Facebook boasts of 50% hate speech censorship...Silicon Valley companies used to boast of their openness, today they boast of their censorship.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy" - Mark Zuckerberg

wait, no it was actually JAMES FUCKING MADISON who said that!
It's their platform with their set of ULAs so they can do as they please.

The real issue is they only ban some hate speech. They let a lot of hate speech just run wild because it supports their agenda and supports their hatred. Basically they support racism and hate against the types of people they are agree with.
It's their platform with their set of ULAs so they can do as they please.

The real issue is they only ban some hate speech. They let a lot of hate speech just run wild because it supports their agenda and supports their hatred. Basically they support racism and hate against the types of people they are agree with.
I guess hate speech depends on opinion which is why it is unconstitutional--on a government level.
Anyone want to offer an opinion as to why Facebook would be better off with more hate speech?
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there should be limits on free speech, for example, when discussing The Republic, you shouldn't be able to agree with the notion that women are inferior to men
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"no ideas should be off-limits. Actions, yes. words, no" - Donald Trump, when discussing Charlottesville
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"no ideas should be off-limits. Actions, yes. words, no" - Donald Trump, when discussing Charlottesville
Freedom of speech means some people are going to say things that make you mad, but because you're an adult and appreciate freedom, you ignore them instead of trying to destroy their lives. The world we live in today is increasingly being run by those who are less than adult, from rioting students at liberal colleges to social media platforms trying to shape public opinion.
the issue of breaking up Big Tech unites Hawley and Liz Warren, it unites Democracy Now and FOX News

Big Tech's unfettered power raises real questions about whether you can have a democracy. this is not the capitalism i signed up for

even Milo, who claims to champion free speech, wrote a 2012 piece called "The Internet Is Turning Us All Into Sociopaths"

in it, he wrote: "social media is encouraging people to write unspeakable things to other human beings that nobody would dare say in person...it's like a video game and not real life...we ban drunks from driving because it's unsafe for others...isn't it time to do the same for trolls?"
it's one thing to use the platform you have to raise the fucking alarm about the socalist "terrorist" attack on our country by the Biden Administration, which i'm for, it's another to use hate speech to attack people on the basis of their skin color, which i'm against
Silicon Valley? are you kidding me? people sitting in little rooms, deciding what info we can see? that's not free speech, that's fucking mind control!
i care about free speech, (including for Assange, Milo, and Chelsea Manning), than any other issue
"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy" - Mark Zuckerberg

wait, no it was actually JAMES FUCKING MADISON who said that!
if no one put the trolls in their place, they would run the internet, and by extension...the world!
"if you study humanity, none of this is surprising. all signs point to further polarization with the hard left and hard right. i've been anticipating blood on the streets, not wanting it, but ready for it" - a giddy Mike Cernovich after Charlotesville...he later blamed CNN for the violence

talk about hate speech!
"one of the most painful lessons i've learned is that when you connect 7 billion people, you will see all the beauty and ugliness of humanity" - Zuckerberg

"you don't want to be so in love with oversight that you become the Stasi, and you don't want to be terrifed of oversight that you become a breeding ground for Nazis. it sounds so simple, but it's unbelievably hard to get right" - Zuckerberg
Facebook have 1st Amendment rights themselves, my friends, including the right to ban anyone they want for any reason they want
according to Buzzfeed, Milo Y was revealed to be using Nazi language with his passwords. Milo claimed he was trolling, a strange claim, given that passwords are supposed to be secret

trolls like Milo use language that is designed to shock. it can be deeply offensive, as do their actions. if words were neutral, trolls wouldn't use them like this. they consider words as a weapon, and a gateway to much greater harm

the internet started as a bastion for free expression. but that balancing act is getting harder. the trolls are winning

some folks see trolling as a political objective. others do it for entertainment. having morals in general is seen as being "soft"..."humiliating people is fun but hurting them is hilarious", says troll meepsheep

Trump has been labelled a troll by everyone from the Washington Post to Dave Chappelle. after he fired off some sexist tweets, the New Yorker's John Cassidy took it one step further, calling him "the troll-in-chief"!

one Australian troll admitted to targeting folks with autism or mental illness. "some people should kill themselves because they're generally pieces of shit", he bellowed

after a young girl was killed after getting hit by a train, he tried to upset her loved ones by calling her "a train hugger"

when asked why, he said: "because it's funny, it provides entertainment. i have emotions but nothing to do with regretting stuff and that field of emotions including sadness...i don't think it's morally ok. morals don't come into it. i know everything i do is wrong"

he should be locked up for saying all that!

researchers have found that trolling correlates strongly with 3 of the 4 "dark" personality traits: psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and sadism. Sadism has the strongest link. interestingly, narcissism was not correlated with trolling enjoyment

these folks didn't come from nowhere, and i would challenge the idea that they fell from the sky as trolls
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when i first came to america, i didn't have to think twice before saying what i think. now i do. that's fucking sad!

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