event at a nightclub the two men own.

Why do we suspect these videos came from “reliable sources” like Media Matters?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

I bet with a few seconds of research, you can come up with DOZENS of examples of dimocrap Nazis doing their thing.

Cake, anyone?


You better wake up people
Saying the democrats are nazis really shows you for who you are, a idiot who won't acknowledge what fascism is.
The only meds I take are from sequalae

If you had to pay for that drug yourself you'd be happy to find that you pay more than you would in any other modern industrial country.

The others negotiate drug prices.

Why do you think that is, genius?

Could it be because we live in THE most litigious society in the history of Man?

Could it be that American Drug Companies routinely have to set aside MORE money for Lawsuits than they do for R&D?

Do you not watch TV? Do you not listen to the Radio? Have you ever looked at the back cover of a phone book?
Every minute of every day i have to listen to some SCUMBAG fucking Ambulance Chaser say, "Hai! This is Bob Cheatum of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe. If you took ABC pill and your dick fell off, call us at 1-800-EAT-SHIT. No fee until recovery."

You know why places like Mexico (who simply STEAL our drug formulas and reproduce them) can sell their drugs so much cheaper?

For one thing, they don't have BILLIONS tied up in R&D. For another, try suing a Mexican Drug Company.

Call us from that Mexican Jail to say 'hi'

You really are stupid.

You really are.

dimocraps are some stupid bitches. Every last one of them
The only meds I take are from sequalae

If you had to pay for that drug yourself you'd be happy to find that you pay more than you would in any other modern industrial country.

The others negotiate drug prices.

Why do you think that is, genius?

Could it be because we live in THE most litigious society in the history of Man?

Could it be that American Drug Companies routinely have to set aside MORE money for Lawsuits than they do for R&D?

Do you not watch TV? Do you not listen to the Radio? Have you ever looked at the back cover of a phone book?
Every minute of every day i have to listen to some SCUMBAG fucking Ambulance Chaser say, "Hai! This is Bob Cheatum of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe. If you took ABC pill and your dick fell off, call us at 1-800-EAT-SHIT. No fee until recovery."

You know why places like Mexico (who simply STEAL our drug formulas and reproduce them) can sell their drugs so much cheaper?

For one thing, they don't have BILLIONS tied up in R&D. For another, try suing a Mexican Drug Company.

Call us from that Mexican Jail to say 'hi'

You really are stupid.

You really are.

dimocraps are some stupid bitches. Every last one of them

You have no facts and no ability to reason. Plus you can't debate without hurling insults.

Thankfully there is the ignore function.
The only meds I take are from sequalae

If you had to pay for that drug yourself you'd be happy to find that you pay more than you would in any other modern industrial country.

The others negotiate drug prices.

Why do you think that is, genius?

Could it be because we live in THE most litigious society in the history of Man?

Could it be that American Drug Companies routinely have to set aside MORE money for Lawsuits than they do for R&D?

Do you not watch TV? Do you not listen to the Radio? Have you ever looked at the back cover of a phone book?
Every minute of every day i have to listen to some SCUMBAG fucking Ambulance Chaser say, "Hai! This is Bob Cheatum of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe. If you took ABC pill and your dick fell off, call us at 1-800-EAT-SHIT. No fee until recovery."

You know why places like Mexico (who simply STEAL our drug formulas and reproduce them) can sell their drugs so much cheaper?

For one thing, they don't have BILLIONS tied up in R&D. For another, try suing a Mexican Drug Company.

Call us from that Mexican Jail to say 'hi'

You really are stupid.

You really are.

dimocraps are some stupid bitches. Every last one of them

You have no facts and no ability to reason. Plus you can't debate without hurling insults.

Thankfully there is the ignore function.
You're good to ignore him, He thinks "dimocraps" are the cause of all of his problems.
So what you are saying is that you are a mass murderer. I'm sure your mother is proud.

communists are an infestation, a plague unto Man, a disease, a contagious, insidious virus

Doctors aren't murderers -- Unless you're a virus or bacterial infection.

I am the Doctor. You are the disease
So what you are saying is that you are a mass murderer. I'm sure your mother is proud.

communists are an infestation, a plague unto Man, a disease, a contagious, insidious virus

Doctors aren't murderers -- Unless you're a virus or bacterial infection.

I am the Doctor. You are the disease

Doctors cure/treat disease. You are not a doctor. You are an executioner.

Honk if you love Obama!

Where the hell are DeShawn and Tyrone? They're going to be late for the food stamp protest.
Five (5) Troll Posts in a row?

scumbag bitch.

But I expected no less from the scum of the earth. Said that in the OP
Five (5) Troll Posts in a row?

scumbag bitch.

But I expected no less from the scum of the earth. Said that in the OP
It's just too easy debunking your bullshit. I figure I should have some fun at your expense while I do it.
Yes, boys and girls. Nazis don't have very warm feelings about a Black in the White House. No siree. And they sure don't like multiculturalism. What other people do we hear around here constantly whining about multiculturalism? Who else do we hear whining about blacks and Mexicans and gays?


No wonder they work so hard at trying to "prove" Nazis are left wing! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

But that old Truth hammer has a bad habit of smashing them right in the old kisser.
It's funny. It would be easy to prove Obama is more like the old commies. One has to wonder at the psychology which fights the ridiculous battle of "proving" he's a Nazi.

It's classic psychological projection. Deep, deep down inside: "If Obama has Nazi tendencies, that means we don't."

That's what is going on here.
Why don't you read the article you stupid bitch.

You don't have to agree with it but it might help you learn something......


Then you couldn't be a dimocrap scumbag, could you?

While you're at it, try reading this Hal Draper The Two Souls of Socialism 1966

Then maybe we could have an intelligent conversation once in a while.

All you and your idiot butthole buddies got is bumper sticker slogans.

You are incapable of cogent, intelligent thought
Why don't you read the article you stupid bitch.

You don't have to agree with it but it might help you learn something......


Then you couldn't be a dimocrap scumbag, could you?

While you're at it, try reading this Hal Draper The Two Souls of Socialism 1966

Then maybe we could have an intelligent conversation once in a while.

All you and your idiot butthole buddies got is bumper sticker slogans.

You are incapable of cogent, intelligent thought
I moved in Nazi circles for some time. You can't teach me anything.

Nazis are right wing, and only a retard would believe otherwise. In their worship of the State, they have some overlap, but only a retard would let that confuse them.

Sorry about that, retard.

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