"eyes only"

So, Obama wanted to go public with the news of Russian election interference.

He was blocked by congressional Republicans, who all wanted that news kept secret.

Ho hum. Just another case of Republicans running cover for Russians who were attacking the USA. Republican treason has become so routine, nobody even raises an eyebrow over it.

So how did JFK hide his Russian connection, and has the connection existed since he was presidant? Since we are stepping off into Alex Jonesville.
With the help of the progressive left...

To date, this is the ONLY evidence we have of an American politician colluding with the russkis.

First Obama wasn't acting as an american politician, but as the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES exercising his Constitutional article 2 authority to negotiate with foreign powers.


We have Flynn, a Trump associate, caught by the NSA talking about sanctions with the Russian ambassador.

What did Flynn say about them?

hosting facilities, ISP's, etc have firewalls, and multiple safeguards to block hackers.. its not the responsibility of the White House to block hackers.
CIA report too sensitive for daily briefing report ...

Very interesting read.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
Funniest thing yet from the latest Democratic Party debacle. Obama knew all about it but was afraid to act! :lmao:
See, Siete?

I told you they wouldn't read it.


From the link:

Over that five-month interval, the Obama administration secretly debated dozens of options for deterring or punishing Russia, including cyberattacks on Russian infrastructure, the release of CIA-gathered material that might embarrass Putin and sanctions that officials said could “crater” the Russian economy.

But in the end, in late December, Obama approved a modest package combining measures that had been drawn up to punish Russia for other issues — expulsions of 35 diplomats and the closure of two Russian compounds — with economic sanctions so narrowly targeted that even those who helped design them describe their impact as largely symbolic.

He dithered for 5 months.

Read the WHOLE article.

Don't be a parroting retard claiming Obama did nothing.
What is your favorite part about the fake news?
Mine is the article pointing out Obama could have really taken firm action, but dithered and ultimately slapped them on the wrist with a wet noodle.
And what has Trump done?

Less than nothing. He's actually collaborating, like you and the other useful idiots.
We have Trump calling the reports from the 17 intelligence agencies "fake news" Protecting the russians, including praising Putin who we now know directly ordered his people to help get Trump elected.

Only 3 intel agencies prepared the report, the other 14 sat on their hands. But keep telling that lie, it shows how credible you are.

Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.

But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
Obama also approved a previously undisclosed covert measure that authorized planting cyber weapons in Russia’s infrastructure, the digital equivalent of bombs that could be detonated if the United States found itself in an escalating exchange with Moscow. The project, which Obama approved in a covert-action finding, was still in its planning stages when Obama left office. It would be up to President Trump to decide whether to use the capability.
Seems to be Putins plan to destroy America.
What did Putin do? Oh yeah, exposed the truth about Hillary to the American people.

Putin ordered an attack on Hillary and to help get Trump elected.
Do tell! Please, stop keeping your evidence a secret and tell the world!

That may be part of Putins plan. To get trolls to force the disclosure of evidence, so Putin can figure out who the moles are in the Kremlin.
“The punishment did not fit the crime,” said Michael McFaul, who served as U.S. ambassador to Russia for the Obama administration from 2012 to 2014. “Russia violated our sovereignty, meddling in one of our most sacred acts as a democracy — electing our president. The Kremlin should have paid a much higher price for that attack. And U.S. policymakers now — both in the White House and Congress — should consider new actions to deter future Russian interventions.”

But as we all know, Trump has done fuck-all to punish Russia. Not so much as a fucking tweet.

Because he is a traitor. Putin's cock holster. A morbidly obese lickspittle.
CIA report too sensitive for daily briefing report ...

Very interesting read.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
Funniest thing yet from the latest Democratic Party debacle. Obama knew all about it but was afraid to act! :lmao:
See, Siete?

I told you they wouldn't read it.


From the link:

Over that five-month interval, the Obama administration secretly debated dozens of options for deterring or punishing Russia, including cyberattacks on Russian infrastructure, the release of CIA-gathered material that might embarrass Putin and sanctions that officials said could “crater” the Russian economy.

But in the end, in late December, Obama approved a modest package combining measures that had been drawn up to punish Russia for other issues — expulsions of 35 diplomats and the closure of two Russian compounds — with economic sanctions so narrowly targeted that even those who helped design them describe their impact as largely symbolic.

He dithered for 5 months.

Read the WHOLE article.

Don't be a parroting retard claiming Obama did nothing.

I did dip stick, we just happened to pick the same portion to quote.

In early August, Brennan alerted senior White House officials to the Putin intelligence, making a call to deputy national security adviser Avril Hainesand pulling national security adviser Susan E. Rice aside after a meeting before briefing Obama along with Rice, Haines and McDonough in the Oval Office.

Officials described the president’s reaction as grave. Obama “was deeply concerned and wanted as much information as fast as possible,” a former official said. “He wanted the entire intelligence community all over this.”

But not Trump. The collaborator is trying to stop any investigations into "this Russia thing".
Officials at the State Department and FBI became alarmed by an unusual spike in requests from Russia for temporary visas for officials with technical skills seeking permission to enter the United States for short-term assignments at Russian facilities. At the FBI’s behest, the State Department delayed approving the visas until after the election.
Moscow’s meddling to that point was seen as deeply concerning but unlikely to materially affect the outcome of the election. Far more worrisome to the Obama team was the prospect of a cyber-assault on voting systems before and on Election Day.

They also worried that any action they took would be perceived as political interference in an already volatile campaign. By August, Trump was predicting that the election would be rigged. Obama officials feared providing fuel to such claims, playing into Russia’s efforts to discredit the outcome and potentially contaminating the expected Clinton triumph.

Trump's histrionics were working to Russia's favor.
Obama instructed aides to pursue ways to deter Moscow and proceed along three main paths: Get a high-confidence assessment from U.S. intelligence agencies on Russia’s role and intent; shore up any vulnerabilities in state-run election systems; and seek bipartisan support from congressional leaders for a statement condemning Moscow and urging states to accept federal help.
The FBI had detected suspected Russian attempts to penetrate election systems in 21 states, and at least one senior White House official assumed that Moscow would try all 50, officials said. Some officials believed the attempts were meant to be detected to unnerve the Americans. The patchwork nature of the United States’ 3,000 or so voting jurisdictions would make it hard for Russia to swing the outcome, but Moscow could still sow chaos.
“Our primary interest in August, September and October was to prevent them from doing the max they could do,” said a senior administration official. “We made the judgment that we had ample time after the election, regardless of outcome, for punitive measures.”

What has Trump done to punish Russia?

Nothing. Because he is madly in love with Putin.


Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.

But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

I wonder what the bitch did to piss him off.

Then, on Oct. 31, the administration delivered a final pre-election message via a secure channel to Moscow originally created to avert a nuclear exchange. The message noted that the United States had detected malicious activity, originating from servers in Russia, targeting U.S. election systems and warned that meddling would be regarded as unacceptable interference. Russia confirmed the next day that it had received the message but replied only after the election through the same channel, denying the accusation.

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