"eyes only"

Those 3 were "eyes only" the other 14 weren't privy to.
Only 3 were responsible for the report that was publicly summarized.

As I said, three eyes only.

So where did the 17 come from, your ass?


you need to get out more dumbass ... read the f'n news thats old news.

Yeah, and it was refuted by James Clapper. Only 3 agencies were involved in the report the was publicly summarized, not 17. The others were either observers or consumers of that report.

The cyber bombs are in place, and ready to be triggered by the authority of the president.
Trump has his finger on the "cyber" button, but I doubt he would do anything to hurt his pal Putin.
They were still in the planning stage in late Jan, how do you know they have been completed?

Obama put cyber weapons in Russian infrastructure that Trump can activate: report

Former President Barack Obama authorized the planting of cyber weapons in Russian infrastructure in the final weeks of his presidency in response to Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, The Washington Post reported Friday.

The project, not completed before the end of Obama’s term, reportedly left the weapons in President Trump’s control after he took office.

Their existance has been disclosed, meaning they're in place. If they weren't, it would give Putin the ablity to put firewalls in place. Unlke Trump the US military doesn't BLUFF.
the reason 99% of you RW dolts are so clueless about current events is because Fox doesnt tell you half of the stories that are going on in the real world. They keep you totally uninformed on purpose for two reasons.

youre idiots, and they can ...
The cyber bombs are in place, and ready to be triggered by the authority of the president.
Trump has his finger on the "cyber" button, but I doubt he would do anything to hurt his pal Putin.
They were still in the planning stage in late Jan, how do you know they have been completed?

Obama put cyber weapons in Russian infrastructure that Trump can activate: report

Former President Barack Obama authorized the planting of cyber weapons in Russian infrastructure in the final weeks of his presidency in response to Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, The Washington Post reported Friday.

The project, not completed before the end of Obama’s term, reportedly left the weapons in President Trump’s control after he took office.

Their existance has been disclosed, meaning they're in place. If they weren't, it would give Putin the ablity to put firewalls in place. Unlke Trump the US military doesn't BLUFF.

You're simply making assumptions you can't back up.

It time to change it from a "russian" attack on the election, and call it as it is. A attack by Vladimir Putin and the Russian "government" on the election.

Calling it russian identifies where they came from, but the truth is WHO the attacks came from.
Only 3 agencies were involved in the report the was publicly summarized, not 17. The others were either observers or consumers of that report.


And all 17 agreed with the conclusion.

Clapper said they didn't dissent, since they weren't involved in the preparation why would they. You're taking silence as agreement when in fact they expressed no opinion at all.

Their existance has been disclosed, meaning they're in place. If they weren't, it would give Putin the ablity to put firewalls in place. Unlke Trump the US military doesn't BLUFF.
You're simply making assumptions you can't back up.

The military doesn't announce things they're "working on" especially if they're in any way classified. If you find out about something, it means they're been in place for some time. Example, take the stealth fighter. It was flying for two years, before the pentagon admitted it.
Clapper said they didn't dissent, since they weren't involved in the preparation why would they. You're taking silence as agreement when in fact they expressed no opinion at all.

Please apply that to what the district court of appeals does to opinions written by district court judges. They weren't involved in the preperation, so why would they disagree?

Their existance has been disclosed, meaning they're in place. If they weren't, it would give Putin the ablity to put firewalls in place. Unlke Trump the US military doesn't BLUFF.
You're simply making assumptions you can't back up.

The military doesn't announce things they're "working on" especially if they're in any way classified. If you find out about something, it means they're been in place for some time. Example, take the stealth fighter. It was flying for two years, before the pentagon admitted it.

try and let tex down easy when you inform him he's not on the need to know list ... he's really a fragile little snowflake.
CIA report too sensitive for daily briefing report ...

Very interesting read.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
Still no evidence, turd. All you have is a bunch of Obama hacks talking about the so-called "Russian hack." There aren't any specifics from the report. There isn't even evidence that this so-called report even exists.

They have Putin's words ordering an attack on Hillary and a propping up of Trump.

Putins own words.

Please quote them.
Their existance has been disclosed, meaning they're in place. If they weren't, it would give Putin the ablity to put firewalls in place. Unlke Trump the US military doesn't BLUFF.
You're simply making assumptions you can't back up.

The military doesn't announce things they're "working on" especially if they're in any way classified. If you find out about something, it means they're been in place for some time. Example, take the stealth fighter. It was flying for two years, before the pentagon admitted it.

try and let tex down easy when you inform him he's not on the need to know list ... he's really a fragile little snowflake.

In other words, you can't produce any evidence.

Who do you think you're fooling?

This "all the evidence is secret" is only fooling dumbasses like you.
Clapper said they didn't dissent, since they weren't involved in the preparation why would they. You're taking silence as agreement when in fact they expressed no opinion at all.

Please apply that to what the district court of appeals does to opinions written by district court judges. They weren't involved in the preperation, so why would they disagree?


Intelligence agencies don't operate by the same rules as the judicial system, numskull.
With the help of the progressive left...

To date, this is the ONLY evidence we have of an American politician colluding with the russkis.

First Obama wasn't acting as an american politician, but as the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES exercising his Constitutional article 2 authority to negotiate with foreign powers.


We have Flynn, a Trump associate, caught by the NSA talking about sanctions with the Russian ambassador.

Then he has even fewer excuses for colluding with the Russians.
Clapper said they didn't dissent, since they weren't involved in the preparation why would they. You're taking silence as agreement when in fact they expressed no opinion at all.

Please apply that to what the district court of appeals does to opinions written by district court judges. They weren't involved in the preperation, so why would they disagree?


So you get disagree from "expressed no opinion at all." And you have the nerve to call me a fool. LMAO

CIA report too sensitive for daily briefing report ...

Very interesting read.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
Still no evidence, turd. All you have is a bunch of Obama hacks talking about the so-called "Russian hack." There aren't any specifics from the report. There isn't even evidence that this so-called report even exists.

They have Putin's words ordering an attack on Hillary and a propping up of Trump.

Putins own words.

Where? Produce some actual tangible evidence, not just some Obama hack claiming it happened.
try and let tex down easy when you inform him he's not on the need to know list ... he's really a fragile little snowflake.

If you know anything about black programs, it becomes obvious that by the time anybody outside of the circle hears about it, it's already been put in place.

To announce we're working on it, means the bad guys get not only a heads up, but can put folks in place to sabotage the effort.

There are hundreds of examples from history. from D-Day to the A-bomb, to spyplanes, spy satellites to stealth. We never announced Chuck Yeager was working on breaking the sound barrier, but only announced it months later.
We have Trump calling the reports from the 17 intelligence agencies "fake news" Protecting the russians, including praising Putin who we now know directly ordered his people to help get Trump elected.
We don't have reports from 17 intelligence agencies. We have a report by Jim Clapper, and that's it. Clapper is an Obama hack and a know liar.

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