"eyes only"

try and let tex down easy when you inform him he's not on the need to know list ... he's really a fragile little snowflake.

If you know anything about black programs, it becomes obvious that by the time anybody outside of the circle hears about it, it's already been put in place.

To announce we're working on it, means the bad guys get not only a heads up, but can put folks in place to sabotage the effort.

There are hundreds of examples from history. from D-Day to the A-bomb, to spyplanes, spy satellites to stealth. We never announced Chuck Yeager was working on breaking the sound barrier, but only announced it months later.

We aren't discussing any "black program," moron.
So you get disagree from "expressed no opinion at all." And you have the nerve to call me a fool. LMAO

I saw a former intelligence chief say that one by one, the other 13 intelligence sgencies came into full agreement.
John Podesta's emails are a "fundamental institution of our Democracy???"

Fuck, you left wing sick-o's haven't even proven Russia hacked Podesta.

fuck podesta, defend Russia

traitor bitch much ?
Nations hacking the servers of other nations...done all the time. We do it all the time, too. It's Officials have to make sure that all information that is for "eyes only" should be held on secure severs...not the Secretary of State's blackberry.
The codes to the nuclear arsenal weren't compromised. Just the inner dealings of the DNC. They probably got some from the GOP as well. But theirs weren't so damning.

So, the emphasis is that emails were hacked. The problem is that they have to be more secure, so when any nation tries it again, they get nada.
The state databases which were hacked are under state control, not federal control.

The Russians began methodically attacking the states. The federal government offered to help stop the attacks, and several of them refused the federal government's help.

The governors of Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire refused federal help to combat Russia's attacks.
Obama himself said it's impossible to hack the election.
Nations hacking the servers of other nations...done all the time. We do it all the time, too. .

We also have spies and moles in foreign countries. That doesn't make it legal. In fact, when they get caught, they're often sentenced to death for espionage.
With the help of the progressive left...

To date, this is the ONLY evidence we have of an American politician colluding with the russkis.

First Obama wasn't acting as an american politician, but as the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES exercising his Constitutional article 2 authority to negotiate with foreign powers.


We have Flynn, a Trump associate, caught by the NSA talking about sanctions with the Russian ambassador.

Whhhhiiiiiiiiich is an American Politician you fool. And he was telling the pootin representative that he obummer, would be able to kow tow to the ruuski's easier now that he was reelected. So, the only PROVABLE pootin putz in the White House was your hero obummer.

Thanks for playin'!
Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.

But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

Once again, the evidence is super double top secret and no one can see it.

Nations hacking the servers of other nations...done all the time. We do it all the time, too. .

We also have spies and moles in foreign countries. That doesn't make it legal. In fact, when they get caught, they're often sentenced to death for espionage.
So why is the left so shocked over the hacking? They aren't even sure it is the Russians. Could be China!
In early August, Brennan alerted senior White House officials to the Putin intelligence, making a call to deputy national security adviser Avril Hainesand pulling national security adviser Susan E. Rice aside after a meeting before briefing Obama along with Rice, Haines and McDonough in the Oval Office.

Officials described the president’s reaction as grave. Obama “was deeply concerned and wanted as much information as fast as possible,” a former official said. “He wanted the entire intelligence community all over this.”

But not Trump. The collaborator is trying to stop any investigations into "this Russia thing".
He is? What has he done to stop any of them?
With the help of the progressive left...

To date, this is the ONLY evidence we have of an American politician colluding with the russkis.

First Obama wasn't acting as an american politician, but as the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES exercising his Constitutional article 2 authority to negotiate with foreign powers.


We have Flynn, a Trump associate, caught by the NSA talking about sanctions with the Russian ambassador.

Whhhhiiiiiiiiich is an American Politician you fool. And he was telling the pootin representative that he obummer, would be able to kow tow to the ruuski's easier now that he was reelected. So, the only PROVABLE pootin putz in the White House was your hero obummer.

Thanks for playin'!

And they didn't need any hacking for that little (or BIG) gem....Nice going, Obama...where was the outrage then?
Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.

But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

Once again, the evidence is super double top secret and no one can see it.

No... I think it was SUPER DUPER DOUBLE SECRET. For Blackberries only. :)
Whhhhiiiiiiiiich is an American Politician you fool. And he was telling the pootin representative that he obummer, would be able to kow tow to the ruuski's easier now that he was reelected.

It was the President of the United States under Article 2 of the US Constitution performing the duties of his office, in intercourse with foreign states. That what the president does.

And just like a CEO saying he could do a deal after the board approves keeping him in place.
Then, on Oct. 31, the administration delivered a final pre-election message via a secure channel to Moscow originally created to avert a nuclear exchange. The message noted that the United States had detected malicious activity, originating from servers in Russia, targeting U.S. election systems and warned that meddling would be regarded as unacceptable interference. Russia confirmed the next day that it had received the message but replied only after the election through the same channel, denying the accusation.
Once again, no evidence. Everything is super duper double top secret, just like McCarthy's list of 257 names of communist spies in the State Dept.
Their existance has been disclosed, meaning they're in place. If they weren't, it would give Putin the ablity to put firewalls in place. Unlke Trump the US military doesn't BLUFF.
You're simply making assumptions you can't back up.

The military doesn't announce things they're "working on" especially if they're in any way classified. If you find out about something, it means they're been in place for some time. Example, take the stealth fighter. It was flying for two years, before the pentagon admitted it.

And Trump doesn't telegraph capabilities or plans, but you're still making assumptions the these so called cyber bombs planning, development and implementation could be completed in 5 months.

Whhhhiiiiiiiiich is an American Politician you fool. And he was telling the pootin representative that he obummer, would be able to kow tow to the ruuski's easier now that he was reelected.

It was the President of the United States under Article 2 of the US Constitution performing the duties of his office, in intercourse with foreign states. That what the president does.

And just like a CEO saying he could do a deal after the board approves keeping him in place.
Oh my God! I've heard of reaching before, but that arm is really getting looonnnggg now!
The cyber bombs are in place, and ready to be triggered by the authority of the president.
Trump has his finger on the "cyber" button, but I doubt he would do anything to hurt his pal Putin.
They were still in the planning stage in late Jan, how do you know they have been completed?

Obama put cyber weapons in Russian infrastructure that Trump can activate: report

Former President Barack Obama authorized the planting of cyber weapons in Russian infrastructure in the final weeks of his presidency in response to Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, The Washington Post reported Friday.

The project, not completed before the end of Obama’s term, reportedly left the weapons in President Trump’s control after he took office.

Their existance has been disclosed, meaning they're in place. If they weren't, it would give Putin the ablity to put firewalls in place. Unlke Trump the US military doesn't BLUFF.

The military bluffs all the time, moron.
Their existance has been disclosed, meaning they're in place. If they weren't, it would give Putin the ablity to put firewalls in place. Unlke Trump the US military doesn't BLUFF.
You're simply making assumptions you can't back up.

The military doesn't announce things they're "working on" especially if they're in any way classified. If you find out about something, it means they're been in place for some time. Example, take the stealth fighter. It was flying for two years, before the pentagon admitted it.

What does the military have to do with evidence of the so-called "Russia hack?"
And Trump doesn't telegraph capabilities or plans, but you're still making assumptions the these so called cyber bombs planning, development and implementation could be completed in 5 months.


Actually they were implemented within weeks. They were in the pipeline for years, but needed the presidential go ahead to release them. The military has a whole cyber division working on such weapons for the last decade.

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