"eyes only"

Rush just picked that FAKE NEWS article apart piece by piece! :p The dems just can't let their hoax go.
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Obama - punish Russia

Trump - lick Russia's nut sack

And the two threatening to shoot each other's planes down? Why that's just playful banter between two buddies. But, how about that "flexibility" between Puty and Bammy! Cost us our uranium mines. What say you about the truth? Like Obama licking Jewish nut sack to try to sway their election. Or that embarrassing Bamo spying on Germany thingy...
Stop playing the lib blame game. Have an original thought for a change. The Trump/Putin connection was a bust. No smoke, no fire. Move on.

if you fucking idiots dont drop the damn uranium bullshit and get a grip, the men in the little white coats will come for you in the middle of the night when youre sleeping .

Irritant? Own it.

Idiot ! own it.

Nothing to own. I didn't sell out to Putin. That was your guys, Obama and Hitlery. You have to own it and it sucks to be you.

OOPsie! Damn hot mics!
What shady deal were they cooking up there in Russia that could have cost Obama an election if it came out? And does it glow? :)

He said it during the campaign when he didn't have access to the classified data, show where he's said it since.


Trump started getting classified briefings since his nomination. After the election he started receiving presidential daily briefs, but Trump refused most of them. Famously saying they just keep repeating the same things over and over again. Which in this case included the rusian interference in the election and Putins directly ordering it.

Didn't the article say the info in the OP wasn't presented as part of the daily briefing? If that's the case, you don't know for sure that Trump ever saw it.

Didn't the article say the info in the OP wasn't presented as part of the daily briefing? If that's the case, you don't know for sure that Trump ever saw it.


Trump never saw the direct Putin quote, which was "eye only" But Trump received, well most were refused, they tried to give Trump briefings on russian interference in the election. And Trump called those intelligence briefings "fake news"
When Trump said there was no proof of russian interference, it was because he wasn't privy to the "EYE ONLY" proof. but was given all the other evidence from the CIA, NSA and FBI/

And of course Trump called it "fake news" And he didn't trust the intelligence agencies, that risked their lives to get that information from the very insides of the Kremlin.
Hannity is now picking apart that FAKE NEWS article that attempts to salvage Butthurt Obama's legacy!

710 WOR
Hannity is now picking apart that FAKE NEWS article that attempts to salvage Butthurt Obama's legacy!

710 WOR

You realize the article has to leave out the clssified "eyes only" proofs. So many statements won't explain where they came from, including 3rd countries who also have moles in the kremlin.
Hillary lost because her and the Democrats rigged the primary election and then completely ignored the middle of the country when she campaigned at all. Hillary was arrogant she thought she didn't need "the peasants" because she had the "blue wall" and her "smart" people..

Breaking: Vladimir Putin directly ordered russia to hurt Hillary, and to help elect Trump.

And that's what is killing the Orange buffoon. Even with help from Russia, he lost the popular voice.
CIA report too sensitive for daily briefing report ...

The CIA is the worst enemy of the American people on the planet. Until we as a people figure that out, we will be subjected to endless "terror" frauds and watch our kids sold out to fight and die in the Middle East for the cause of Greater Israel.
Didn't the article say the info in the OP wasn't presented as part of the daily briefing? If that's the case, you don't know for sure that Trump ever saw it.


Trump never saw the direct Putin quote, which was "eye only" But Trump received, well most were refused, they tried to give Trump briefings on russian interference in the election. And Trump called those intelligence briefings "fake news"

He called the reports of collusion fake news, and so far has been proven correct. Even the 3 agencies that prepared the report didn't have the same level of confidence in the intel on the influence.

Everyone claiming "collusion" was

1. endorsing Hillary before the election
2. was part of the CIA/Mossad 911 hoax
CIA report too sensitive for daily briefing report ...

Very interesting read.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
How interesting that the "crime of the century" was the hacking of the DNC, possibly from the Russians. The talk about the calamity and horror of it all, but not what that hacking revealed. Just that those damn Russians hacked opur privaste emails although a middle school student could have probably done the same since they were not on a secure server.

Not a word of the validity of the treasure trove of emails and the inner workings of the DNC and how they worked to deny Bernie Sanders the candidancy for president. Or how Hillary was a lousy candidate, Donna Brazile gave Hillary questions before the actual debate with CNN and more trouble meant the ouster of Debbie Wasserman Schultz was necessary. The Democrats don't find that at all horrific, only that the public found out through, possibly, the Russians.

I think a hearty "Thank You" is in order to the Russians. Just as Putin said, and I believe him, that the US is intervening in elections all around the globe. So what's new?

Because they didn't. Post one email where they denied him the candidacy. As I recall - it was a vague discussion on ONE email right? Hardly a "treasure trove". And if you don't think the Republicans didn't discuss some way of getting any one other than Trump nominated you're deluding yourself.

To compare this to what the Russians have attempted to do is a total false equivalency. I'm amazed people aren't taking it more seriously. It's not about political parties. It's not about Trump. It's not about Clinton (wait...maybe that's the problem). It's about attacking one of the fundamental institutions of our Democracy.
CIA report too sensitive for daily briefing report ...

Very interesting read.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
How interesting that the "crime of the century" was the hacking of the DNC, possibly from the Russians. The talk about the calamity and horror of it all, but not what that hacking revealed. Just that those damn Russians hacked opur privaste emails although a middle school student could have probably done the same since they were not on a secure server.

Not a word of the validity of the treasure trove of emails and the inner workings of the DNC and how they worked to deny Bernie Sanders the candidancy for president. Or how Hillary was a lousy candidate, Donna Brazile gave Hillary questions before the actual debate with CNN and more trouble meant the ouster of Debbie Wasserman Schultz was necessary. The Democrats don't find that at all horrific, only that the public found out through, possibly, the Russians.

I think a hearty "Thank You" is in order to the Russians. Just as Putin said, and I believe him, that the US is intervening in elections all around the globe. So what's new?

Because they didn't. Post one email where they denied him the candidacy. As I recall - it was a vague discussion on ONE email right? Hardly a "treasure trove". And if you don't think the Republicans didn't discuss some way of getting any one other than Trump nominated you're deluding yourself.

To compare this to what the Russians have attempted to do is a total false equivalency. I'm amazed people aren't taking it more seriously. It's not about political parties. It's not about Trump. It's not about Clinton (wait...maybe that's the problem). It's about attacking one of the fundamental institutions of our Democracy.

It's about RUSSIANS attacking one of the fundamental institutions of our Democracy.

John Podesta's emails are a "fundamental institution of our Democracy???"

Fuck, you left wing sick-o's haven't even proven Russia hacked Podesta.
John Podesta's emails are a "fundamental institution of our Democracy???"

Fuck, you left wing sick-o's haven't even proven Russia hacked Podesta.

fuck podesta, defend Russia

traitor bitch much ?

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